Oera Linda Boek Tekst (DRW)




1. Adela.

Okke min svn. Thissa boka mot i mith lif and sele waria. Se vmbifattath thiv skednise fon vs ele folk ak fon vsa ethlvm. Vrleden ier hab ik tham vt ‘er flod hred tolik mith thi and thinra moder. Tha hia weron wet wrden; ther thrvch gvngon hia afternei vrdarva. Vmbe hia navt to vrlisa hab ik ‘ra vp wrlandisk pampier wrskreven. Sahwersa thv se erve, mot hv se ak wrskriva. Thin barn alsa til thiv hia nimmerthe wei navt ne kvma. Skreven to Livwert. Nei Atland svnken is that thria thvsond fivwer hvndred and nivgon and fivwertigoste ier, that is nei kersten reknong that tvelfhvndred sex and fiftigoste ier. Hidde to binomath oera Linda.—Wak. Liawa ervnoma. Vmb vsa liawa ethlas wille and vmb vsa liawa fridoms wille, thvsand wara sa bidd ‘ik to io. Och liawa ne let tha agon enis papekappe tach nimmerthe over thissa skrifta ne weia. Hia sprekath sweta wirda: men hia tornath vnmarksem an alles hwat fon vs Frias trefth. Vmbe rika prebende to winnande sa helath hia mith tha poppa keninggar. Thissa wetath that wi hiara grateste fianda send. thrvchdam wi hiara livda to spreke thvra vr friidom, rivcht and forstne plicht. Thervmbe letath hia alles vrdiligia, hwat fon vsa ethlvm kvmt and hwat ther ieta rest fon vsa alda sedvm. Och liawa ik hav bi tham et hove west. Wil Wralda ‘t thielda and willath wi vs navt sterik ne makia hia skilvn vs algadvr vrdiligia. Skreven to Livdwerd. Acht hondred and thriv ier nei kersten bigrip. Liko tonomath ovira Linda.  [4]


Thet bok thera Adela folstar.

Thrittich ier aftere dei that thiv folksmoder wmbrocht was thrvch thene vreste Magi stand et er arg vm to. Alle stata ther ‘er lidsa anda ore side there Wrsara, weron fon vs ofkerth and vnder ‘et weld thes Magi kemen, and ‘et stand to fresane, that er weldig skolde wertha vr ‘et elle land. Vmbe that vnlvk to werane hede man ene mena acht bilidsen, hwer gadvrath weron allera mannelik, ther ann ‘en gode hrop stande bi tha famna. Tha nei that ‘er mar vrlapen weron as thriv etmelda, was al gored anda tis and al ‘en sa bi hiara kvmste. Tha to tha lesta frege Adela that wird, ande keth. I alle wet ‘et that ik thriv ier bvrchfam wesen si. Ak wet i that ik keren si to moder, and ak, that ik nen moder nesa navt nilde, thrvchdam ik Apol to min enga ierde. Thach hwat i navt nete, that is, that ik alle bertnisa neigvngen haw, evin as ik en wrentlike folksmoder wesen were. Ik hav al ‘an fon and witherfaren to siande hwat ‘er berde. Ther thrvch send mi felo seka bar wrden, ther ora navt nete. I haweth iester seith, that vsa sibba an tha ora sid there Wrsara nivt and laf were. Tha ik mei sedsa to iv, that ‘er Magi se nen ine ga of wnnen heth thrvch that weld sinra wepne, men blat thrvch argelestige renka, and ieta mar thrvch that girich sa thera hirtogvm and thera ethelinga. Fria heth seit wi ne skoldon nen vnfria livd bi vs toleta, tha hwat havon hia den? hia havon vsa fiand nei folged: hwand an sted fon hiara fensenvm to deiande, ieftha fri to letane, havon hia Frias red minacht and se to hiara slafonvm maked. Thrvchdam hia sok dedon, macht Fria navt longer waka ovir hiam: hia havon ines otheris fridom binimen, and that is erseke, that hia hiara ain vrleren  [6] hawe. Thach that ella is io selva aken. Men ik wil sedsa to io, ho hia nei gradvm sa leg vrsilth send. Thera finnvm hiara wiva kreion barn. Thissa waxton vppa mith vsa fria barn. Altomet tvildon and ioldon hia to samne vppa hem, ieftha hia weron mith ekkorvm bi there herd. Ther herdon hia mith lvstvm nei tha vrdwalska finna sagvm, thrvchdam hia thivd and nei weron. Sa send hia vntfriast vnthonkes thene wald hiarar aldrvm. As tha barn grat wrdon and sagon that tha finnara barn nen wepne hantera machte, and blat warka moste, tha kreion hia anneth warka en grins and wrdon harde hachfarande. Tha basa and hiara storsta svnvm krvpton bi tha lodderiga finna mangertvm; and hiara aine toghatera thrvch that vvle farbild fon ‘a wei brocht, leton hiara selva bigorda thrvch tha skenesta finna knapa, hiara vvle aldrvm to spot. Tha thene Magi that anda nos krig, tha nam ‘er tha skenesta sinar Finna and Magiara vrlovende ra ki mith golden horna, sa hia ra thrvch vs folk fata dedon, afterdam sina ler vtbreda. Men sin livda dedon mar: bern wrdon to sok makad, nei vpsalandvm weibrocht, and sahwersa hia vpbrocht weron an sina vvla ler, than wrdon hia to bek sendon. Tha tha skinslavona vsa tal machtich weron, tha klivadon hia tha hertoga and ethelinga an bord, and kethon, hia moston thene Magi heroch wertha, sa kvndon hiara svnvm vpfolgia tham, oni thrvch ‘et folk keron to wrdane. Thera ther vmbe goda dedvm en fardel to ‘ra hvs krien hede ‘vrlovadon hia fon sinant wegvm ieta ‘n after ‘del bii; hoka tham en far and after ‘del krien hede seidon hia en rond ‘del to, and tham en rond ‘del hede en elle stat. Weron tha ethla to harde frias, tha wendon hia tha stewen and hildon vppar vrbastera svnvm an. Iesterdei weron ‘er mong6 io tham allet folk to hapa hropa wilde  [8] vmb tha astlike stata wither to hiara pliga to tvangande. Thach nei min infalda mining skolde that falikant vtkvmma. Thank ines ther was wesen en harde lvngsiakte among ‘eth fia, and that ‘er ther ieta arg vvde, skolde i ‘eth than wel wagia vmbe ivw helena fia to farande among hiara siaka fia ammer na. Sahwersa allra mannelik nw biama and biiechta mot, that ‘eth ther mitha stapel arg of kvma skolde, hwa skolde than alsa drist wesa vmbe sina barn to wagande among en folk that elle and al vrderen is. Macht ik io red ieva, ik skolde sedsa to io, i moste bifara alle dingvm io en neie folksmoder kiasa. Ik wet wel that i thermitha anda brvd sitte, vt hawede that ‘er fon tha thredtine bvrchfamna than wi ieta ower have wel achte send ther nei there era dinge, men that skold ik navt ne melda. Tvntia ther fam is et ‘er bvrch Medeasblik het er nammer nei talth; tach is hia fol witskip and klarsian, and wel sa harde vppir folk and vsa pliga stalth as all othera etsamne. Forth skold ‘ik reda i moste nei tha bvrgvm ga, and ther vpskriwa alle ewa frias tex, biivnka alle skidnisa, ia ella that er to finda si vppa wagvm, til thiv ella navt vrleren ni ga, and mitha bvrgvm alsa vrden navt ne werth. Ther stat askriwen: thiv moder and iahwelik bvrchfam skil hava bvta helpar and senda bodon, in and twintich famna and sivgon lerfamkis. Macht ik ther hwat to dvande, tha skol ‘ik skriwa, and alsa felo ersema toghatera vmbe to lerane, sa ther vppa bvrgvm wesa mvge; hwand ik seg an trowe and tid skil ‘eth iechta, sahwersa i afta Frias barn wille nammer to winnande, hor thrvch lesta ner thvch wepne, sa hagath i to nvdande that ivwe toghatera afta fria wiva wrde. Barn mot man lere, ho grat vs land er wesen si, hokke grate manniska vsa ethla weron, ho grat wi ieta send, sa wi vs dal ledsath bii ora man  [10] mot talahiam fon tha wicharda and fon hiara wichandlika dedvm, ak wra fara setochta. Al thissa tallinga hagath den to werthande bii there herd, vppa hem and hwer et wesa mei, sa bii bliskip as bii tarvm. Men skil ‘et standfast kvma an dat brin and an dat hirta, than moton alle leringa overa wera ivwera wiva and toghatera ther ‘in strama. Adelas red is vpfolgath.


Thit send tha nama thera grevetmanna, vnder hwammis wald thit bok awrochten is.


1. Apol, Adelas man, Thria is ‘er sekening wesen, nw is ‘er grevetman over Astfliland and ovira Linda wrda. Tha bvrga Livdgarda, Lindahem, and Stavia send vnder sin hod.


2. Ther Saxman Storo, Sitias man, grevetman ovira haga fenna and walda. Nivgvn wara is ‘er to hertoga, that is to hirman, keren. Tha bvrga Bvda and Mannagardaforda send vnder sin hod.


3. Abelo, Ialtias man, grevetman ovir tha Svdar Flilanda. Fivwers is ‘er hirman wesen. Tha bvrga Aken, Livdbvrch and Katsbvrch send vnder sin hod.


4. Enoch Diwek his man, grevetman ovir Westfliland and Texland. Nivgvn mel is ‘er to sekening keren. Thiv Warabvrch, Medeasblik, Forana and ald Friasbvrch send vnder sin hod.


5. Foppa, man fon Dvnros, grevetman ovir tha Sivgon elanda. Fif mel is ‘er sekening wesen. Thiv bvrch Walhallagara is vnder sin hod.

Thit stand vppa tha wagvm et Friasbvrch to Texland askriwen, that stet ak to Stavia and to Medeasblik.

That was Friahis dei and to there stonde was et vrleden sivgvn wara sivgvn ier, that Fasta was anstald as folksmoder nei Frias ierta. Thiv bvrch Medeasblik was red and en fam was keren. Nw skolde Fasta thiv neia foddik vpsteka, and tha that den was an ainwarda fon that folk,  [12] tha hrop Fria fon hira wakstare, sa that allera mannalik that hera machte: Fasta nim thinra stifte and writ tha thinga ther ik er navt sedsa ne machte. Fasta dede alsa hia boden warth. Sa send wi Frias barn an vsa forma skednise kemen.


That is vsa forma skednise.

Wralda tham allena god and evg is, makade 't anfang, dana kem tid, tid wrochte alle thinga ak irtha. Irtha barde alle garsa, krvdon and boma, allet diara kwik and allet arge kwik. Alhwat god and diar is, brocht hiv bi degvm and alhwat kwad and arg is, brocht hiv thes nachtis forth. After et twilifte iolferste barde hia thria mangerta.
Lida warth vt gliande,
Finda warth vt heta and
Fria vt warme stof.


Tha hia blat kemon spisde Wralda hiam mith sina adama; til thiv tha manneska an him skolde bvnden wesa. Ring as hia rip weron, kreion hia frvchda and nochta anda drama Wraldas. Od trad to ‘ra binna: and nw bardon ek twilif svna and twilif togathera ek ioltid twen. Therof send alle manneska kemen.


Lida was swart, krolhered alsa tha lomera: lik stara blonken hira ogon; ia thes girfvgels blikkar weron vnmodich bi hiras.
Skarpe Lida. Annen sanaka kvn hiv krvppa hera, and hwersa ther fiska invr weter were n ‘vntgong that hira nostera navt.
Radbvwde Lida. En store bam kvn hiv bvgia and sahwersa hia rvn ne brak nene blomstal vnder hiara fit.
Weldige Lida. Hard was hira steme and kret hiv vt grimme sa rvn ek flvx wei.  [14]
Wonderfvlle Lida. Fon ewa nilde hiv navt neta: hira deda wrdon thrvch hira tochta stivrat. Vmbe tha tedra to helpane, dade hiv tha stora and hwersa hiv ‘t den hede graide hiv bi ‘t lik.


Arme Lida. Hiv warth gris fon ‘t vnwisse bihielda and vpp ‘it ende stvrf hia fon hirtser vmbe tha barn ‘ra kwad.

Vnwisa barn. Hia tichtegadon ekkorvmfon mamra dad, hia graiadon lik wolva, fivchtadon alsa and dahwile hia that dedon, eton tha fvgelon that lik. Hwa mei sin tara hwither to haldane.


Finda. Was gel and hir her sa tha mana ener hors: ene thre ne kv hia navt ni bvgia; men hwer Lida annen lavwa macht to deiande, ther dade hia wel tian.
Vrledalike Finda. Svet was hira stemme and nannen fvgel kvn sionga lik hiv. Hira egon lokton and lordon, men therer ansach warth slaf.


Vnredalika Finda. Hiv skref thvsande ewa, tha hiv ne folgde nen er fon vp. Hia vrfiade tha goda vmbe hiara frimod, tha an slikmamkes ief hiv hir selva hast wei.


That was hir vnlvk. Hira haved was to fvl: tha hir hirte to idel; hiv ne minde nimman sa hia selva and hiv wilde that ek hia liaf hawe skolde.
Falske Finda. Hvning swet weron hira wirda, tha hok tham hia trivwade were vnlvk nei bi.
Selvsiochta Finda. Ovir ella wilde hiv welda, and hira svnvm weron lik hiv; fon hiara svstervm leton hia ra thiania and ekkorvm slogon hia vmb ‘et masterskip dad.
Dvbbelhirta Finda. Vmbe skotse wirda warth hiv ire, and tha argste deda ne rorde hia navt. Sach hiv en nindask en spinne vrslinna, than warth hiv omm ‘et hirte sa is; men sach hiv hira barn en frias vrmorde sa swol hira bosm fon nocht.  [16]
Vnlvke Finda. Hiv stvrf anda blomtid fon hira leva, and ‘t is ieta tivester ho hiv fallen si.
Skinheliga barn. Vnder kestlike stena leidon hia hira lik del, mit kwabbiana skriftvm smvkton hia tham vppa, tograiande vmbe herath to warthande men an stilnise ne wenadon hia nenen enge tar.
Vriifalik folk. Thi tex ther Finda nei let was in golden bledar writ: thach tha besta hwer ‘far i makad was, wer i nammer to not. Tha goda ewa wrdon vtfagad and selfv siocht write ther kwada far in.
O Finda. Tha warth irtha fvl blod, and tha haveda ther manneska maiadon thin barn lik gars halma of. Ia Finda that send tha frvchda thinera idlenise. Sian dal fon thinre wakstar and wen.
Fria. Was wit lik snei bii ‘t mornerad and that blaw hirar ognvm wn ‘et ieta there reinboge of.
Skene Fria. Lik strelon there middei svnne blikadon hira heron, ther sa fin weron as rach.
Abela Fria. Vntlvkton hira wera, than swegon tha fvgelon and ne rordon tha bledar navt mar.
Weldige Fria. Thrvch thene kraft hirar blikkar strek thene lawa to fara hiara fit dal and held thene addvr sin gif tobak.
Rene Fria. Hira ita was hvning and hira drank was dawa, gadvrad anda bosma thera blommvr.
Lichte Fria. That forma hwat hiv hira barn lerde was selv ‘twang, that othera was liafte to dvged, and tha hia ieroch wrdon, tha lerde hiv hiam thiv wertha fon tha friidom kanna: hwand seide hiv svnder friidom send alle othera dvgedon allena god vmbe io to slavona to makiande, ivwe ofkvmste to evge skantha.
Milde Fria. Nammer lit hiv metal vt irtha dalva vmb ainbat, men sahwersa hia ‘t dede wer ‘et to iahwelikis not.  [18]
Lvkigoste Fria. Alsa tha stara om irtha omswirmia swirmadon hiara barn om hia.
Wise Fria. Tha hiv hira barn vpbrocht hede alto there sivgonde kni, tha hrop hiv ‘ra alle a Fliland to samne. Ther ief se hiam hira tex, and seide, let tham ivwe weiwisar wesa, tha ne skil that io na navt kwalik ni ga.
Vtforkerena Fria. Tha hiv ‘t seid hede, bevade irtha lîk Wraldas se, Flilandis bodem svnk an grada vnder hiara fit dal. Thiv loft wart swart and nilof10 fon tara to stirtane and tha hia nei moder omsagon, was hiv al lang vppira wakstar. Tha to tha lesta sprak tongar vt ‘a wolka and blixen schref an that loftrvm, wak.
Farsianda Fria. That land fon hwer hiv was vpfaren was nw en stram and bvta hira tex was ther in ella bidvlwen hwat fon hira hondvm kemen was.
Heriga barn. Tha hia to ‘ra selva weron, tha makadon hia thit hage therp, bvwadon thas bvrch thervppa, anda wagrvm thessa writon hia thene tex, and vmbe that allera mannalik hia skolde mvga finda, havath hia that land rondomme Texland heten. Thervmbe skil ‘at biliwa al wenne irtha irtha si.


Tex Frias.


Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLsmvHZhSVM


Held beid tha Fria, to tha lesta skilvn hia mi hwiter sia. Thach thera allena mei ik as fri kanna ther nen slaf is fon en other ni fon sine tochta. Hir is min red.


1. Sahwersa thiv ned arg si and gode red and gode ded nawet mar ne formvge, hrop than thi gast Wraldas an, men i ne mot ‘im navt anhropa bifara alle thinga prvvath send. Tha ik segs to io mith redene and tid skil ‘et wara, tha modelasa skilvn ammar swika vnder hiar ain led.  [20]


2. Wraldas gast mei man allena knibvwgiande thank to wia, ia thriv wara far hwat iv fon him noten have, far hwat iv nith, and fara hape ther hi io let an anga tida.


3. I hawed sian ho ring ik helpe lende, dva al en mith io neston, men ne tof navt til man io beden heth, tha lidande skolde io floka, min famna skoldon ivwa nama vtfaga vt ‘at bok and ik skolde io lik vnbikannade ofwisa mota.


4. Nim nammar knibvwgiande tank fon iv neston an, thivs agath Wraldas gast. Nid skolde i bikrivpa, wisdom solde i bilaka and min famna skoldon io bitiga fon faderrav.


5. Fivwer thinga send to ivwe not ieven, mith nama, loft, weter, land and fivr. Men Wralda wil ther allena bisittar of wesa. Thervmbe red ik io, i skilvn io rivchtferdiga manna kiasa, tham thiv arbed and tha frvchda nei rivchta dela, sa that namman fri fon warka ni fon wera si.


6. Sahwersa ther amman among io fvnden warth, ther sin ain fridom vrsellath, tham ‘n is navt fon ivw folk: hi is en horning mith basterd blod. Ik rede io that i him and sin mam to that land vtdriva, segs that to ivwa barn, thes mornes, thes middeis and thes ewendes, til thiv hia therof drame thes nachtis.


7. Allera mannalik ther en other fon sine fridom birawath, al were thene ore him skeldech, mot ik anda barntam ener slafinne fara leta. Thach ik rede io vmbe sin lik and that sinera mam vpp ene kale sted to vrbarnande, afternei hiara aske fiftich fit anda grvnd to dalvane, til hiv ther nenen garshalm vp waxa ni mei, hwand aldvlkera gars skolde ivw diaroste kvik deia.


8. Ne grip na that folk fon Lida ner fon Finda an. Wralda skolde helpa hiam, sa that ‘at weld that fon io vtgong vppa ivwa aine haveda skolde witherkvma.  [22]


9. Sahwersa that machte bera that hia fon ivwe red iefta awet owers wilde, alsa aghat i to helpane hiam. Men kvmath hia to rawande; fal than vppa tham nither lik blixenande fivr.


10. Sahwersa annen fon hiam ener ivwer toghatervm to wif gerth and hiv that wil, than skolvn i hia hira dvmhed bitivtha; thach wil hiv toch hira freiar folgia, that hia than mith fretho ga.


11. Willath ivw svna fon hiara toghatervm, sa mot i alsa dva as mith ivwa toghatervm. Thach hor tha ena nor tha othera mei witherkvma; hwand hia skoldvn vthemeda seda and plega mith fara; and drei thessa bi io heldgad wrde, mei ik navt longer ovir io waka.


12. Vppa minre fam Fasta hav ik min hap fastegth, thervmbe most i hia to eremoder nema, Folgath i min red, than skil hiv nemels min fam biliwa and alla frana famna ther hia folgia; than skil thiv foddik namer vtga ther ik far io vpstoken hav. That livcht thera skil than evg ivwe brin vpklaria, and i skilvn than evin fri biliva fon vnfria weld as ivwa swite rinstrama fon that salte weter ther andelase se.


Thet het Fasta seid.


Alle setma ther en ew, that is hvndred ier, omhlapa mvge mith tha krodar and sin iol, thera mvgon vppa red there moder, and bi mena willa vppa wegar thera bvrgvm writ hwertha; send hia vppa wegar writ, than send hia ewa, and that is vsa plicht vmbe altham an era to haldande. Kvmth ned and tvang vs setma to ievane, stridande wither vsa ewa and plegvm, sa mot manneska dva alsa hia askia; thach send hia weken, than mot man ammer to that alda witherkera. That is Frias willa, and that mot wesa tham fon al hira barn.  [24] Fasta seide. Alle thinga, ther man anfangia wil, hoka that ‘at moga wesa, vppa tha dei, ther wi Fria heldgad hawa, tham skilvn evg falikant vtkvma: neidam tid nw biwisd heth that hiv rivcht hede, sa is that en ewa wrdon, that man svnder ned and tvang a Fria hira dei nawet owers ni dva ne mei, tha blida fersta firia.


That send tha ewa ther to thera bvrgvm hera.


1. Sahwersa ther arne ene bvrch bvwet is, sa mot thiv foddik thera an tha forma foddik et Texland vpsteken wrda. Thach that ne mei nammer owers as troch tha moder sken.


2. Ek moder skil hira ain famna kiasa; alsa thera ther vppa thera othera bvrgvm as moder send.


3. Thiv moder to Texland mei hira folgster kiasa, thach sahwersa hiv falth er hiv ‘t den heth, sa mot thas keren hwertha vppa ena mena acht, bi redvm fon alle stata et semne.


4. Thiv moder to Texland mei en and tvintich famna and sivgvn spille mangerta hava, til thiv ther ammer sivgvn bi there foddik mvge wakia deilikes and thes nachtes. Bi tha famna ther vppa ora bvrgvm as moder thiania alsa felo.


5. Sahwersa en fam annen gada wil, sa mot hiv ‘t there moder melda, and bistonda to tha manniska kera, er hiv mith hira tochtige adama that livcht bivvlath.


6. Thiv moder and alrek bvrchfam skil man tofogiande en and tvintich bvrchheran, sivgvn alda wisa, sivgvn alda kampar, and sivgvn alda sekamper.  [26]


7. Ther fon skilvn alle ieron to honk kera thrim fon elik sivgvn, thach hia ne mvgon navt vpfolgath ne wertha thrvch hiara sibtal neiar sa tha fiarda kni.


8. Aider mei thre hvndred ionga bvrchwerar hava.


9. Far thissa thianesta skilvn hia lera Frias tex and tha ewa, fon tha wisa mannon thene wisdom, fon tha alda hermannon thene kvnst fon tha orloch and fond tha sekeningar thene kvnsta ther bi that bvtafara nethlik send.


10. Fon thissa werar skilvn ierlikes hvndred to bek kera. Thach send ther svme vrlamth wrden, sa mvgon hia vpper bvrch biliwa hiara elle leva long.


11. Bi that kiasa fon tha werar ne mei nimmen fon thera bvrch nen stem navt ne hava, ni tha grevetmanna iefta othera haveda, man that blata folk allena.


12. Thiv moder et Texland skil man ieva thria sivgvn flinka bodon mith thria twilif rappa horsa. Vppa ora bvrgvm ek bvrchfam thre bodon mith sivgvn horsa.


13. Ak skil aider bvrchfam hava fiftich bvwara thrvch that folk akeren. Men therto mei man allena ieva sokka, ther navt abel and stora for wera ner to bvtafarar send.


14. Aider bvrch mot hiri selva bidrvppa and genera fon hira ain ronddel and fon that del that hiv fon that markield bvrth.


15. Is ther amman keren vmbe vppa bvrgvm to thianiande and nil ‘er navt, than ne mei ‘er na nen bvrchher wertha, and dvs nen stem navt ni hava, is er al bvrchher sa skil hi thiv er vrliasa.


16. Sahwersa amman red gert fon there moder, tha fon ene bvrchfam, sa mot hi him selva melde bi tha skrivwer. Thesse brangth ‘im bi tha bvrchmaster. Forth mot ‘i nei tha letsa, that is thene helener. Ther mot sia ief er ak biseken is fon kvada tochtvm. Is ‘er god seid,  [28] tha vndvath hi him selva fon sinvm wepna, and sivgvn werar brangath him bi there moder.


17. Is thiv sek vr ene state sa ne mvgon ther navt miner than thre bodon kvma: is ‘t vr ‘t ella Friasland, than moton ther ieta sivgvn tivga biwesa. Thervmbe that er nen kva formvda navt risa ne mei nor skalkhed den ne wrde.


18. Bi alle sekvm mot tha moder walda and nivda that hira barn, that is Frias folk, sa met ‘rik biliwa as that wesa mei. That is thi gratesta hirar plichta, and vs alra vmb ‘er ther an to helpande.


19. Hat man hia bi ene rivchtlika seke anhropen vmb ‘er vtsprek twisk annen grevetman and tha mente, and findath hiv thiv seke tvivelik, sa mot hiv to bate fon ther mente spreka til thiv ther fretho kvma, and thrvchtham that betre si that en man vnrivcht den wrde than felo.


20. Kvmth hwa vmb red and wet thiv moder red, sa ach hiv tham bistonda to ievane, wet hiv bistonda nen red, sa mei hiv wachtia leta sivgvn degvm. Wet hiv than nach nen red, sa mvgon hia hinne brvda, and hia mvgon hira selva navt biklagia, til thiv nen red betre is than kva red.


21. Heth en moder arge red ieven vt kvada willa, sa mot man hia deia iefta vt of landvm driva stoknaken and blat.


22. Send hira bvrchhera medeplichtich, than dvath man alsa mith tham.


23. Is hira skild tvivelik iefta blat formoda, sa mot man ther ‘vr thingia and spreka, is ‘t nedich, en and twintich wika long. Stemth tha halfdel skildich, sa halde man hia vr vnskildich, twede sa wacht man ieta en fvl ier. Stemth man than alsa, sa mei man hia skildich halda, tha navt ni deia.  [30]


24. Sahwersa svme among that thrimna send tham hia alsa ser vnskildich mene that hia hia folgia wille, sa mvgon hia that dva mith al hiara driwande and tilbara hava and namman acht hiam ther ovir min to achtiane, til thiv that mara del alsa blid kan dwala sa that minra del.


Mena ewa.


1. Alle fria barn send a elike wisa barn. Thervmbe moton hia ak elika rivchte hava, alsa blid vpp ‘at land as vpp ‘ath e, that is weter and vp ella that Wralda iefth.


2. Allera mannalik mei ‘t wif sinra kesa freia and ek toghater mei efter hira helddrvnk biada ther hiv minth.


3. Heth hwa en wif nimth, sa ieft man hiam hvs and warv. N ‘is ther nen, sa mot ‘at bvwat wrde.


4. Is ‘er nei en other thorp gongon vmb en wif and wil hi ther biliwa, sa mot man him ther en hvs en warf iewa biionka that not fon tha hemrik.


5. Allera mannalik mot man en afterdel as warf bi sina hvs ieva. Tha nimman ne mei en fardel bi sin hvs nava, fvl min en ronddel. Allena ief hwa en dad den heth to mena nitha, sa mei him that ieven wrde. Ak mei sin iongste svn that erva. After tham mot that thorp that wither nima.


6. Ek thorp skil en hemrik hava nei sina bihof and thene greva skil nivda that alra ek sin del bidongth and god hald, til thiv tha after kvmmande nen skade navt ne lida ne mvge.


7. Ek thorp mei en mark hava to kap and to vrkap iefta to wandelia. Alle ‘t ora land skil bvw and wald biliva. Tha tha bama thera ne mei nimman navt falla, bvta mena reda and bvta weta thes waldgreva, hwand tha walda send to mena nitha. Thervmbe ne mei nimman ther master of sa.  [32]


8. As markield ne mei that thorp navt mar ni nimma sa tha tillifte del fon tha skat, hor fon tha inhemar ner fon tha ferhemande. Ak ne mei tha mark skat navt er vrsellath1 ne wertha as that ora god.


9. Alle ‘t markield mot ierlikes delath wrde, thria degan far there ioldei, an hvndred delvn to delande.


10. Thi grevetman mit sinvm grevvm skil ther of bvra twintich dela; thene mark rivchter tian dela, and sinvm helpar, fif dela; thiv folkesmoder en del; thiv ga moder fivwer dela; that thorp tian dela; tha arma, that is thera tham navt warka ni kvnna ni mvge, fiftich dela.


11. Thera, tham to marka kvma, ne mvgon navt ni wokeria, kvmath ther svm, sa is ‘t thera famna plicht hiam kanber to makiana in ‘vr that elle land, til thiv hia nimmerthe keren navt wrde to eng ampt, hwand soka havath en gira ‘lik hirte, vmbe skat to garia skolde hia ella vrreda, that folk, thiv moder, hiara sibben and tho tha lesta hiara selva.


12. Is ther amman alsa arg that ‘er sivcht ‘siak fia ieftha vrderen wer vrsellath vr hel god, sa mot thene mark ‘rivchtar him wera and tha famna him noma invr ‘et elle land.
In era tida hemadon Findas folk mest algadvr invr hiara moders barta ‘land, mit noma ald ‘land that nw vnder ‘ne se leith; hia weron thvs fer ‘of, thervmbe nedon wi ak nen orloch, tha hia vrdreven send and heinda kemon to rawane, tha kem ‘er fon selva landwer hermanna keninggar and orloch, vr altham kemon setma and vta setma kemon ewa.


Hir folgath tha ewa ther thervt tavlikt send.


1. Ek Frias mot ‘a letha ieftha fianda wera mith aldvlkera wapne as ‘er forsinna, bikvma and handtera mei.  [34]


2. Is en boi twilif ier, sa mot ‘i tha sivgvnde dei miste fon sin ler ‘tid vmbe red to werthande mith ‘a wapne.


3. Is hi bikvmen, sa ieve man him wapne and hi warth to werar slagen.


4. Is hi thre ier werar, sa warth ‘i bvrch ‘her and mei hi helpa sin hawed ‘manna to kiasane.


5. Is hwa sivgvn ier kiasar, sa mei hi helpa en herman ieftha kening to kiasane, ther to ak keren wrde.


6. Alle ier mot ‘er ovir keren wertha.


7. Bvta tha kening mvgon alle ambtmanna wither keren wertha, tham rivcht dva and nei frias red.


8. Annen kening ne mei navt ni longer as thre ier kening biliwa, til thiv hi navt bikliwa ne mei.


9. Heth ‘i sivgvn ier rest, sa mei hi wither keren wertha.


10. Is thi kening thrvch thene fiand fallen, sa mvgon sina sibba ak nei there ere thinga.


11. Is ‘er vppa sin tid ofgvngen ieftha binna sin tid stvrven, sa ne mei nen sibba him vpfolgia, ther ‘im neiar si sa tha fiarde kni.


12. Thera tham strida mitha wapne an hiara handa ne kvnnath navt forsinna and wis biliwa, thervmbe ne focht ‘eth nene kening wapne to hantera an tha strid. Sin wisdom mot sin wapen wesa and thiv liafte sivra kampona mot sin skild wesa.


Hir send tha rivchta there moder and thera keninggar.


1. Sahwersa orloch kvmth, send tha moder hira bodon nei tha kening, thi kening send bodon nei tha grevetmanna vmbe land ‘wer.


2. Tha grevetmanna hropath alle bvrch ‘hera et semne and biredath ho felo manna hia skilvn stivra.  [36]


3. Alle bislvta thera moton ring nei there moder senden wertha mith bodon and tivgvm.


4. Thiv moder leth alle bislvta gaderia and iefth et gvldnetal, that is that middeltal fon alle bislvta etsemne, thermitha mot man far that forma freto ha and thene kening alsa.


5. Is thiv wera a kamp, than hoft thi kening allena mith sinvm havedmanna to reda, thach ther moton ammerthe thre bvrch ‘hera fon there moder forana sitta svnder stem. Thissa bvrch ‘hera moton deialikis bodon nei there moder senda, til thiv hiv weta mvge ief ther awet den warth, stridande with ‘a ewa ieftha with Frias redievinga.


6. Wil thi kening dva and sina reda navt, sa mei hi that navt vnderstonda.


7. Kvmth ‘ene fiand vnwarlinga, than mot man dva sa thene kening bith.


8. Nis thene kening navt vppet pat, sa mot man sin folgar herich wesa of tham ‘is folgar alont tha lesta.


9. Nis ther nen havedman, sa kiase man hwa.


10. Nis ther nen tid, sa warpa hi him to havedman therim weldich feleth.


11. Heth thene kening en fresalik folk ofslagen, sa mvgon sina after kvmande sin nama after hiara aine fora; wil thene kening, sa mei ‘er vppen vnbibvwade sted en plak vtkiasa to hvs and erv. That erv mei en rond ‘del wesa sa grat that hi fon alle sidvm sivgvn hvndred tredvn vt of sine hvs mei hlapa, er hi an sina rena kvmth.


12. Sin iongste svn mei that god erva, afte tham thamis iongste, than skil man that wither nimma.


Hir send tha rivchta aller Frias vmbe sekvr to wesande.


1. Sahwersa ther ewa vrwrocht wrde iefta neia setma tavlikt,  [38] alsa mot ‘et to mena nitha sken, men nammer to bata fon enkeldera manniska, her fon enkeldera slachta, ner fon enkeldera stata, nach fon awet that enkel si.

2. Sahwersa orloch kvmt and ther wrde hvsa homliat ieftha skepa, hok that et si, si ‘et thrvch thene fiand, tha bi mena redvm, sa ach tha mena menta, that is al ‘et folk to semne that wither to helene; ther vmbe that namman tha mena seka skil helpa vrliasa vmbe sin ain god to bihaldane.


3. Is orloch vrtheian, and send ther svm, alsa vrderen that hia navt longer warka ne mvgon, sa mot tha mena mente hiam vnderhalda, bi tha ferstvm achon hia forana to sittana, til thiv tha ivged skil era hiam.


4. Send ther wedvon and weson kemon, sa mot man hia ak vnderhalda and tha svna mvgon thi nama hiarar tata vpp ‘ira skildvm writa hiara slachtha to erane.


5. Send ther svm thrvch thene fiand fat and kvmath hia to bak, sa mot man hiam fer fon that kamp of fora, hwand hia machton fri leten wesa bi arge loftvm and than ne mvgon hia hiara lofta navt ni halda and toch erlik biliwa.


6. Ief wi selwa fianda fata, sa brange mon tham diap anda landa wei, man lerth hia vsa fria sede.


7. Let man hia afternei hlapa, sa let man that mith welhed thrvch tha famna dva, til thiv wi atha and frivnda winna fori letha and fiandvn.


I. Vt Minnos skriftvn.


Sahwersa ther en man is thermeta arg that hi vsa swetsar birawath, morth ‘dedvn dvat, hvsa barnth, mangertha skanth, hok that ‘et si, that arg si, and vsa swetnata willon that wroken hava, sa is that rivcht that man thene deder fatath and an hiara ain ‘warda  [40] deiath, til thiv ther vr nen orloch ne kvme, werthrvch tha vnskeldiga skolde bota fori tha skeldiga. Willath hia him sin lif bihalda leta and thiv wreka ofkapia leta, sa mei man that daia. Thach is then bona en kening, grevetman, greva hwa that ‘et si, tham ovira seda mot waka, sa moton wi that kwad beteria men ta bona mot sin straf ha. Forth hi en erenama vppa sine skeld fon sina ethelvn, sa ne mvgon sina sibba thi nama navt longer ne fora. Thervmbe that hi ene sibba svrg skil hava ovira seda thera othera.


Ewa fara stivrar.


Stivrar is thi erenoma thera bvtafarar.


1. Alle frias svna hava lika rivchta, thervmb mvgon alle flinka knapa hiara self as bvtafarar melda bi tha oldermon and thisse ne mei him nit ofwisa, wara that er nen sted is.


2. Tha stivrar mvgon hiara ain mastrvn noma.


3. Tha kaplivd moton keren and binomath wertha thrvch tha mente ther ‘et god hereth and tha stivrar ne mvgon ther bi nen stem hava.


4. Ief man vppe reis bifinth that thene kening arg iefta vnbikvmmen is, sa mvgon hia en ora nimma; kvmon hia to bak, sa mei thene kening him self biklagia bi tha oldermon.


5. Kvmth ther flate to honk and sin ther bata, sa moton tha stivrar ther of en thrimene hava, althvs to delande, thi witkening twilf mon ‘is dela, thi skolt bi nacht sivgvn dela, tha botmonna ek twa dela, thi skiprvn ek thre dela, that ora skip ‘is folk ek en del. Tha iongste prentar ek en thrimnath, tha midlosta ek en half ‘del and tha oldesta ek en twednath.


6. Sin ther svme vrlameth, sa mot ‘a mena mente nivda far hiara lif, ak moton hia forana sitta bi tha mena fersta, bi hvslika fersta, ia bi alle fersta.  [42]


7. Sin ther vppa tocht vmkvme, sa moton hiara nestvn hiara del erva.


8. Sin ther wedven and weson fon kvmen, sa mot thiv mente hia vnderhalda; sin hia an enre kase felth, sa mvgon tha svna thi noma hiarar tata vppira skeldvn fora.


9. Sin ther prentara2 forfaren, sa moton sina erva en el mannis del hava.


10. Was hi forseith, sa mei sin brvd sivgvn mannis delvn aska vmbe hira friadvlf en sten to to wiande, mar than mot hia for tha ere wedve biliva leva long.


11. Sahwersa en mente en flate to reth, moton tha redar nivda fara beste liftochtvn and far wif and barn.


12. Ief en stivrar of and arm is, and hi heth hvs nach erv, sa mot im that ion wertha. Nil hi nen hvs nach erv, sa mvgon sin frivndvn hem tvs nema and thiv mente mot et betera nei sina stat, wara that sin frivnda thene bata weigeria


Netlika seka vt ‘a neiletne skriftvm Minnos.

Minno was en alde sekening, sianer and wisgirich. An tha Kretar heth ‘i ewa ieven. Hi is barn an tha Lindawrda, and nei al sin witherfara heth hi that lvk noten vmbe to Lindahem to sterva. Sahwersa vsa swethnata en del land have ieftha wetir, that vs god tolikt, sa focht ‘et vs vmbe that a kap to freia, nillath hia that navt ne dva, than mot man hia that bihalda leta. That is nei Fria ‘his tex and ‘et skolde vnrivcht wesa to vnthandana that. Sahwersa ther swethnata et semna kiva and sana vr enga seka, tha vr land, and hia vs freia en ordel to spreka, sa ach man that reder afterweia  [44] to letane, tach sa man ther navt bvta ne kan, sa mot man that erlik and rivchtferdich dva. Kvmth ther hwa and seith, ik hav orloch, nw most ‘v mi helpa; ieftha en ora kvmth and seith, min svn is vnierich and vnbikvmmen, and ik bin ald, nw wild ‘ik thi to waranstew ovir hini and ovir min land stalla, til hi ierich si, sa ach man that weigaria, til thiv wi nawt an twist ne kvme ne mvge vr seka stridande with vsa fria sedvm. Sahwersa ther kvmth en vrlandisk kapman vppa toletmark et Wiringga tha to Almanland and hi bidroght, sa warth ‘er bistonda mark ‘beten and kanber makad trvch tha famna invr et ele land. Kvmth ‘er than to bak, sa ne skil nimman kapia fon him, hi mei hinne brvda sa ‘r kvmen is. Thvs, sahwersa ‘r kaplivd keren wrde vmbe wr ‘a merka to ga, ieftha mith ‘e flat to farane, sa ach man allena aldvlkera to kiasane tham man tige bi tige kanth and an en goda hrop stane bi tha famna. Berth ‘et navt to min that ‘er en arg man mong si, tham tha livd bitrogha wil, sa agon tha ora that to werane. Het ‘i ‘t ‘al den sa mot man that beteria, and thene misdedar vt of landvm banna, til thiv vsa nama vral mith erane skil wertha binomath. Men ief wir vs vppen vrlandiska markt finda, si ‘et heinde ieftha fer, and berth ‘et that ‘et folk vs let dvath ieftha bistelleth, sa agon wi mith haste hei to to slana, hwand afsken wi ella agon to dvande vmbe fretho willa, vsa halfbrothar ne mvgon vs nimmer minachtia nach wana that wi ange send.

In min ivged hav ik wel enis mort overa banda thera ewa, after hav ik Fria often tanked vr hira tex, and vsa ethla vr tha ewa ther thernei tavlikt send. Wralda ieftha Alfoder heth mi felo ieren ieven, invr felo landa and sea hav ik omme faren and nei al hwa ik sian ha, bin ik vrtivgad that wi allena  [46] trvch Alfoder vtforkeren send, ewa to havande. Lidas folk ne mei nen ewa to makiande ni to haldande, hia send to dvm and wild therto. Felo slachta Findas send snod enoch, men hia send girich, hachfarande, falsk, vnkvs and mortsiochtich. Poga blesath hiara selva vppa, and hia ne mvgath nawet than krvpa. Forska hropath wark, wark, and hia ne dvath nawet as hippa and klvchtmakia. Tha roka hropath spar, spar, men hia stelon and vrslinath al wat vnder hiara snavela kvmath. Lik al tham is that Findas folk, hia bogath immer ovir goda ewa; ek wil setma makia vmb ‘et kwad to werane, men selva nil nimman theran bonden wesa. Thera hwam ‘his gast that lestigoste si and thertrvch sterik, tham ‘his hone kreiath kening and tha ora moton alwenna an sin weld vnderwvrpen wesa, til en other kvmth ther ‘im fon ‘a setel driwet. That word ewa is to fran vmbe an mena seka to nomande. Thervmbe heth man vs evin sega lerth. Ewa that seit setma ther bi aller manniska elik an hiara mod prenth send, til thiv hia mvge weta hwat rivcht and vnrivcht si and hwertrhvch hia weldich send vmbe hiara aine deda and tham fon orvm to birivchtande, that wil sedsa alsanaka hia god and navt misdedich vpbrocht send. Ak is ‘er iet ‘en ora sin an fast. Ewa seit ak, elik weter ‘lik; rivcht and slivcht as weter that thrvch nen stornewind ieftha awet owers vrstoren is. Warth weter vrstoren, sa warth ‘et vnewa, vnrivcht, men et nigt evg vmbe wither ewa to werthande, that leith an sin fonselvhed, alsa tha nigvng to rivcht and fridom in Frias bern leith. Thessa nigvng havath wi trvch Wraldas gast, vsa foders, ther in Frias bern bogth, thervm be skil hiv vs ak evg bikliwa. Ewa is ak thet ora sinnebild fon Wraldas gast, ther evg rivcht and vnforstoren biliwath, afsken ‘et an licheme arg to geit. Ewa and vnforstoren send tha marka thera wisdom and rivchtferdichhed ther fon  [48] alla fremo manniska socht and trvch alla rivchtera biseten wrden mot. Willath tha manniska thvs setma and domar makia, ther alan god biliwa and allerweikes, sa moton hia elik wesa to fara alle manniska; nei thisse ewa achath tha rivchtera hiara ordel vt to kethande. Is ther eng kwad den, hwervr nen ewa tavlikt send, sa mot man ene mena acht bilidsa; ther ordelth man nei tha sin ther Wraldas gast an vs keth vmbe over ella rivchtferdich to birivchtande, althvs to dvande ne skil vs ordel nammer falikant vt ne kvma. Ne dvath man nen rivcht men vnrivcht, alsa rist ther twist and twispalt emong tha manniska and stata, thervt sprvt inlandiska orloch, hwerthrvch ella homliath and vrdaren warth. Men, o dvmhed. Dahwila wi to dvande send ekkorvm to skadane, kvmth ‘et nidige folk Findas mith hiara falska prestervm ivw hava to rawande, ivwa toghatera to skandane, ivwa seda to vrdva and to tha lesta klappath hia slavona banda om iahwelikes fria hals.


II. Vt ‘a skrifta Minnos.


Tha Nihellenia tham fon hira ain nome Min ‘erva hete, god seten was and tha Krekalander hia to met even harde minade as vs ain folk, tha kemon ther svme forsta and prestera vppe ‘ra bvrch and freion Min ‘erva hwer of hira erva leion. Nihellenia andere, mina erva dreg ik om in mina bosm, hwat ik vrven hav is liafde vr wisdom, rivcht and fridom, hav ik tham vrleren, alsa ben ik elik an tha minniste ivvar slavonena. Nw iev ik red vm nawet, men than skold ik vrkapia tham. Tha hera gvngon wei, and hripon al lakande, ivwer heroga thianra, wisa Hellenia. Thach thermitha miston hia hiara dol, hwand that folk that hia minnade and hia folgade, nam this nome to ‘n ere nome an. Tha hia sagon that hiara skot mist hede,  [50] tha gvngon hia hia bihlvda and seidon that hiv ‘t folk hexnad hede, men vs folk and tha goda Krekalandar werde aller weikes that ‘et laster were. Enis kemon hia and fregon, as thv than nen thionster ne biste, hwat deist than mitha aiar tham thv altid bi thi heste. Min ‘erva andere, thisse aiar send that sinebild fon Frias redievinga, werin vsa tokvmste forholen hleit and fon el that manneskalik slachte; tid mot hia vtbroda and wi moton waka that ‘er nen leth an ne kvmth. Tha prestera, god seid; men hwerto thianath thene hvnd an thina fera hand. Hellenia andere, heth thene harder nen skeper vmbe sin kidde at semene to haldande? hwat thene hvnd is inna thianest thes skepharder, bin ik in Frias tianest, ik mot ovir Frias kidde waka. That likath vs god to, sedon tha prestera; men seg vs, hwat is thiv bitivtenise fon thi nachtvle, ther immer boppa thin hole sit, is that livchtskvwande diar altomet thet teken thinra klarsianhed. Nean andere Hellenia, hi helpt mi hvgia that er en slach fon manniska ovir hirtha omme dwalth, ther evin lik hi in karka and hola hema; ther an tivster frota, tach navt as hi, vmb vs fon mvsa and ora plaga to helpane, men renka to forsinna, tha ora manniska hiara witskip to rawane, til thiv hia tham to betre mvge fata vmber slavona fon to makiande and hiara blod vt to svgane, even as vampira dva. Enis kemon hia mith en benda folk. Pest was over ‘et land kvmen, hia seidon, wi alle send to dvande, tha Goda to offeria, til thiv hia pest wera mvge. Nilst thv then navt ne helpa hiara grimskip to stilane, ieftha hethste pest selva ovir ‘et land brocht mith thinra kvnsta. Nean seide Min ‘erva, men ik ne kan nene goda, ther arg dvande send; thervmbe ne kan ik navt freia ief hia beter wrda willa. Ik kan en gode, that is Wraldas gast; men thrvch tham er god is, dvath ‘er ak nen kwad. Hwanath kvmth ‘et kwad than wei, freiath  [52] tha prestera. Allet kwad kvmth fon iow and fon there dvmhed thera manniska, tham hiara selva fon iow fensa leta. Ief thin drochten than sa bivstre god is, wervmb werther ‘et kwad than navt, freiath tha prestera. Hellenia andere, Fria het vs vppe wei brocht and thene kroder that is tid, tham mot that ovrige dva. With alle rampvm is red and help to findande, tha Wralda wil that wi hia selva soka skilon, til thiv wi sterik skile wertha and wis. Nillath wi navt, than let ‘er vsa trvl vt trvlla, til thiv wi skilon erfara, hwat nei wisa dedvm and hwat nei dvma dedvm folgath. Tha seide ‘ne forst, ik skolde wana, that were betre, that to werande. Hwel mvglik, andere Hellenia, hwand than skolde tha manniska biliwa lik tamade skepa; thv and tha prestera skolde ‘r than hoda willa, men ak skera and nei there slacht benke fora. Tach alsa nil ‘t vs drochten navt, hi wil that wi ekkorvm helpa, men hi wil ak that iahweder fri si and wis wrde. That is ak vsa wille, thervmbe kiasth vs folk sin forsta, greva, redievar and alle basa and mastera vt ‘a wisesta thera goda manniska, til thiv allemannalik sin best skil dva vmbe wis and god to werthande. Althvs to dvande skilvn wi enis weta and anda folka lera, that wis wesa and wis dva allena leith to salichhed. That likt en ordel, seidon tha prestera, men aste nv menste, that pest thrvch vsa dvmhed kvmth, skolde Nihellenia than wel sa god wesa wille, vmbe vs ewat fon that nia livcht to lenande, hwer vppa hiv sa stolte is. Ies seide Hellenia; tha rokka and ora fvglon kvmath allena falla vp vvl as, men pest minth navt allena vvl as, men vvla sed ‘plegvm and fangnisa. Wilstv nv that pest fon ‘i wika and na wither ne kvma, than mostv tha fangnisa wei dva, and that i alla ren wrde fon binna and fon bvta. Wi willath bilawa that thin red god si, seidon tha prestera, men seg vs, ho skilvm wi ther alla  [54] manniska to kreia, ther vnder vs weld send. Tha stand Hellenia vp fon hira setel and keth: Tha mvska folgath thene seiar, tha folka hiara goda forsta, thervmbe ach ‘stv to biiinnande mith thin selva alsa ren to makiande, that stv thinna blikka in and vtward mei rivchta svnder skamrad to werthande to fara thin ain mod. Men in stede fon that folk ren to makiande heste vvla fersta vtfonden, hwer vppa that folk al sa naka svpth, that hia to lesta lik tha barga annath slip frota, vmbe that stv thin vvla lvsta bota mei. That folk bigost to iolande and to spotande. Ther thrvch ne thvradon hia nen strid wither an to spinnande. Nv skolde aider wana, that hia vral ‘et folk to hape hropen hede vmbe vs algadvr to ‘t land vt to driwande. Nean an stede fon hia to bihlvda gvngon hia allerweikes, ak to tha heinde Krekalana til tha Alpa vt to kethane, that et thene allervrste drochten hagth hede sin wisa toghater Min ‘erva, to nomth Nihellenia emong tha manniska to sendane in overa se mith ‘en vlk, vmbe tha manniska gode red to ievane and that allermannalik, ther hia hera wilde, rik and lvkich skolde wertha, and enis bas skolde wertha ovir alle keningkrik irtha.s. Hira bildnese staldon hia vppe hiara altarvm, ieftha hia vrsellade ‘t anda dvma manniska. Hia kethon allerweikes red ‘ievinga, ther hiv nimmer ieven hede, and taladon wondera, ther hiv na den hede. Thrvch lesta wiston hia ‘ra selva master to makiande fon vsa ewa and setma, and thrvch wankethinga wiston hia alles to wisa and to vrbrvda. Hia staldon ak famma vnder hiara hode, tha skinber vndere hoda fon Fasta3 vsa forma ere moder, vmbe over that frana livcht to wakane. Men that livcht hede hia selva vpstoken, and in stede fon tha famkes wis to makiande, and afternei emong that folk to senda, ta siaka to levande and tha barn to lerande, makadon hia ‘ra dvm and dimme bi ‘t livcht and ne machten hia na bvta ne kvma. Ak wrdon  [56] hia to redievstare brvkath, tach thi red was bi skin vt hiara mvlvn; hwand hiara mvla weron navt owers as tha hropar, hwer trvch tha prestera hiara gerta vtkethon.
Tha Nihellenia fallen was, wilden wi en ore moder kiasa, svme wildon nei Texland vmbe ther ene to freiande, men tha prestera tham bi hira ain folk that rik wither in hede, nildon that ni hengia and kethon vs bi ‘ra folk as vn ‘frana vt.


III. Vt ‘a skrifta Minnos.

Tha ‘k althvs wei faren was mith mina livd fon Athenia, kemon wi to tha lesta an en eland thrvch min livd Kreta heten vm ‘a wilda kreta tham et folk anhiv bi vsa kvmste. Tha as hia sagon that wi nen orloch an ‘t skeld foron, wrdon hia mak, alsa ‘k et lest far en bota mit iserark en havesmode and en stada land wandelde. Thach tha wi en stvt seten hede and hia speradon that wi nen slavona nede, tha weron hia vrstalath, men tha ‘k ‘ra nw talt hede that wi ewa hedon elik to birivchtande vr alla, tha wilde ‘t folk ak fon sokka ha. Tach skers hedon hia tham, iefta that elle land kem anda tis. Tha forsta and prestera kemon baria, that wi hiara tivth over herich makad hede and that folk kem to vs vmbe hvl and skvl. Tach tha tha forsta sagon that hia hiara rik vrliasa skolda, tha ievon hia that folk fridom and kemon to mi vmb ‘en esega bok. Thach that folk was nen fridom wenth and tha hera bilevon welda nei that ir god thochte. Tha thi storn wr wer, bigoston hia twispalt among vs to seia. Hia seidon to min folk that ik hiara help anhropen hede vmbe standfast kening to werthande. Enis fand ik gif in min met, tha as er enis en skip  [58] fon ‘t Fli bi vs vrseilde, ben ik thermith stolkens hinne brith.—Tach min witherfara to letande, sa wil ‘k mith thesa skednesa allena sega, that wi navt mvge hema mith et Findas folk fon wer that et si, hwand that hia fvl send mith falska renka, ewa to fresane as hiara swete wina mith deiande fenin.
Ende wra skrifta Minnos.

Hir vnder send thre weta, ther after send thissa setma makad.


1. Allera mannalik wet, that i sin bihof mot, men warth ammon sin bihof vnthalden, sa net nen man hwat er skil dva vmbe sin lif to bihaldande.

2. Alle elte minniska werthat drongen a barn to telande, warth that werth, sa net nim man wath arges therof kvme mei.

3. Alrek wet that ‘i fri and vnforleth wil leva, and that ore that ak wille. Vmbe sekvr to wesande send thesa setma and domar makad.

That folk Findas heth ak setma and domar: men thissa ne send navt nei tha rivcht, men allena to bata thera prestera and forsta, thana send hiara stata immerthe fvl twispalt and mord.


1. Sahwersa imman nad heth and hi ne kan him selva navt ne helpe, sa moton tha famna that kvndich dva an tha greva. Therfar that et en stolte Frias navt ne focht that selva to dva.

2. Sa hwa arm warth thrvch tham hi navt warka nil, ther mot to that land vt dreven wertha, hwand tha lafa and loma send lestich and arg tankande: thervmbe ach man to werane tham.


3. Iahweder iong kerdel ach en brvd to seka and is er fif and twintich sa acht ‘er en wif to hava.  [60]


4. Is hwa fif and twintich, and heth er nen enga, sa ach ek man him vt sin hvs to werane. Ta knapa achon him te formida. Nimth er than nach nen enga, sa mot man hin dad sega, til thiv hi vt of lande brvde and hir nen argenese neva ne mei.


5. Is hwa wrak, than mot ‘er avber sega, that nimman fon him to fresane nach to dvchtane heth. Sa mei er kvma hwer er wil.


6. Plecht er afternei hordom, sa mei ‘r flvchta, ne flvchter navt, sa is er an tha wreke ther bitrogna vrleten, and nimman ne mei helpa him.


7. Sahwersa ammon eng god heth, and en other likt that thermete that i him theran vrfate, sa mot ‘i that thria vrielda. Stelth ‘i ieta reis, than mot hi nei tha tinlanvm. Wil thene bistelne him fri ieva, sa mei ‘r that dva. Tha berth et wither sa ne mei nimman him fridom ieva.


Thissa domar send makad fara nidiga manniska.

1. Sa hwa in haste mode tha vt nid an nen otheris leia brekth, agna vt stat, ieftha thoth, hok that et si, sa mot thi letha bitallia hwat thene ledar askth. Ne kan hi hat ni dva, sa mot ‘er avber an im den wertha, sa hi an thene ore deth. Nil hi that navt vt ne stonda, sa mot ‘i him to sina bvrch ‘fam wenda, ief ‘i inna iser ieftha tin lana mei werka til sin skeld an si, nei ther mene dom.


2. Ief ther imman fvnden warth alsa arg that ‘i en Frias felth, hi mot et mit sina lif bitallia. Kan sina bvrch ‘fam hin far altid nei tha tinlana helpa er er fat wrde, si mei that dva.

3. Sahwersa thi bona mei biwisa mith vrkanda tiv ‘gvm  [62] that et bi vnlvk sken is, sa skil hi fri wesa, men berth et ietta reis, sa mot i tach nei tha tinlanvm, til thiv man ther thrvch formitha all vnerimde wreka and feitha.

This send domar fara horninga.

1. Hwa en otheris hvs vt nid thene rade hon anstekt nis nen Frias, hi is en horning mith basterde blod. Mei man hin bi ther ded bifara, sa mot man hin vppet fivr werpa. Hi mei flia sa ‘r kan tach narne skil ‘i sekvr wesa fara wrekande hand.


2. Nen afta Frias skil ovira misslega sinra neste malia nach kalta. Is hwa misdedoch far ‘im selva, tha navt freselik far en ora, sa mei hi him selva rivchta. Warth ‘i alsa arg that er freslik warth, sa mot man ‘t anda greva bara; men is ther hwa ther en other afterbakis bitighat in stede fon ‘t to dvande bi tha greva, tham is en horning. Vpper mark mot ‘i anda pele bvnden wrde, sa that et iong folk im anspeia mei; after ladath man him overa marka, men navt nei tha tinlana, thrvch that en ererawer ak is to fresane.


3. Sahwersa ther enis imman were sa arg that i vs gvng vrrede bi tha fiand, pada and to pada wes, vmbe vsa flibvrga to naka, ieftha thes nachtis therin to glvpa, tham were allena wrocht vt Findas blod. Him skolde man mota barna. Tha stivrar skoldon sin mam and al sina sibba nei en fer eland mota branga and ther sin ask forstvva, til thiv ‘r hir nen feninige krvdon fon waxa ne mvge. Tha famna moton than sin nam vtspeia in vr al vsa stata, til thiv nen barn sin nam ne kreie and tha alda him mvge vrwerpa.  [64]


Orloch was vrtigen, men ned was kvmen an sin sted. Nw weron hir thre manniska ther ‘ek en bvda keren stelon fon asvndergane einhera. Tha hia wrdon alle fat. Nw gong thene erosta to and brocht thene thiaf bi tha skelte. Tha famna ther ‘vr kethande seidon allerweis, that i den hede nei rivcht. Thi ora nom thene thiaf that keren of and leth im forth mith freto. Tha famna seidon, hi heth wel den. Men thi thredde einher gvng nei tha thiaf sin hvs tha. Asser nw sach ho ned ther sin setel vpstalth hede, tha gvng hi to bak and kerde wither mith en wein fol nedthreftvm, ther hi ned mith fon there herd of driwe. Frias famna hedon bi him omme warath and sin ded an dat evge bok skreven, dahwile hia al sina leka vt fachth hede. Thiv eremoder was et seid and hiv let het kvndich dva thrvch that ele land.
That hir vnder stat is in vt tha wagar there Warabvrgh writen.

Thet bok thera Adela folstar.

Hwat hir boppa stat send thi tekna fon that iol. That is that forma sinnebild Wraldas, ak fon t ‘anfang ieftha ‘t biiin, wervt tid kem, that is thene Kroder ther evg mith that iol mot ommehlapa. Thana heth Fria that standskrift makad, that hia brvkte to hira tex. Tha Fasta eremoder were, heth hiv ‘r that rvn ieftha hlapande skrift fon makad. Ther Witkening that is Sekening, Godfreiath thene alda heth ther asvndergana telnomar fon makad far stand and rvnskrift bede. T is thervmbe navt to drok that wi ‘r ierliks enis fest vr firia. Wi mvgon Wralda evg thank to wia that hi sin gast sa herde in vr vsa ethla heth fara letn. Vnder hira tid heth Finda ak en skrift  [66] vtfvnden, men that were sa hagfarende and fvl mith frisla and krolvm, that tha afterkvmanda therof thiv bitivdnese ring vrleren have. Afternei havon hia vs skrift lered binoma tha Finna, tha Thiriar and tha Krekalander. Men hia niston navt god, that ‘et fon et iol makad was and that ‘et thervmbe altid skreven wrde moste mith son om. Therbi wildon hia that hiara skrift vnlesber skolde wesa far ora folkvm, hwand hia havath altid hemnesa. Thvs to dvanda send hia herde fon ‘a wis rakath, thermetha, that ta barn tha skriftvn hiarar aldrvm amper lesa en mvga; dahwile wi vsa alderaldesta skriftvn evin red lesa mvga as thera ther iester skreven send. Hir is that stand skrift, thervnder that rvn skrift, forth tha talnomar a bider wisa.


That stet vp alle bvrgvm eskreven.


Er there arge tid kem was vs land that skenneste in Wralda. Svnne res hager and ther was sielden frost. Anda bama and treion waxton frvgda and nochta, ther nw vrleren send. Among tha gars ‘sedvm hedon wi navt alena keren, liaver and blide, men ak swete ther lik gold blikte and that man vndera svnnastrela bakia kvste. Ieron ne wrde navt ne telath, hwand that ene ier was alsa blid as et othera. An tha ene side wrdon wi thrvch Wraldas se bisloten, hwervp nen folk bvta vs navt fara ne mochte nach kvnde. Anda ore side wrden wi thrvch that brede Twiskland vmtvnad, hwer thrvch that Findas folk navt kvma ne thvradon, fon ovira tichta walda and ovir it wilde kwik. Bi morne paldon wi ovir it vter ende thes aster ‘se, bi evind an thene  [68] middelse, alsa wi bvta tha littiga wel twelif grata swete rinstrama hedon, vs thrvch Wralda ieven vmb vs land elte to haldane and vmb vs wigandlik folk tha wei to wisana nei sina se. Tha owira thissar rin strama wrdon tomet algadvr thrvch vs folk biseton, ak tha fielda an thiv Rene fon ‘t ena enda alon et ore ende tha. To ienst ‘vr tha Denamarka and that Ivttarland hedon wi folkplantinga mith en bvrchfam, dana wonon wi kaper and iser, biivnka tar, pak and svma or bihof. To ienst vr vs formelich Westland ther hedon wi Brittania mith sina tinlana. Brittania that was that land thera bannalinga, ther mith hvlpe hiarar bvrchfam wei brith weron vmbe hira lif to bihaldana. Thach for that hia navt to bak kvma ne skolde, warth er erost en B to fara hiara star priked, tha bana mith rade blod farve and tha ora misdedar mith blawe farve. Bvta and bihalva hedon vsa stivrar and kaplivd meni loge anda heinde Krekalanda and to Lidia. In vr Lidia ther send tha swarta minniska. Tha vs land sa rvm and grat were, hedon wi felo asondergana namon. Thera tham saton biasten tha Denemarka wrdon Ivttar heton, vthavede hia tomet navt owers ne dedon as barn ‘sten ivta. Hia tham ther saton vppa elanda wrdon Letne heten, thrvchdam hia mest al vrleten levadon. Alle strand and skor hemar fon ‘a Denemarka alont there Sandfal nw Skelda wrdon Stivrar, Sekampar and Angelara3 heton. Angelara sa heton man to fora tha bvtafiskar vmbe that hia alan mith angel iefta kol fiskton and nimmer nen netvm. Thera ther thana til tha heinde Krekalanda saton, wrdon blat Kad ‘hemar heten, thrvch tham hia ninmerthe bvta foron. Thera ther in da hage marka saton, ther anna Twisklanda palon, wrdon Saxmanna heton, vthawede hia immer wepned weron vr that wilde kwik and vrwildarda Britne. Ther to  [70] boppa hedon wi tha noma Landsaton, Marsata and Holtiefta Wodsata.


Ho arge tid kem.


Hel thene svmer was svnne aftere wolkvm skolen, as wilde hia irtha navt ne sia. Wind reston in sina bvdar, werthrvch rek and stom lik sela boppa hvs and polon stand. Loft warth althvs drov and dimme, and inna tha hirta thera manniska was blidskip nach frvchda. To midden thisre stilnise fang irtha an to bevande lik as hiv starvande were. Berga spliton fon ekkorvm to speiande fivr and logha, ora svnkon in hira skat del, and ther hiv erost fielda hede; heiade hiv berga vppa. Aldland trvch tha stivrar Atland heten svnk nither and that wilde hef stapton alsa naka wr berg and delon, that ella vndere se bidvlwen were. Felo manniska wrdon in irtha bidobben, and felo ther et fivr vnkemen weron, kemon thernei innet weter vm. Navt allena inda landa Findas speidon berga fivr, men ak in ‘t Twiskland. Walda barnadon therthrvch after ekkorvm and tha wind dana wei kem, tha waiadon vsa landa fvl ask. Rinstrama wrdon vrleid and bi hiara mvda kemon neia elanda fon sand and drivande kwik. Thriv ier was irtha alsa to lidande; men tha hiv beter were macht man hira vvnda sia. Felo landa weron vrsvnken, ora vta se resen and that Twisk ‘land to fara ‘n halfdel vntwalt. Banda Findas folk kemon tha letogha rvmtne bifara. Vsa weibritne vrdon vrdelgen iefta hia wrdon hiara harlinga. Tha warth wakandom vs dvbbeld boden and tid lerd vs that endracht vsa starikste bvrch is.

Thit stet inna Warabvrch bi there Aldega mvda writ.


Thiv warabvrch nis nen famnabvrch, men ther in wrdon  [72] alla vthemeda and vrlandeska thinga warath, ther mitbrocht binne thrvch tha stivrar. Hiv is thri pela, that is en half ti svdwarth fon Medea ‘sblik legen. Alsa is that forword: berga nigath thinna krvnna, wolka and strama wen. Ies. Skenland blost, slavona folka stoppath vppat thin klat, o Fria. Alsa is thiv skednesse. 100 and 1 ier nei that aldland svnken is, kem ther vt ‘et asta en folk wei. That folk was vrdreven thrvch en other folk, after vs twisk land kreion hia twispalt, hia skifton hiara selva an twam hapa, ek her gvng sines weiges. Fon ‘t ene del nis nen tal to vs ne kemen, men that ore del fil after to vs Skenland. Skenland was svnnich bifolkath, and anda after ‘kad that svnnichste fon al. Thervmbe machton hia ‘t svnder strid wrwinna, and vthawede hia owers nen leth ne dedon, nildon wi thervr nen orloch ha. Nw wi hiam havon kanna lered, sa willath wi ovir hiara seda skriwa, afternei ho ‘t vs mith hiam forgvngen is. That folk was navt ne wild lik felo slachta Findas, men elik anda Egiptalandar, hia havath prestera lik tham and nw hia karka have ak bildon. Tha prestera send tha engosta hera, hia heton hiara selva Magiara, hiara aller ovirste het Magi, hi is havedprester and kening mith en, allet ore folk is nvl in ‘t siffer and ellik and al vnder hiara weld. That folk neth navt enis en nome, thrvch vs send hia Finna heten, hwand afsken hiara fersta algadvr drov and blodich send, thach send hia ther alsa fin vp, that wi ther bi after stane, forth ne send hia navt to binidane, hwand hia send slavona fon tha prestervm and ieta fvl arger fon hiara meninga. Hia menath that ella fvl kvada gaston is, ther inda manniska and diara glvppe, men fon Wraldas gast neton hia nawet. Hia havath stene wepne, tha Magiara kapra. Tha Magiara tellath that hia tha arge gaston  [74] banna and vrbanna mvgon, ther vr is ‘t folk olan in ange frese and vppira wesa nis nimmer nen blidskip to bisian. Tha hia god seten weron, sochton tha Magiara athskip bi vs, hia bogadon vp vsa tal and sedvm, vp vs fia and vppa vs isere wepne, ther hia gern to fori hiara goldvn and svlvere sirhedvm wandela wilde, and hiara tioth hildon hia immerthe binna tha pelon, men that vrskalkton vsa wakendom. Achtantich ier forther, ivst wer ‘et iol ‘ferste, ther kemon hia vnwarlinge lik snei thrvch stornewind drewen ovir vsa landa to rvnnande. Ther navt flia machton wrdon vrden, Fria warth anhropen, men tha Skenlandar hedon hira red warlased. Tha wrdon krafta samlath, thri pelvn fon Goda ‘his bvrch wrdon hia wither stonden, tha orloch bilev. Kat iefta Kater‘inne, alsa hete thiv fam, ther bvrchfam to Goda bvrch was. Kat was stolte and hachfaranda, thervmbe ne let hiv nen red ni follistar anda Moder ne freia. Men tha tha bvrchhera that fata, tha svndon hia selva bodon nei Texland nei there Moder tha. Minna alsa was there Moder ‘is nome, let ala tha stivrar mania and al ‘et othera iongk folk fon Ast ‘fliland and fon tha Dennemarkvm. Vt thesse tocht is thiv skidnese fon Wodin bern, sa ‘r vppa bvrgvm writen is and hir eskreven. Anda Alder ‘gamvde ther reste en alde sekaning. Sterik was sin nome and tha hrop vr sina deda was grat. Thisse alde rob hede thre neva; Wodin thene aldeste hemde to Lvmka ‘makia bi there E ‘mvde to Ast ‘fliland bi sin eldrvm t ‘vs. Enes was er herman west. Tvnis and Inka weron sekamper and ivst nw bi hiara faderia anda Alderga ‘mvde t ‘vs. As tha ionga kampar nw bi ekkorvm kemon, keron hia Wodin to hiara herman iefta kaning vt, and tha sekampar keron Tvnis to ‘ra sekaning and Inka to hiara skelte bî ther nacht. Tha stivrar gvngon tha nei tha Dennemarka fara, ther namon hia Wodin mith sin wigandlika landwer in.  [76] Wînd was rvm and alsa weron hia an en amerîng6 to Sken land. Tha tha northeska brothar ra selva bi ‘m fogath hede, delde Wodîn sin weldich her an thri wiga. Fria was hiara wepenhrop and sa hi bakward sloch tha Finnen and Magiara as of et barn weron. Tha thene Magi fornom ho sin livd al ombrocht wrdon, tha sand hi bodon mith staf and krone. Hia seidon to Wodin, o thv alra grateste thera kaningar, wi send skeldich, thach al hwat wi den have is vt ned den. Ie mene that wi ivw brothar willengklik anfat have, men wi send thrvch vsa fianda forth ‘fetereth and thi alle send vs ieta vppa hakka. Wi havath often helpe an thinre bvrchfam freiath, men hia neth vs navt ne meld. Thene Magi seith, sa hwersa wi ekkorvm to tha halte vrdva, sa skilvn tha wilda skephardar kemon and vs algadvr vrdva. Thene Magi heth fvl rikdom, men hi heth sian that Fria weldiger is as al vsa gaston et semine. Hi wil sin haved in hira skat del ledsa. Thv bist thene wigandlikste kaning irthas, thin folk is fon iser. Warth vsa kaning and wi alle willath thin slavona wesa. Hwat skolde that er ‘rik far ‘i wesa, aste tha wilda wither to lak driwa koste, vsa sefira skolde ‘t rondblesa and vsa mara skoldon iv vral farvt ga. Wodin was sterik, wost and wigandlîk, men hi nas navt klar siande, therthrvch warth i in hiar mera fvngen and thrvch thene Magi kroneth. Riv felo stivrar and land ‘werar, tham thisse ker navt ne sinde, brvdon stolkes hinne, Kat mith nemande, men Kat ther navt to fara there Moder ner to fara there mena acht forskine nilde, iompade wr bord. Tha kem stornewind and fetere tha skepa vppa skorra fonna Dennemarkvm del svnder enkel man to mistane. Afternei havon hia tha stret Katsgat7 heten. Tha Wodin kroned was, gvng ‘er  [78] vppa wilda los; thi weron al rvtar, lik een heiel bvie kemon hia ain Wodin ‘is her, men lik en twirne wind wendon hia omme and ne thvradon na wither forskina. As Wodin nw to bak kem, iav thene Magi him sin toghater to ‘n wîf. Afternei warth ‘i mith krvdon birekad, men ther weron tawerkrvdon mong, hwand Wodin warth bi gradvm alsa ser vrmeten, that ‘i Fria and Wraldas gast miskana and spota thvrade, thawila hi sin fria hals bog to fara falska drochten ‘likande bildvm. Sin rik hilde sivgvn ier, tha vrdwind ‘ir. Thene Magi seide that ‘er mong hiara godon8 vpnimeth were, and that hi fon ther over hiam welda, men vs folk lakton vmbe tin tal. Tha Wodin en stvt wei west hede, kem ther twispalt, wi wildon en ora kaning kiasa, men that nilde thene Magi navt me hengia. Hi werde that et en rivcht were, him thrvch sina drochtne ieven. Bvta and bihalva thissa twist, sa was ther iet ‘en emong sin Magiara and Finna, ther Fria ner Wodin era navt nilde, men thi Magi dede as ‘t im sinde, hwand sin toghater hede en svn bi Wodin wvnen, and nw wilde thene Magi that thisse fon en hage kom ‘of wesa skolde. Thawila alle sanade and twista, kronade hi thene knap to kaning and stalade hin sels as foged and foramond iefta redievar an. Thera ther mar hildon fon hiara balg as fon that rivcht, tham leton him bidobba, men tha goda brvdon wei. Felo Magiara flodon mith hiara livda bak ward, and tha stivrar gvngon to skip and en her fon drista Finna gvngen as roiar mitha. Nw kvmath tha skednese fon nef Tvnis and sin nef Inka erost rivcht vppet pat. Thit ella stet navt allena vpper Warabvrgh men ok to there bvrch Stavia, ther is lidsen aftere have fon Stavre. Tha Tvnis mith sinvm skepvm to honk kera wilde, gvng ‘i thet forma vppa Dannemarka of, men hi ne macht ther navt  [80] ne landa, that hede thiv Moder bisiowath. Ak et Fliland ne macht ‘er navt ne landa and forth narne. Hi skold alsa mith sinvm livdvm fon lek and brek omkomth have, ther vmbe gvngon hia thes nachtis tha landa birawa and fara bi dei. Alsa alinga there kad forth farande kemon hia to there folkplanting Kadik1, althvs heten vmbe that hiara have thrvch ene stenene kadik formath was. Hir selladon hia allerhanne liftochta, men Tvtia thiv bvrchfam nilde navt daia that hia ‘ra selva nither setta. Tha hia red weron kreion hia twist. Tvnis wilde thrvch thiv strete fon tha middelse vmbe to farane far tha rika kaning fon Egiptalandvm, lik hi wel er den hede, men Inka seide, that ‘i sin nocht hede fon al et Findas folk. Inka mende that er biskin wel en hach del fon Atland bi wisa fon eland vrbilewen skolde wesa, ther hi mith tha livdvm frethoch leva machte. As tha beda neva ‘t ‘althvs navt enes wrde koste, gvng Tvnis to and stek en rade fone in ‘t strand, and Inka ene blawe. Ther after macht iahweder kiasa, hwam ek folgia wilde, and wonder, bi Inka ther en grins hede vmbe tha kaningar fon Findas folk to thiania, hlipon tha masta Finna and Magiara ovir. As hia nw that folk tellath and tha skepa ther nei delath hede, tha skedon tha flata fon ekkorvm; fon nef Tvnis is afternei tal kemen, fon nef Inka ninmer. Nef Tvnis for allinggen there kad al thrvch thiv porte there middelse. Tha Atland svnken is, was ‘t ‘inna middelse ra owera ak arg to gvngen. Therthrvch weron ther felo manniska fon ‘t Findas land nei vsa heinde and fere Krekalanda kvmen and ak felo fon Lida ‘his land. Ther ain weron ak felo fon vs folk nei Lidas land gvngon. That ella hede wrocht, that tha heinde and fere Krekalanda far that weld here Moder vrleren was. Ther hede Tvnis vp rekned. Thervmbe wilde hi ther en gode have kiasa and fon ther vt fara  [82] rikka forsta fara, men thrvchdam sine flate and sin folk sa wanhaven vtsagon, mendon tha Kadhemer that hia rawera weron, and thervmbe wrdon hia vral werath. Tha to tha lesta kemon hia an to Phonisivs kad, that were 100 and 93 ier nei Atland svnken is. Nei bi there kad fvndon hia en eland mith twam diapa slinka, alsa ‘t as thriv elanda vtsach. Vppet midloste thera staldon hia hiara skvla vp, afternei bvwadon hia ther en bvrchwal om to. As hia theran nw en nome ieva wilde, wrdon hia vnenes, svme wild ‘et Friasbvrch heta, ora Nef tvnia, men tha Magiara and tha Finna badon that skolde Thirhisbvrch hete. Thir alsa heton hia en hiarar drochtena and vppe tham ‘is ierdei weron hia ther land, to wither ‘ield wildon hia Tvnis evg as hiara kaning bikanne. Tvnis let im bilesa and tha ora nildon thervr nen orloch ne ha. Tha hia nw god saton, tha sandon hia svme alde stivrar and magiara ana wal and forthnei there bvrch Sidon, men that forma nildon tha Kadhemar nawet fon ‘ra neta. Thv bist ferhemanda swarvar seidon hia, ther wi navt hachta ne mvge. Tha tha wi hiam fon vsa isera wepne vrsella wilde, gvng to lersta ella god, ak weron hia ser ni nei vsa barnstenvm and that freia ther nei nam nen ende. Men Tvnis ther farsiande were, barde that er nen isere wepne ner barnstene mar hede. Tha kemon tha kaplivd and badon hi skolde twintich skepa ieva, ther hia alle mith ‘a finneste wervm tho hreda wilde, and hia wildon him alsa felo livda to roiar ieva as ‘er ierde. Twe ‘lif skepa let ‘i ‘to hreda mith win hvning and tomakad lether, ther bi weron tamar and sitlvn mith gold wrtein sa man hia ninmer nede sian. Mith al thi skat fil Tvnis that Flimar binna. Thi grevaman fon Westfliland warth thrvch al thessa thinga bigastered, hi  [84] wrochte that Tvnis bi there mvde fon ‘t Flimar en loge bvwa machte, afternei is thiv sted Almanaland heten and tha mark ther hia afternei to Wiringga6 vp wandelia machton toletmark. Thiv Moder rede that wi ra ella vrkapia skolde bvta isere wepne, men man ne melde hia navt. Tha tha Tiriar thvs fri spel hedon, kemon hia alan wither to farand vsa weron sa heinde as fere vsa ain sekampar to skadne. Therafter is bisloten vpper mena acht, ierlikes sivgvn Thiriar skepa to to letane and navt mar.

Hwat ther of wrden is.

Inner northlikste herne fon tha Middelse, ther leid en eland bi there kad. Nw kemon hia that a kap to freiande. Thervr warth ene mena acht bileid. Moder ‘is red warth wnnen, men Moder sach ra liast fer of. Thervmbe mende hiv that er nen kwa an stek, thach as wi afternei sagon ho wi misden hede havon wi that eland Missellia heten. Hirafter skil blika ho wi ther to rede hede. Tha Gola, alsa heton tha sandalinga prestera Sidon ‘is, tha Gola hedon wel sian thet et land ther skares bifolkad was and fer fon there Moder were. Vmb ira selva nw en gode skin to ievane, leton hia ra selva in vsa tal ana trowe widena heta, men that were betre west, as hia ra selva fon there trowe wendena nomath hede, iefta kirt wei trivwendne lik vsa stivrar leter den have. Tha hia wel seton weron, tha wandeldon hiara kaplivda skene kapre wepne and allerleia sirhedon to fara vsa isere wepne and wilde diara hvda, werfon in  [86] vsa svder landa felo to bikvma weron. Men tha Gola firadon allerhana wla drochtenlika fersta and to tiadon tha kadhemar thera thrvch todvan hiarar horiga manghertne and tha swet hed fon hiara fininnige win. Was ther hwa fon vs folk ther ‘et alsa arg vrbrvd hede, that sin lif in frese kem, than lenadon tha gola him hvl and foradon him nei Phonisia, that is palmland. Was hi ther seten, than most ‘i an sina sibba and atha skriwa, that ‘et land sa god were and tha manniska sa lvklik, as ninman hin selva mocht forbilde. A Brittannia weron riv felo manna, tha lith wiva, tha tha Gola that wiston, leton hia alweis manghertne skaka and thessa iavon hia tha Britne vmb nawet. Thach al thissa manghertne weron hiara thianstervm, ther tha bern fon Wralda stolon vmb ‘ar an hiara falske drochtne to ievane.

Nw willath wi skriwa vr tha orloch thera bvrchfamna Kalta and Minerva


And ho wi ther thrvch al vsa svderlanda and Brittania anda Gola vrleren have. Bi there Svder ‘ren ‘mvda and there Skelda, ther send sivgvn alanda, nomath nei Frias sivgvm wakfamkes there wek. Middel vppet ene aland is thiv bvrch1 Walhallagara, invt tha wagrvm thera is thiv folgiande skednesse wrîten. Ther bvppa stet: les, ler and wak. 563 ier nei aldland svnken is, sat hir en wise bvrch fam, Min ‘erva was hira noma. Thrvch tha stivrar Nihellenia tonomath. This tonoma was god keren, hwand tha red, ther hiv lenade, was ni and hel bvppa alle othervm. Overa Skelda et there Flibvrch sat Sirhed. Thivs fam was fvl renka, sken was r ‘anhlith and kwik was  [88] hira tvnge, men thi red ther hiv ief, was immer in thivstere worde. Ther vmbe warth hiv thrvch tha stivrar Kalta heten, tha landsata menadon that et en ernoma wera. Inna vtroste wille there vrstvrvene Moder stand Rosa ‘mvda thet forma, Min ‘erva thet twede and Sirhed thet thredde as folgstere biskreven. Min ‘erva nede ther nen wit fon, men Sirhed was er thrvch knaked. Lik en wrlandeske forstinne wilde hiv erath fresath and beden wesa, men Min ‘erva wilde enkel minth wesa. To tha lesta kemon alle stivrar hiri hiara held biada, selva fon tha Dena ‘marka and fon ‘t Flimar. That vvnde Sirhed, hwand hiv wilde bvppa Min ‘erva vtminthia. Til thiv man en grote thank ovir hira wakendvm hava skolde, mik hiv ennen hona vpper fane. Tha gvng Min ‘erva to and mik en harder hvnd and en nachtvl in vppira fane. Thene hvnd seide hiv wakt ovir sin her and ovira kidda and thene nachtvl wakt ovira fielda til thiv hia thrvch tha mvsa navt vrden ne wrde. Men thene hona neth far nimman frivndskip, and thrvch sin vntocht and hachfarenhed is er vaken thene bana sinra neista sibba wrden. As Kalta sach that er wark falikant vt kem, to gvng hiv fon kwad to arger. Stolkes let hiv Magiara to hiri kvma vmbe taweri to larane. As hiv ther hira nocht fon hede, werpte hiv hira selva anda arma thera Golvm, thach fon al thi misdedon ne macht hiv navt betre ne wrde. As hiv sach that tha stivrar mar and mar fon iri weke, tha wilde hiv ra thrvch frese winna. Was tha mone fvl and thene se vnstvmich, than hlip hiv over et wilde hef, tha stivrar to hropande that hia alle skolde vrgan, sahwersa hia hiri navt anbidda nilde. Forth vrblinde hiv hira agvn hwer thrvch hia weter fori land and land fori weter hildon, therthrvch is mani skip vrgvngen mith man and mvs. Vppet forma werferste tha al hira landsata wepned weron, let hiv barga biar skanka, in that biar hede hiv taverdrank den. As et folk nv algadvr  [90] drvnken were, gvng hiv bvppen vp hira stridhros standa, to lenande mith hira hole toienst hira speri, mornerad ne kv navt skener. Tha hia sach that alle ogon vpper fastigath weron epende hiv hira wera and keth, svnvm and thogatrvm Frias, i wet wel that wi inna lerste tid fvl lek and brek leden have, thrvchdam tha stivrar navt longer kvme vmb vs skriffilt to vrsella, men i nete navt hwerthrvch et kvmen is. Long hav ik mi ther vr inhalden, thach nv kan ‘k ‘e tnavt longer on. Hark then frivnda til thiv i weta mvge hwernei i bita mei. Anda ora side there Skelda hwer hia tomet tha fert fon alle sea have, ther makath hia hivd degon skriffilt fon pompa bledar, ther mith sparath hia linnent vt and kannath hia vs wel miste. Neidam that skriffilt makia nv alti vs grateste bidriv west is, sa heth thiv Moder wilt that man et vs lera skolde. Men Minerva heth al et folk bihexnath, ies bihexnath frivnda, ivin as al vs fia that lasten stvrven is. Er ‘vt mot ‘et, ik wil thi tella, nas ‘k nen bvrchfam ik skold et wel weta, ik skolde thiv hex in hiara nest vrbarne. Tha hiv thi lerste worda vt hede, spode hiv hira selva nei hira bvrch tha, men that vrdrvnken folk was althvs denera bigastered, that et vr sin rede navt mocht to wakane. In dvl ‘driste iver gvngon hia overa Sand fal and neidam nacht midlerwil del strek gvngon hia evin drist vpper bvrch los. Thach Kalta miste al hwither hira dol, hwand Minerva and hira famna and tha foddik wrdon alle thrvch tha rappa stivrar hreth.

Hrbi kvmth tha skednesse fon Ion.


Ion, Ion, Ihon and Ian is al en mith ieven, thach thet leit anda vtsprek thera stivrar, ther thrvch wenhed ellas bikirta vmbit fara and hard hropa to mvgane. Ion that is ieva was sekening, bern to ‘t ‘Alderga, to ‘t Flimar vt  [92] faren mith 100 and 27 skepvm, tohreth far en grote bvtareis, rik to leden mith barnsten, tin, kaper, iser, leken, linnent, filt, famna filt fon otter, bever and kanina her. Nw skold er fon hir ieta skriffilt mith nimma; tha to Ion hir kem and sach ho Kalta vsa rom rika bvrch vrden hede, tha warther sa vter mete heftich, that er mith al sinvm livdvm vpper Flibvrch of gvng and ther to witterield thene rada hone an stek. Men thrvch sin skelta bi nacht and svme sinra livdvm warth thiv foddik and tha famna hret. Tach Sirhed iefta Kalta ne mochton hia navt to fatane, hiv klvwde vppa vtroste tinne, iahweder tochte that hiv inna logha omkvma moste, tha hwat berde? Dahwile al hira livda stak and stif fon skrik standon, kem hiv skener as a ‘to fora vp hira kleppar to hropande nei Kalta min ‘ais1. Tha stramada that ora Skelde folk to hapa. As tha stivrar that sagon hripon hia far Minerva wi. En orloch is thervt kvmen, hwerthrvch thvsande fallen send. Vnder thesse tidon was Rosamond that is Rosa mvda Moder, hiv hede fvl in there minne den vmbe fretho to waria, tach nw ‘t alsa arg kem, mik hiv kirte mete. Bistonda sand hiv bodvn thrvch tha land pala and let en mena nedban vtketha, tha kemon tha landwerar vt alle wrda wei. That stridande land folk warth al fat, men Ion bvrch hin selva mith sin livd vppa sina flate, mith nimand beda tha foddika, bionka Minerva and tha famna fon bedar bvrchvm. Helprik thene herman let ‘im in banna, men tha hwila alle werar ieta o ‘ra Skelda weron for Ion to bek nei ‘t Flimar and forth wither nei vsa alandvm. Sin livd and felo fon vs folk namon wif and bern skep, and as Ion nw sach that man hin and sin livd lik misdedar strafia wilde, brvdon hi stolkes hinne. Hi dede rivcht, hwand al vsa landar and allet ora Skelda folk ther fivchten hedon  [94] wrdon nei Brittania brocht. Thivs stap was mis den, hwand nv kem t ‘anfang fon that ende: Kalta ther nei ‘t segse even blid vppet weter as vppet land hlapa machte, gvng nei tha fasta wal, and forth vppa Missellia of. Tha kemon tha Gola mith hiara skepvm vt ‘a Middelse Kadik bifara and el vs vter land, forth filon hia vp and over Brittannia thach hia ne mochton ther nen fasta fot ne kreia, vmbe that tha sivrda weldich and tha bannalinga ieta Frias weron. Men nw kem Kalta and keth, thv bist fri bern and vmbe litha leka heth man thi to vrwvrpene makad, navt vmbe thi to beteria, men vmbe tin to winnande thrvch thina handa. Wilst wer fri wesa and vnder mina red and hoda leva, tian vt then, wepne skilvn thi wrda, and ik skil waka o ‘er thi. Lik blixen fivr gvng et o ‘era alanda, and er thes Kroders iol enis omhlapen hede, was hiv masterinne over al gadvr and tha Thiriar fon al vsa svder stata til there Seiene. Vmbe that Kalta hira selva navt to fvl bitrowada, let hiv in ‘et northlika berchland ene bvrch bvwa Kalta ‘s bvrch warth hiv heten, hiv is iet anwesa, men nv het hia Keren ‘ak. Fon thivs bvrch welde hiv lik en efte moder, navt to wille far men over hira folgar and tham hiara selva forth Kaltana heton. Men tha Gola weldon bi gradon over el Brittania, that kem enis delis that hiv nen mar bvrga nede, twias that hiv ther nen bvrchfamna nede and thrias thrvchdam hiv nen efte foddik navt nede. Thrvch al thessa erseka kvn hira folk navt ni lera, that wrde dvm and dor and wrde endelik thrvch tha Gola fon al hira isera wepne birawath and to that lesta lik en bvhl bi there nose omme leid.  [96]

Nv willath wi skriva ho ‘t Ion vrgvngen is, thit stet to Texland skreven.

10 ier after Ion wei brit was, kemon hir thriv skepa in ‘t Flimar falla, that folk hrip ho ‘n ‘seien, fon hira talinga heth thiv Moder thit skriwa leten. Tha Ion antha Middelse kem was then mara thera Gola hin vral far vt gvngen, alsa hi an theri kad fon tha heinda Krekalanda narne felich nere. Hi stek thvs mith sinvm flate nei Lidia, that is Lida his land, ther wildon tha swarta manniska fata hiam and eta. To tha lesta kemon hia et Thirhis, men Minerva seide hald of, hwand hir is thiv loft olangne vrpest thrvch tha prestera. Thi kaning was fon Tvnis ofstamed, sa wi leter herdon, men til thiv tha prestera en kaning wilde have ther alderlangne nei hiara bigrip were, alsa hede hia Tvnis to en gode vp heiad, to argnisse sinra folgar. As hia nv Thir after bek were, kemon, tha Thiriar en skip vta afte hoda rawa, neidam that skip to fer was, kvndon wi ‘t navt wither wina, men Ion swor wreka thervr. Tha nacht kem kerde Ion nei tha fere Krekalandvm, to lesten kemon hia bi en land that bivstre skril vt sa, men hia fondon ther en havesmvda. Hir seide Minerva skil bi skin nen frese to fara forstvm nach prestervm nedich wesa, neidam hia algadvr feta etta minna, thach tha hia inner have hlipon fonth man hia navt rvm noch vmbe alle skepa to bislvta, and thach weron mest alle to laf vmbe wider to gane. Alsa gvng Ion ther forth wilde mith sin sper and fone that iongk folk to hropande, hwa willinglik bi ‘m skara wilde. Minerva ther biliwa wilde dede alsa. That grateste del gvng nei Minerva, men tha ionggoste stivrar gvngon bi Ion.  [98] Ion nam there foddik fon Kalta and hira famna mitha, and Minerva hild hira ain foddik and hira ain famna. Bitwiska tha fervm and heinda Krekalandvm fand Ion svma elanda ther im likte, vppet grateste gvng ‘er inna tha walda twisk that berchta en bvrch bvwa. Fon vta litha elanda gvng ‘er vt wreka tha Thiriar skepa and landa birawa, thervmbe send tha elanda evin blid Rawer elanda, as Ionhis elanda1 heten. Tha Minerva that land bisian hede, that thrvch tha inhemar Attika is heten, sach hiv that that folk al ieita hoder weron, hia hildon hiara lif mith flesk, krvdvm, wilde wotelvm and hvning. Hia weron mith felvm tekad and hiv hedon hiara skvla vppa hellinga thera bergvm. Therthrvch send hia thrvch vs folk Hellinggar heten. That forma gvngon hia vppa rvn, tha as hia sagon that wi navt ne taldon nei hiara skat, tha kemon hia tobek and leton grate atskip blika. Minerva freide ief wi vs in there minna machte nither setta. That wrde to staden vnder biding that wi skolde helpa hiam with hiara swetsar to stridande, ther alan kemon hiara bern to skakana and hiara skat to rawana. Tha bvwadon wi ene bvrch arhalf pal fon ther have. Vppa red Minervas warth hiv Athenia2 heten: hwand seide hiv, tha after kvmand agon to wetane, that wi hir navt thrvch lest ner weld kvmen send, men lik atha vntfongen. Dahwile wi an there bvrch wrochton kemon tha forsta, as hia hia nv sagon that wi nen slavona hede, sind er sok navt, and leton ‘t an Minerva blika, til thiv hia tochton that en forstene were. Men Minerva freia, ho bist wel an thina slavona kvmen? Hia andere, svme havath wi kapad, ora anna strid wnnen. Minerva seide, sahwersa ninman manneska kapia nilda sa ne skolde ninman ivw bern rawa and i ne skolda  [100] thervr nen orloch have, wilst thvs vsa harlinga biliwa sa mot ‘i thina slavona fri leta. That nv willath tha forsta navt, hia willath vs wei driwa. Men tha klokeste hiarar livda kvmath helpa vsa bvrch ta bvmande, ther wi nv fon sten makia.

Thit is thiv skednesse fon Ion and Minerva.

As hia that nw ella tellad hede, freiath hia mith erbiadenesse vm irsene bvrchwepne, hwand seidon hia vsa letha send weldich, tha sa wi efta wapne have, skillon wi ra wel wither worda. As hiv theran to stemad hede, freiath tha livda ief tha Frias seda to Athenia and tha ora Krekalanda bloia skolde, thiv Moder andere, ief tha fere Krekalanda to tha erva Frias hera, alsa skilvm hia ther bloia, ne herath hia navt ther to, alsa skil ther lang over kampad wrda mote, hwand thene kroder skil ieva fifthvsand ier mith sin Iol ommehlapa, bifara that Findas folk rip to fara fridom si.3


Thit is over tha Gertmanna.


Tha Hellenia iefta Minerva stvrven was, tha baradon tha prestera as ief hia mith vs weron, til thiv that hel blika skolde havon hia Hellenia to ‘ne godene vte keth. Ak nildon hia nene ore Moder kiasa leta, to segande, hia hede frese that er emong hira famna nimman were, ther hia sa god kvnde trowa as Minerva ther Nihellenia tonomt was. Men wi nildon Minerva navt as ene godene navt bikanna, neidam hia selva seid hede that nimman god iefta fvlkvma wesa ne kvnde than Wraldas gast. Thervmbe keron wi Gert Pire his toghater to vsa Moder vt. As tha prestera sagon that hia hiara hering navt vp vsa fivr breda ne mochton, tha gvngon hia bvta Athenia and seidon that wi  [102] Minerva navt to ‘ne godene bikana nilda vt nid, vmbe that hiv tha inhemar sa fvl liafde biwesen hede. Forth iavon hia that folk bildnisse fon hira liknese, tivgande that hia therlan ella freia machte alsa naka hia heroch bilewon. Thrvch al thissa tellinga warth that dvma folk fon vs ofkerad and to tha lesta filon hia vs to lif. Men wi hedon vsa stene bvrchwal mith twam hornvm om teien al to tha se. Hia ne machton vs thervmbe navt naka. Thach hwat berde, an Egiptalanda ther were en overprester, hel fon agnvm, klar fon brin and licht fon gast, sin nam were Sekrops,1 hi kem vmb red to ievane. As Sekrops sach that er mith sinvm livda vsa wal navt biranna ne kv, tha sand hi bodon nei Thirhis. Afternei kemon er thria hvndred skipvn fvl salt ‘atha fon tha wilde berchfolkvm vnwarlinga, vsa hava bifara, dahwila wi mith alle mannvm vppa wallvm to stridande weron. Drei as hia thiv hava innomth hede wildon tha wilda salt ‘atha that thorp and vsa skipa birawa. En salt ‘athe hede al en bvkia skand, men Sekrops wilde that navt ne hangia, and tha Thiriar stivrar ther ieta Frias blod int lif hede seidon, aste that deiste sa skilvn wi tha rade hone in vsa skipa steka and thv ne skilst thina berga na withera ‘sia. Sekrops tham navt ne hilde ni fon morthia nor fon hommelia, sand bodon nei Gert vmbir tha bvrch of to askia, hiv macht fria vttochte ha mith al hira driwande and berande hava, hira folgar alsa fvl. Tha wista thera bvrchhervm el god siande that hia tha bvrch navt halda ne kvnde, reden Gert hia skolde gaw to bitta, bi fira Sekrops wodin wrde and overs bigvnde, thre monatha after brvde Gert hinne mith tha alder besta Frias bern and sivgvm wara twilf skipvm. Tha hia en stvt bvta there have weron kemon ther wel thritich skepvn fon Thirhis mit wif and bern. Hia wilde nei Athenia ga, tha as hia herdon ha ‘t ther eskepen stande gvngon hia mit Gert. Thi wetking thera  [104] Thiriar brocht algadvr thrvch tha strete2 ther vnder thisse tida vppa tha rade se vthlip. Et leste landon hia et Pangab, that is in vsa spreke fif wetervm, vmbe that fif rinstrama mith hiri nei tha se to strame. Hir seton hia hiara selva nithar. That land havon hia Gertmannia heton. Thene kening fon Thirhis afternei siande that sin alderbesta stivrar wei brit weren sand al sin skipa mith sina wilde saltatha vmb ‘er dad iefta levand to fatane. Men as hia bi there strete kem bevadon bede se and irtha. Forth hef irtha hira lif ther vppa, sa hag that al et weter to there strete vthlip, and that alle wata and skorra lik en bvrchwal to fara hiam vp reson. That skede over tha Gertmanna hiara dvgda lik as allera mannalik hel and klar mei sia. An tha iera 1000 and 51 nei Aldland svnken is, is thit vpp ‘ina asterwach it Frias bvrch writen. Nei that wi in twilif ier tid nen Krekalandar to Almanland sian hede, kemon ther thriv skepa sa sirlik as wi nen hedon and to fara nimmer nede sian. Vppet storoste thera were ‘n kening thera Ihonhis elandvm. Sin nome were Vlisvs and tha hrop ovir sin wisdom grat. This kening was thrvch ene presteresse forseid, that er kening wertha skolde ovir alla Krekalanda sa ‘r red wiste vmbe ‘n foddik to kreiande, ther vpsteken was anda foddik it Texland. Vmbe ‘r to fensane heder fele skata mith brocht, boppa ella famne sirhedvm, alsa ther in wralda navt skenener makad wrde. Hia kemon fon Troia en stede tham tha Krekalandar innimth hedon. Al thissa skata bad hi tha Moder an, men thiv Moder nilde narne fon neta. As er to lesta sa, that hiv navt to winne were, gvng er nei Walhallagara. Ther was en fam seten, hira nome were Kat, tha  [106] inna wandel wrde hiv Kalip3 heten vt hawede that hiara vnderlip as en vtkikbored farvtstak. Therbi heth er ieron hwilth to argenisse fon al tham et wiston. Nei thera famna hrop heth er to lesta en foddik fon hir kreien, tha hia heth im navt ne bat, hwand as er in se kem is sin skip vrgvngon and hi naked and blat vpnimth thrvch tha othera skepa. Fon thisse kening is hir en skriver afterbilewen fon ren Frias blod, barn to there neie have fon Athenia and hwat hir folgath het er vs fon ovir Athenia skreven, thervt mei man bislvta, ho wer thia Moder Hel ‘licht sproken heth, tha hia seide that Frias seda to Athenia nen stand holde ne kvste. Fon tha othera Krekalander hetste sekvr fvl kwad ovir Sekrops hered, hwand hi were in nen gode hrop. Men ik dar segse, hi were ‘n lichte man, hachlik romed alsa ser bi tha inhemar as wel bi vs, hwand hi were navt vmbe tha manniska to diapana sa tha ora prestera, men hi were dvgedsem and hi wist tha wisdom thera ferhemanda folkvm nei werde to skatande. Thervmbe that er that wiste, hede ‘r vs to stonden that wi machte leva nei vs ain elik Segabok. Ther gvng en telling that er vs nigen were, vmbe that er tivcht wesa skolde vt en Friaske mangerte and Egiptiska prester, vthawede that er blawe aga hede, and that er fvl mangerta fon vs skakt weron and in ovir Egiptalande vrsellath. Tha selva heth er nimmerte iecht. Ho ‘t thermei si, sekvr is ‘t that er vs mara athskip biwes as alle othera prestvm to semne. Men as er fallen was, gvngon sina neimanninga alring an vsa ewa torena and bi gradvm sa felo mislikanda kera to makiande, that er to longe lesta fon elik sa and fon fridom ha navt owers as tha skin and tha nome vrbilef. Forth nildon hia navt ne daia that ‘a setma an skrift brocht wrde, hwerthrvch tha witskip thera far  [108] vs forborgen warth. To fara wrdon alle sekvm binna Athenia in vsa tal bithongon, afternei most et in beda tala sken and to lesta allena in tha landis tal. In tha erosta iera nam that manfolk to Athenia enkel wiva fon vs ain slacht, men that iongkfolk vpwoxen mitha mangerta ther landsaton namen ther ak fon. Tha bastera bern tham therof kemon weron tha skensta and snodsta in wralda, men hia weron ak tha argsta. To hinkande vr bide sida, to malande her vm seda ner vm plega, hit ne si that et were for hiara aine held. Alsa naka ther ieta ‘n strel fon Frias gast weldande were warth al et bvwspvl to mena werka forwrochten and nimman ne mocht en hvs to bvwande, that rvmer and riker were as that sinra nestvm. Tha tha svme vrbastere stediar rik weron thrvch vs fara and thrvch et svlver, that tha slavona vta svlverlona wnnon, tha gvngon hia bvta vppa hellinga iefta inda dela hema. Ther beftha haga wallvm fon lof tha fon sten bvwadon hia hova mith kestlik hvsark, and vmbe bi tha wla prestrvm in en goda hrop to wesande, staldon hia ther falska drochten likanda and vntvchtiga bilda in. Bi tha wla prestrvm and forstvm wrdon tha knapa al tomet mara gert as tha toghatera, and faken thrvch rika iefta thrvch weld fon et pad there dvged ofhleid. Neidam rikdom bi that vrbrvde and vrbasterde slachte fer bvppa dvged and ere ielde, sach man altomet knapa tham hiara selva mit rvma rika klatar siradon, hiara aldrvm and famna to skonda and hiara kvnna to spot. Kemon vsa enfalda aldera to Athenia vppe there mena acht and wildon hia thervr bara, sa warth ther hropen, hark, hark, ther skil en semomma ketha. Alsa is Athenia wrdon elik en brokland anda hete landa, fol blodsvgar, pogga and feniniga snaka, hwerin nen manniske fon herde sedvm sin fot navt waga ne mei.  [110]

Thit stat in al vsa bvrga.

Ho vsa Denamarka1 fara vs vleren gvngon 1600 and 2 ier2 nei Aldland vrgongen is. Thrvch Wodins dor and dertenhed was thene Magi bas wrden ovir Skenlandis astardel. Wra berga and wr ‘n se ne tvrade hi navt ne kvma. Thiv Moder wildet navt werha, hia sprek ande keth, ik sia nen frese an sina wepne, men wel vmbe tha Skenlander wer to nimmande, thrvchdam hia bastered and vrderen sind. Vppa mena acht toch te man alen. Thervmbe is ‘t im leten. Grat 100 ier leden biondon tha Denemarkar to wandelia mith hiam. Hia ievon him isere wepne and redskip ther fori wandeldon hia golden sirhedon biivnka kaper and iserirtha. Thiv Moder sand bodon and red ‘er, hia skolde thiv wandel fara leta. Ther were frese seide hiv fori hiara sedvm, and bitham hia hiara sede vrleren, than skolde hia ak hiara fridom vrliasa. Men tha Denemarkar nede narne ara nei, hia nilda navt bigrippa that hiara sede vrbrvde kvste, thervmbe ne meldon hia hia navt. To longa lesta brochton hia aine wepne and liftochta wei. Men that kwad wrocht hiara geia. Hiara lichema wrdon biladen mei blik and skin, men hiara arka spinton and skvra wrdon letoch. Krek hondred ier eftere dei that et forma skip mit liftochta fona kad faren was, kem ermode and lek thrvch tha anderna binna, honger spreda sina wivka and strek vppet land del, twispalt hlip stolte in overe streta and forth to tha hvsa in, liafde ne kv nen stek longer navt finda and entracht rvn ewei. That barn wilde eta fon sina mam and thiv mam hede wel sirhedon tha nen eta. Tha wiva kemon to hiara manna, thissa gvngon nei tha greva, tha greva nedon selva nawet of hildon ‘t skvl. Nw most man tha sirhedon vrsella, men thawila tha stivrar thermei  [112] wei brit weron kem frost and lei ‘n plonk del vppa se and wra strete. Tha frost thiv brigge red hede, stop wakandon therwr to ‘t land vt and vred kliwade vpper setel. In stede fon tha owera to biwakande spandon hia hiara horsa for hiara togvm and rvnon nei Skenland tha. Tha Skenlander, tham nei weron nei that land hiarar ethla kemon nei tha Denemarkvm. Vppen helle nacht kemon hia alla. Nw seidon hia that hia rivcht hede vppet land hiarar ethlon and thahwil that man thervr kampade kemon tha Finna in tha letoga thorpa and rvnadon mith tha bern ewei. Thertrvch and that hia nen goda wepne navt nedon, ded hiam tha kasa vrliasa and thermei hiari fridom, hwand thene Magi wrde bas. That kem that hia Frias tex navt lesde and hira redievinga warlased hede. Ther send svme ther mene that hia thrvch tha greva vrreden send, that tha famna that long sperath hedon, tha sa hvam sa ther vr ketha wilde, tham is mvla wrdon to smorath mith golden kedne. Wi ne mvgan thervr nen ordel to fellande, men wi willath io tohropa, ne len navt to sere vppa wisdom and dvged ni fon ivwa Forsta, ni fon iowa famna, hwand skel et halda sa mot allera mannalik waka ovir sin aina tochta and for ‘t mena held. Twa ier neidam kem thene Magi selva mith en flate fon lichte kanvm, tha Moder fon Texland and tha foddik to rawane. Thas arge seke bistonde ‘r thes nachtis anda winter bi storne tidvm as wind gvlde and heiel to ienst tha anderna fetere. Thi vtkik ther mende thater awet herde stak sin balle vp. Tha drei as et livcht fon er tore vppet ronddel falda, sa ‘r that al felo wepende manna wra bvrchwal weron. Nw gvng ‘er to vmbe tha klokke to lettane, tha et were to let. Er tha were red were, weron al twa thvsand ina wer vmbe tha porte to rammande. Strid hwilde thervmbe kirt,  [114] hwand thrvchdam tha wera navt nen gode wacht halden nede, kemon alle om. Hwil that alrek drok to kampane were, was ther en wla Fin to there flete iefta bedrvm fon there Moder inglvpth, and wilde hia nedgia. Tha thiv Moder werd ‘im of that er bekward toienst tha wach strvmpelde. Tha ‘r wither vpa ben were stek er sin swerd to ir bvk in segsande, nilst min kvl navt sa skilst min swerd ha. After im kem en skiper fona Denemarka, thisse nam sin swerd and hif thene Fin thrvch sina hole. Thervt flat swart blod and thervr swefde ‘n blawe logha. Thi Magi let thiv Moder vpa sinra skip forplegia. As hiv nw wither alsa fere hel and beter wer that hiv fast spreka machte, seide thene Magi that hiv mith fara moste, tha that hiv hira foddik and famna halda skolde, that hiv en stat skolde nita sa hach as hiv to fara na nede kenth. Forth seide ‘r that hi hiri freia skolde in ainwarde fon sinvm forsta, ief er master skolde wertha over alle landa and folkra Frias. Hi seide that hiv that biiae and biiechta most, owers skolde ‘r vnder felo weia sterva leta. As er ther after al sinra forsta om ira leger to gadvrad hede freier lvd, Frana vrmites i klarsiande biste most m.enis segsa of ik master skil wertha over alle landa and folkra Frias. Frana dede as melde hia him navt. To longa lesta epende hiv hira wera ande keth, min agvn wrde thivstred, tha that ore livcht degth vp in minara sele. Ies, ik sia ‘t. Hark Irtha and wes blide mith mi. Vndera tidvm that Aldland svnken is, stand thiv forma speke fon thet Iol an top. Thernei is hiv del gvngon and vsa fridom mith tham. As er twa speka ieftha 2000 ier del trvled het, sa skilvn tha svna vpstonda ther tha forsta and prestera thrvch hordom bi ‘t folk teled have, and toienst hiara tata tivgha. Thi alle skilvm thrvch mort swika, men hwat hia keth have skil forth  [116] biliwa and frvchdber wertha in ‘a bosme thera kloke manniska, alsa lik gode sedvm ther del leid wrde in thinra skat. Ieta thvsand ier skil thiv speke then del niga and al mara siga anda thivsternesse and in blod, ovir thi vtstirt thrvch tha laga ther forsta and prestera. Thernei skil thet mornerad wither anfanga to glora. Thit siande skilvn tha falska forsta and prester alsamen with fridom kampa and woxelia, men fridom, liafde and endracht skil ‘et folk in hiara wach nema and mit thet iol risa vta wla pol. That rivcht that erost allena glorade, skil than fon leiar laia to ‘n logha wertha. That blod thera argvm skil ovir thin lif strama, men thv ne mvgth et navt to thi nema. To tha lesta skil that feninige kwik ther vp asa and therof sterva. Alle wla skednese tham forsvnnen send vmbe tha forsta and prestera to boga, skilvn an logha ofred wertha. Forth skilvn al thinra bern mith fretho leva. Tha hiv vtspreken hede, seg hiv del. Men thene Magi tham hia navt wel forstan hede kreth, ik hav thi freieth, ief ik bas skilde wertha ovir alle landa and folkra Frias, and nw haste to en other sproken. Frana rivchte hiri wither, sach im star an and kethe: er sivgvn etmelde om send, skil thin sele mitha nachtfvglon to tha grawa omme wara and thin lik skil ledsa vppa bodem fona se. El wel seide thene Magi mith vrborgne wodin, segs men that ik kvme. Forth seider to ienst en sinar rakkarvm, werp that wif vr skippes bord. Althvs wer ‘et ende fon ‘re leste thera Modervm. Wreke willath wi ther vr navt ne hropa, tham skil tid nima. Men thvsand wara thvsand mel willath wi Fria afternei hropa: wak ‘wak ‘wak.

Ho 't thene Magi forth vrgvngon is.

Nei that tha modder vrden was, leter tha foddik and tha famna to sina skip to brenga biivnka alle inbold  [118] ther im likte. Forth gvng er that Flimar vp, hwand hi wilde tha fam fon Medeasblik ieftha fon Stavora gabia and tham to Moder makia. Tha ther weron hia vp hiara hodvm brocht. Tha stivrar fon Stavora and fon that Alderga hedon hini gern to Ionis togen, men tha grate flate were vppen fere tocht vt. Nw gvngon hia to and foron mith hira littige flate nei Medeasblik and hildon hia skvl after that li thera bamvn. Thi Magi nakade Medeasblik bi helle dei and skinander svnne. Thach gvngon sina livda drist drist wei vppera bvrch to rvnnande. Men as allet folk mith tha botvm land was, kemon vsa stivrar vtere kreke wei and skaton hiara pila mith tarbarntin bollvm vp sinra flate. Hia weron alsa wel rivcht that felo sinra skepvn bistonda anna brond weron. Tham vppa skepvn wachton, skaton ak nei vs tha, thach that ne roiade nawet. As er to lesta en skip al barnande nei ‘t skip thes Magi drif, bifel ‘er sin skiper hi skolde ofhade, men thene skiper that were thene Denemarker ther thene Fin felad hede, andere, thv hest vse Eremoder nei tha bodem fona se svnden to meldande thatste kvma skolde, thit skoste thrvch tha drokhed wel vrietta; nw wil ik nivde thatste thin word iecht. Thi Magi wild ‘im ofwera; men thene skiper, en afte Frias and sterik lik en iokoxe, klipade beda sinvm honda om sin hole and hif hini vr bord into that wellande hef. Forth hes er sin brvne skild an top and for rivcht to rivcht an nei vsa flate. Therthrvch kemon tha famna vnforlet to vs, men tha foddik was vtgvngon and nimman wiste ho ‘t kemen was. Tha hia vppa vnfordene skepa heradon, that thene Magi vrdrvnken was, brvde hia hinne, hwand tha stivrar thera mest Denemarkar weron. Nei that tha flate fer enoch ewei were, wendon vsa stivrar and skaton hiara barnpila vppa tha Finna del. Tha tha Finna thvs sagon, ho hia vrreden weron, hlip Alrik thrvch vr ekkdrvm and ther nere longer nen herichhed ni bod. To thisre stonde rvn tha were hiv vt  [120] tere bvrch. Tham navt ne flivchte, werth afmakad, and ther flivchte fvnd sin ende into tha polvm fon et Krilinger wald. 




Tha tha stivrar an da kreke leion was ther en spotter fon vt Stavora mank, ther seide, Medea mei lakkia, sa wi hir vt hira bvrch reda. Thervmbe havon tha famna thiv kreke Medea mei lakkia heten. Tha bertnissa ther afternei sked send, mei alra mannalik hvgia. Tha famna hagon tham nei hiara wisa to tella and wel biskriwa leta. Thervmbe rekeniath wi hirmitha vsa arbed fvlbrocht. Held. Ende fon ’t Bok.



2. Tha skrifta fon Adelbrost and Apollonia

Min nom is Adelbrost svn fon Apol and fon Adela. Thrvch min folk ben ik keren to Grevetman ovira Linda wrda. Thervmbe wil ik thit bok forfolgia vp alsa denera wisa as mine mem sproken heth. Nei that thene Magi felt was and Friasbvrch vp stel brocht, most er en moder keren wertha. Bi ‘ra leva nede thiv Moder hira folgstera navt nomth. Hira lersta wille was sok and narne to findne. Sivgvn monatha after werth er en mena acht bilidsen and wel to Grenega vt erseke that anna Saxanamarka palth. Min mem werth keren, men hiv nilde nen Moder wesa. Hiv hede heth lif minar tat hred, therthrvch heden hia ekkorvm liaf kreien and nw wildon hia ak gadath wertha. Felon wildon min mem fon er bislvt ofbrenga; men min mem seide, en Eremoder acht alsa ren in  ‘ra mod to wesana as hia bvta blikt and even mild far al hiara bern. Neidam ik Apol nw liaf hav boppa ella in wralda, sa ne kan ik sa ‘ne Moder navt nesa. Sa sprek and keth Adela, men tha ora bvrchfamna wildon algader Moder wesa. Alrek stat thong fori sinera aine fam and nilde navt fira. Therthrvch nis er nene keren and heth rik thvs bandlas. Hir after mvg ‘it bigripa. Livdgert, tham kening ther hemesdega fallen is, was bi there Moder ‘is leva keren blikber trvch alle statha mith liafde and trivw. Heth were sin torn vmbe vppin eth grate hof to Dokhem to hemande, and bi there Moder ‘is leva wrd ‘im ther grate er biwesen, hwand et were immer sa fvl mith bodon and riddarvm fon heinde and fere as ‘m ‘a to fora na nede sian. Tach nw wer ‘er ensem and  [124] vrleten, hwand alrek were ange that ‘er him master skolde makia boppa heth rivcht and welda e ‘lik tha slavona keninggar. Elk forst wande forth that ‘er enoch dede as er wakade ovir sin ain stat; and thi en ne ief nawet ta antha othera. Mith ‘era bvrchfamna gvnget ieta arger to. Alrek thisra bogade vppira aine wisdom and sahwersa tha Grevetmanna awet dedon bvta hiam, sa wrochten hia mistrivwa bitwiska tham and sinvm livdvm. Skeder en seke ther felon statha trof and hede man thiv red ener fam in wnnen, sa kethon alle othera that hiv sproken hede to fere fon hira aine stat. Thrvch althvs denera renka brochton hia twispalt in ovira statha and torendon hia that band sadene fon en, that et folk fon tha enne stat nithich were vppet folk fon en ora stat and faret alderminesta lik ferhemande biskowade. Thiv fere thera is west that tha Gola ieftha Trowida vs al ‘et land of wnnen haven al ont thera Skelda and thi Magi al to there Wrsara. Ho ‘r therbi to gvngen is, heth min mem vntleth, owers nas thit bok navt skreven ne wrden, afsken ik alle hape vrleren hav tha ‘et skil helpa tha bata. Ik ne skriw thvs navt inna wan, thet ik therthrvch thet land skil winna ieftha bihaldane, that is minra achtne vndvalik, ik skriw allena far et after kvmande slacht, til thiv hia algadvr weta mvge vp hvdena wisa wi vrleren gvnge, and tha alra mannalik hir vt lera mei that elk kwad sin geia telath. Mi heth man Apollonia heten. Twiia thritich dega nei mam hira dad heth man Adelbrost min brother vrsleien fonden vppa warf, sin hawed split and sina lithne vt en hreten. Min tat ther siak leide is fon skrik vrstvrven. Tha is Apol min ivngere brother fon hir nei there westside fon Skenland faren. Ther heth er en bvrch ebvwad, Lindasbvrch3 heten, vmbe dana to wrekana vs leth. Wralda heth ‘im ther to felo iera lenad. Hi heth fif svna wnnen. Altham brengath thene Magi skrik  [126] and min brother goma. After mam and brother ‘is dad send tha fromesta fon ‘vt ‘a landvm to ekkorvm kvmen, hia havon en band sloten Adelband heten. Til thiv vs nen leth witherfara ne skolde, havath hia mi and Adelhirt min ivngste brother vpper bvrch brocht, mi bi tha famna and min brother bi tha werar. Tha ik thritich ier were heth man mi to Bvrchfam keren, and tha min brother fiftich were, werth ‘er keren to Grevetman. Fon mam ‘is side were min brother thene sexte, men fon tat his side thene thride. Nei rivcht machton sine afterkvmande thvs nen overa Linda after hiara nomvn navt ne fora, men alra mannalik wildet hava to ere fon mina mam. Ther to boppa heth man vs ak en ofskrifte ieven fon thet bok thera Adela follistar. Ther mitha ben ik thet blideste, hwand thrvch min mam hira wisdom kem ‘et in wralda. In thas bvrch hav ik ieta ora skrifta fvnden, ther navt in ’t bok ne stan, ak lovspreka ovir min mam, altham wil ik after skriva. Thit send tha neiletne skrifta Brvnnos, ther skriwer wesen is to thisre bvrch. After that tha Adela follistar ella hede leta overskriva elk in sin rik, hwat writ was in vppa wagarvm thera bvrgvm, bisloton hia en Moder to kiasane. Therto warth en mena acht bileid vp thisra hem. After tha forme red Adelas warth Tvntia bifolen. Ak skoldet slacht have. Thach nw frege min Bvrgtfam thet wort, hiv hede immerthe wenich west that hiv Moder skolde wertha, vt erseke that hiv hir vpper bvrch sat, hwana mest alle Modervm keren weron. Tha hiv thet word gvnd was, epende hiv hira falxa wera ande keth: I alle skinth arg to heftane an Adelas red, tha that ne skil thervmde min mvla navt ne slvta ner snora. Hwa tach is Adela and hwana kvmt et wei thatster sokke hage love to swikth. Lik ik hivddega is hiv to fara hir bvrchfam west.  [128] Tha is hiv ther vmbe wiser iefta betre as ik and alle othera, iefta is hiv mar stelet vppvsa sed and plegvm. Hwere that et fal, sa skolde hiv wel Moder wrden wesa, tha hiv therto keren is, men nean hiv wilde reder ennen bosta ha mith all ioi and nochta ther er anebonden send, in sted fon ensvm over hiam and et folk to wakane. Hiv is el klarsiande, god, men min agne ne send fer fon vrthivstred to wesane. Ik hav sian that hiv hira friadelf herde minth, nw god, that is lovelik, men ik hav forther sian that Tvntia Apol ‘is nift is. Wider wil ik navt ne sedsa. Tha forsta bigripen el god, hwer hiv hli sochte, men emong et folk kem twispalt, and neidam heth maradel fon hir wei kem, wilde ‘t Tvntia thiv ere navt ne gvna. Redne wrde stopth, tha saxne tagon vta skadne, men ther ne warth nene Moder keren. Kirt after hede annen vsera bodne sin makker faleth. Til hivddega hede der frod wesen, thervmbe hede min bvrchfam orlovi vmb ‘im bvta tha landpala to helpane. Thach in sted fon im to helpane nei thet Twiskland, alsa flivchte hiv selva mith im overe Wrsara and forth nei tha Magi. Thi Magi tham sina Frias svna hagia wilde stald ‘iri as Moder to Godabvrch et Skenland, men hiv wilde mar, hiv seid ‘im that sahwersa hi Adela vprvma koste, hi master skolde wertha over el Frias land. Hiv wer en fiand fon Adele seide hiv, hwand thrvch hira renka nas hiv nen Moder wrden. Sahwersa hi hir Texland forspreka wilde, sa skolde hira boda sina wichar to weiwiser thiania. Al thissa seka heth hira boda selva biliad.

Thet othera skrift.

Fiftian monatha nei there lerste acht wer ‘et Frivnskip ieftha Winnemonath. Alleramannelik ief to an meri  [130] meri frv and bli, and nimman nede diger than to akane sina nocht. Thach Wralda wild vs wisa, that wakendom navt vrgamlath wrde ne mei. To midne fon ‘et fest firia kem nevil to hvllande vsa wrda in thikke thivsternise. Nocht rvnde wei, tha wakendom nilde navt ne kera. Tha strandwakar weron fon hiara ned fivra hlapen and vppa tha topadvm nas nenen to bisia. Tha nevil ewei tach, lokte svnne thrvch tha reta thera wolkvm vp irtha. Alrek kem wither vt to ivwgande and to iolande, thet ivngk folk tach siongande mitha gvrbam1 and thisse overfvlde lvft mith sina liaflika adam. Men thahwila ther alrek in nocht baiada, was vrred land mith horsvm and riddervm. Lik alle arga weron hia helpen thrvch thivsternisse, and hinne glvpath thrvch Linda waldis pada. To fara Adelas dvre tagon twilif mangertne mith twilif lamkes and twilif knapa mith twilif hoklinga, en ivnge Saxman bired en wilde bvfle ther er selva fensen hede and tamad. Mith allerleia blomma weron hia siarad, and tha linnen tohnekna thera mangertne weron omborad mith gold vt ‘er Rene. Tha Adela to hira hvs vt vppet slecht kem, fol en blomrein del vppira hole, alle ivwgade herde and tha tot ‘horne thera knapvm gvldon boppa ella vt. Arme Adela, arm folk, ho kirt skil frv hir bidia. Tha thiv longe skare vt siocht were kem er en hloth magiara riddervm linrivcht to rinnande vp Adelas hem. Hira tat and gade weron ieta vppa stoppenbenke seten. Thiv dvre stond epen and ther binna stand Adelbrost hira svna. As er sach ho sina eldra in frese weron, gripter sine boge fon ‘ere wach wei and skat nei tha foresta thera rawarvm; this swikt and trvlde vppet gars del; overne twade and thride was en elik lot biskeren. Intwiska hedon sina eldra hiara wepne fat, and tagon vndiger to Ionis. Tha rawera skoldon hiam ring fensen  [132] ha, men Adela kem, vppere bvrch hede hia alle wepne to hantera lerad, sivgvn irthfet were hiv long and hira gert sa felo, thriia swikte hia tham or hira hole and as er del kem wer en ridder garsfallich. Follistar kemon omme herne there lone wei. Tha rawar wrdon falath and fensen. Thach to let, en pil hede hira bosme trefth. Vrredelika Magi! In fenin was sin pint dipth and therof is hiv stvrven.


There bvrchfams lov.

Ies ferhemande athe, thvsande send al kvmen and iet mara send vp wei. Wel, hia willath Adelas wisdom hera. Sekvr is hiv forstine, hwand hiv is immer thia forste west. O wach hwerto skolde hia thiania. Hira hemeth is linnen, hira tohnekka1 wol, that hiv selva spon and wevade. Hwermei skolde hia hira skenhed haga. Navt mith parlvm, hwand hira tvskar send witter; navt mith gold, hwand hira her is blikkander; navt mith stena, wel send hira agon saft as lamkes agon, thach to lik sa glander that man ther skromlik in sia ne mei. Men hwat kalt ik fon sken. Fria were wis navt skener. Ia athe, Fria ther sivgvn skenhede hede, hwerfon hira toghatera men ene elk hachstens thria vrven have. Men al were hiv ledlik, thach skolde hiv vs divra wesa. Ief hiv wigandlik si. Hark athe, Adela is thet enge bern vsar grevetman. Sivgvn irthfet is hiv hach, ieta grater then hira licheme is hira wished and hira mod is lik bede to semine. Lok ther, ther were enis en fenbrond, thriv bern weron vp ienske grafsten sprongen. Wind blos fel. Alrek kreta and thiv mam were redalas. Ther kvmt Adela: ho steitst and temethste hropth hiv, tragd help to le ‘nande  [134] and Wralda skil io krefta ieva. Ther hipth hia nei ‘t Krilwod, gript elsne treion, tragd en breg to makiande, nw helpath ak tha othera and tha bern send hred. Ierlikes kemon tha bern hir blomma ledsa. Ther kemon thre Fonisiar skiplivda ther hia wrevela wilde, men Adela kem, hiv hede hiara hwop (hrop) herad, in swim sleith hiv tha letha and til thiv hia selva iechta skolde, thet hia vnwerthelike manna weron, bint hiv alsemen an en spinrok fest. Tha ferhemanda hera kemon hiara thivd askia. Tha hia sagon ho skots hia misden weron, kem torn vp, thach man tellade ho ‘t berd was. Hwat hia forth dedon, hia bvwgdon to fara Adela and keston thiv slip hirar tohnekka. Kvm ferhemande athe, tha wald fvglon flivchtath to fara tha felo forsikar. Kvm athe sa meist hiara wished hera. Bi tha grafsten hwer fon in tha lovspreke meld warth, is mam hira lik bigraven. Vppira grafsten heth man thissa worda hwriten.




Thiv formlere ther is hwriten invtere wach ther bvrchtore, nis navt wither eskreven in that bok thera Adela follistar. Hwervmbe thet leten is net ik navt to skriwand. Tha thit bok is min ain, thervmbe wil ik hia ther inna setta to wille minra magvm. To hnekka, eene hooge, tot aan de nek reikende, iapon.



Alle god minnanda Frias bern si held. Hwand thrvch tham  [136] skil et selich wertha vp irtha. Ler and keth to tha folkvm. Wralda is thet alderaldesta ieftha overaldesta, hwand thet skop alla thinga. Wralda is ella in ella, hwand thet is evg and vnendlik. Wralda is overal ainwardich, men narne to bisia, thervmbe warth thet wesa gast heten. Al hwat wi fon him sia mvge send tha skepsela ther thrvch sin leva kvme and wither henne ga, hwand invt Wralda kvmath alle thinga and kerath alle thinga. Fon vt Wralda kvmth t anfang and et ende, alra thinga geith in im vppa. Wralda is thet ene ella machtige wesa, hwand alle ore macht is fon him lenad and kerath to him wither. In vt Wralda kvmath alle krefta and alle krefta kerath to him wither. Thervmbe is hi allena theth skeppande wesa and ther nis nawet eskepen bvta him. Wralda leide evge setma thet is ewa in al et skepne, and ther ne send nen gode setma ieftha hia moton thernei tavlikt wesa. Men afsken ella in Wralda si, tha boshed thera manniska nis navt fon him. Boshed kvmth thrvch lomhed vndigerhed and domhed. Thervmbe kan hiv wel tha manniska skada, Wralda nimmer. Wralda is thiv wished, and tha ewa ther hiv tavlikt heth, send tha boka wervt wi lera mvge, and ther nis nene wished to findande ner to gariande bvta tham. Tha manniska mvgon felo thinga sia, men Wralda siath alle thinga. Tha manniska mvgon felo thinga lera, men Wralda wet alle thinga. Tha manniska mvgon felo thinga vntslvta, men to fara Wralda is ella epned. Tha manniska send mannalik and berlik, men Wralda skept bede. Tha manniska minnath and hatath, tha Wralda is allena rivchtferdich. Thervmbe is Wralda allene god, and ther ne send nene goda bvta him. Mith thet Iol wandelath and wixlat allet eskepne, men god is allena vnforanderlik. Thrvch that Wralda god is, alsa ne mei hi ak navt foranderia;  [138] and thrvch thet er biliwath, thervmbe is hi allena wesa and al et ora skin.


Thet othera del fonre formler.


Emong Findas folk send wanwisa, ther thrvch hiara overfindingrikhed alsa arg send, that hia hiara selva wis makia and tha inewida bitivga, that hia thet besta del send fon Wralda; that hiara gast thet beste del is fon Wraldas gast and thet Wralda allena mei thankia thrvch helpe hiaris brin. That aider skepsle en del is fon Wraldas vnendlik wesa, that havon hia fon vs gabad. Men hiara falxe redne and hiara tamlase hachfarenhed heth ra vppen dwalwei brocht. Were hiara gast Wraldas gast, sa skolde Wralda el dvm wesa in stede fon licht and wis. Hwand hiara gast slavth him selva immer of vmbe skene bilda to makiande, ther i afternei anbid. Men Findas folk is en arg folk, hwand afsken tha wanwisa thera hiara selva wis makia that hia drochtne send, sa havon hia to fara tha vnewida falxa drochtne eskepen, to kethande allerweikes, that thissa drochtne Wralda eskepen have, mith al hwat ther inne is; giriga drochtne fvl nid and torn, tham erath and thianath willath wesa thrvch tha manniska, ther blod and offer willa and skat askia. Men thi wanwisa falxa manna, tham hiara selva godis skalka ieftha prestera noma leta, bvrath and samnath and gethath aldam to fara drochtne ther er navt ne send, vmbet selva to bihaldande. Aldam bidriwath hia mith en rvm emod, thrvchdam hia hiara selva drochtne wane, ther an ninman andert skeldich ne send. Send ther svme tham hiara renka froda and bar makia, alsa wrdon hia thrvch hiara rakkera fat and vmbira laster vrbarnad, ella mith felo statska plegvm, hiara falxa drochtne to ‘n ere. Men in trvth,  [140] allena vmbe that hia ra navt skada ne skolde. Til thiv vsa bern nw wepned mvge wesa toienst hiara drochtenlika lere, alsa hagon tha famna hiam fon bvta to lerande hwat hir skil folgia. Wralda was er alle thinga, and nei alle thinga skil er wesa. Wralda is alsa evg and hi is vnendlik, thervmb nis ther nawet bvta him. Thrvch vt Wraldas leva warth tid and alle thinga bern, and sin leva nimth tid and alle thinga wei. Thissa seka moton klar and bar makad wrda bi alle wisa, sa that hia ‘t an othera bithivta and biwisa mvge. Is ‘t sa far wnnen, sa seith man forther: Hwat thvs vsa ommefang treft, alsa send wi en del fon Wraldas vnendelik wesa, alsa tha ommefang fon al et eskepne, thach hwat anga vsa dante, vsa ainskipa, vsa gast and al vsa bithankinga, thissa ne hera navt to thet wesa. Thit ella send flivchtiga thinga tham thrvch Wraldas leva forskina, thach ther thrvch sin wished sadane and navt owers navt ne forskina. Men thrvchdam sin leva stedes forthga, alsa ne mei ther nawet vppa sin sted navt biliwa. Thervmbe forwixlath alle eskepne thinga fon sted, fon dante and ak fon thankwisa. Thervmbe ne mei irtha selva, ner eng skepsle ni sedsa: ik ben, men wel ik was. Ak ne mei nen manniska navt ne sedsa ik thank, men blat, ik thochte. Thi knap is grater and owers as tha ‘r bern were. Hi heth ora gertne, tochta and thankwisa. Thi man en tat is and thankth owers as tha ‘r knap were. Evin tha alda fon degvm. That wet allera mannelik. Sahwersa allera mannalik nw wet and iechta mot, that hi alon wixlath, sa mot hi ak biiechta, that er iahweder ageblik wixlath, ak thahwila ‘r seid: ik ben, and that sina thank bilda wixle, tha hwile ‘r seid: ik thank. Instede that wi tha arga Findas althvs vnwerthlik afternei snakka and kalta, ik ben, ieftha wel, ik ben thet beste del Wraldas, ia thrvch vs allena mei ‘r thankia,  [142] sa willath wi ketha wral and allerweikes wer et nedlik si: wi Frias bern send forskinsla thrvch Wraldas leva; bi ‘t anfang min and blat, thach immer warthande and nakande to fvlkvmenlikhed, svnder a sa god to wrda as Wralda selva. Vsa gast nis navt Wraldas gast, hi is therfon allena en afskinsle. Tha Wralda vs skop, heth er vs in thrvch sine wished ‘brin ‘sintvga, hvgia and felo goda ainskipa lenad. Hirmei mvgon wi sina ewa bitrachta. Therof mvgon wi lera and thervr mvgon wi reda, ella and allena to vs ain held. Hede Wralda vs nene sinna ieven, sa ne skolde wi narne of neta and wi skolde ieta reddalasser as en sekwale wesa, ther forthdriven warth thrvch ebbe and thrvch flod.

Thit stat vp skrivfilt skreven. Tal and andworde ora famna to ‘n forbild.

En vnsels girich man kem to barande bi Trast ther fam were to Stavia. Hi seide vnweder hede sin hvs wei brocht. Hi hede to Wralda beden, men Wralda nedim nene helpe lenad. Bist en afte Frias, freie Trast. Fon elder t elder, andere thene man. Than seide hiv wil ik awet in thin mod seia in bitrovwa, that et kima groia and frvchda ieva mei. Forth sprek hiv ande keth. Tha Fria bern was, stand vs moder naked and blat, vnbihod to ienst tha strelvm there svnne. Ninman macht hiv freia and ther were ninman ther hia help macht lena. Tha gvng Wralda to and wrochte in hira mod nigvng and liavde anggost and skrik. Hiv sach rondomme, hira nigvng kas thet beste and hiv sochte skvl vndera warande linda. Men rein kem and t onhlest were that hiv wet wrde. Thach hiv hede sian  [144] ho thet weter to tha hellanda bladar of drvpte. Nw makade hiv en hrof mith hellanda sidvm, vp stoka makade hiv tham. Men stornewind kem and blos rein ther vnder. Nw hede hia sian that tha stam hli ief, after gong hia to and makade en wach fon plaga and sadvm, thet forma an ene sida and forth an alle sida. Storne wind kem to bek ieta wodander as to fora and blos thiv hrof ewei. Men hiv ne barade navt over Wralda ner to ienst Wralda. Men hia makade en reitne hrof and leide stene ther vppa. Bifvnden havande ho ser thet dvath vmb allena to tobbande, alsa bithivde hiv hira bern ho and hwervmbe hiv alsa hede den. Thissa wrochton and tochton to semine. A sadenera wise send wi an hvsa kemen mith stoppenbankvm, en slecht and warande linda with tha svnnestrelvm. To tha lesta havon hia en bvrch makad and forth alle othera. Nis thin hvs thvs navt sterk noch west, alsa mot i trachda vmbet ore beter to makiande. Min hvs were sterk enoch, seider, men thet hage weter heth et vp berad and stornewind heth et ore den. Hwer stand thin hvs than, freie Trast. Alingen there Rene, andere thene man. Ne stand et than navt vppen nol ieftha therp, freie Trast. Nean seider, min hvs stand ensvm bi tha overe, allena hav ik et bvwad, men ik ne macht ther allena nen therp to makane. Ik wist wel, seide Trast, tha famna hav et mi meld. Thv hest al thin leva en grvwel had an tha manniska, vt frese thatste awet ieva ieftha dva moste to fara hiam. Thach ther mitha ne mei man navt fer ne kvma. Hwand Wralda ther mild is, kerath him fona giriga. Fasta het vs reden and bvppa tha dvra fon alle bvrgvm is t in sten vt writen: bist arg batsiochtig seide Fasta, bihod than ivwe nesta, bithiod than ivwe nesta, help than ivwe nesta, sa skilvn hia t thi witherdva. Is i thina red navt god noch, ik net far thi nen betera. Skamrad warth then man and hi drvpte stolkes hinne.  [146] Nw wil ik selva skriwa erost fon over min bvrch and than over hwat ik hav mvge sian. Min bvrch leid an ‘t north ‘ende there Livdgarda. Thiv tore heth sex sida. Thria thrittich fet is hiv hach. Flat fon boppa. En lith hvske ther vppa, hwana man tha stara bisiath. An aider sid there tore stat en hvs, long thria hondred, bred thria sivgvn fet, elika hach bihalva thiv hrof, ther rondlik is. Altham fon hirbakken sten, and fon bvta ne send nenen othera. Om tha bvrch is en hringdik, therom en graft diap thria sivgvn fet, wid thria twilif fet. Siath hwa fonere tore del, sa siath hi thiv dante fon et Iol. Vppa grvnd twisk tha svdlika hvsa there, send allerleia krvda fon heinde and fer, therof moton tha famna tha krefta lera. Twisk tha nortlika hvsa is allena field. Tha thriv nortlika hvsa send fol keren and other bihof. Twa svdar send to fara tha famkes vmbe to skola and to hema. Thet svdlikoste hvs is there Bvrchfam his hem. Inna tore hangt thiv foddik. Tha wagar there tore send mith kestlika stena smvkad. In vppa there svderwach is thene Tex written. An tha fere side thera finth man thiv formlere; anna winstere side tha ewa. Tha ora seka finth man vppa ora thria. Toienst tha dik bi ‘t hvs ther fam stet thiv owne and thiv molmak thrvch fivwer bvfla kroden. Bvta vsa bvrchwal is ‘t hem, ther vppa tha bvrchhera anda werar heme. Thiv ringdik thera is en stonde grat, nen stivrar, men svnna stonde, hwerfon twia twilif vppen etmelde kvma. In vpper binnaside fona dik is en flat, fif fet vndera krvn. Ther vppa send thria hondred kranboga, todekt mith wod and lether. Bihalva tha hvsa thera inhemar send ther binna alingne tha  [148] dik ieta thria twilif nedhvsa to fara tha omhemar. Thet field thianath to kamp and to wede. Anna svdside fon tha bvtenste hringdik is thiv Livdgarde omtvnad thrvch thet grate Lindawald. Hira dante is thriv hernich, thet brede bvta, til thiv svnne ther in sia mei. Hwand ther send felo ferlandeska threia and blommen thrvch tha stivrar mith brocht. Alsa thiv dante vsar bvrch is, send alle othera; thach vs ‘is is thiv grateste; men thi fon Texland is tha aldergrateste. Thiv tore fon Friasbvrch is alsa hach that hiv tha wolka torent, nei there tore is al et othera. Bi vs vppa bvrch ist alsa delad. Sivgvn ionge famna wakath bi there foddik. Aider wak thria stonda. In ha ore tid moton hia hvswark dva, lera and slepa. Send hia sivgvn ier wakande wesen, alsa send hia fri. Than mvgon hia emong tha manniska ga, vp ‘ra sed to letane and red to ievane. Is hwa thriv ier fam west, sa mei hiv alto met mith tha alda famna mith ga. Thi skriwer mot tha famkes lera lesa, skriwa and rekenia. Tha grisa ieftha greva moton lera hiam rivcht and plicht, sedkvnda, krvdkvnda, helkvnda, skednesa, tellinga and sanga, biivnka allerleia thinga ther hiam nedlik send vmbe red to ieva. Thiv Bvrchfam mot lera hiam ho hia thermith to wark ga mota bi tha manniska. Er en Bvrchfam hira sted innimt, mot hiv thrvch thet land fara en fvl ier. Thre greva bvrchhera and thria alda famna gan mith hiri mitha. Alsa is ‘t ak mi gvngon. Min fart is alingen there Rene west, thivs kad opward, alingen there ore side ofward. Ho hager ik vpkem, to armer likte mi tha manniska. Wral inna Rene hede man vtstekka makad. Thet son that ther ain kem, wrde mith weter wr skepfachta gaten vmbe gold to winnande. Men tha mangerta ne drogon ther nene golden krone fon. Er weron ther  [150] mar west, men sont wi Skenland miste, send hia nei tha berga gvngon. Ther delvath hia iserirtha, ther hia iser of makia. Boppa there Rene twisk thet berchta, ther hav ik Marsata sian. Tha Marsata that send manniska ther invppa mara hema. Hiara hvsa send vp palvm bvwad. That is vret wilde kwik anda bose manniska. Ther send wolva, bara and swarte grislika lawa1. And hia send tha swetsar ieftha palingar fonda heinde Krekalandar, thera Kalta folgar and tha vrwildere Twiskar, alle girich nei rav and bvt. Tha Marsata helpath hiara selva mith fiska and iaga. Tha hvda wrdat thrvch tha wiva tomakad and birhet mith skors fon berkvm. Tha litha hvda saft lik famnafilt. Thiv bvrchfam et Friasbvrch seide vs that hia gode enfalde manniska weron. Thach hed ik hia er navt spreken hered, ik skolde menath have that hia nen Frias were, men wilda, sa rist sagon hia vt. Hira fachta and krvda wrdon thrvch tha Renhemar vrwandelath and thrvch tha stivrar bvta brocht. Alingen there Rene wer et alen, til Lidasbvrch. Ther was en grate flit. Invppa thisra flit weron ak manniska, ther hvsa vp pala hede. Men that ner nen Frias folk, men that weron swarte and brvna manniska, ther thianath hede to roiar vmbe tha bvtafarar to honk to helpane. Hia moston ther biliwa til thiv thiv flate wither wei brvda. To tha lersta kemon wi to ‘t Alderga. Bi ‘t svderhavahaved stet thiv Warabvrch, en stenhvs, therin send allerleia skvlpa, hvlka, wepne and klathar warad, fon fere landvm, thrvch tha stivrar mith brocht. En fiardel dana is ‘t Alderga. En grate flit omborad mith lothvm, hvsa and gardvm ella riklik siarad. Invpper flit lei en grate flate red, mith fonon fon allerleia farwa. Et Frias dei hongon tha skilda omma tha borda to. Svme blikton  [152] lik svnna. Tha skilda ther witking and thera skolta bi tha nachtvm weron mith gold vmborad. Abefta there flit was en graft graven, to hlapande dana alingen there bvrch Forana and forth mith en enga mvda in se. To fara there flate were thit tha vtgvng and et Fli tha ingvng. A bede sida there graft send skene hvsa mith hel blikanda farwa malad. Tha gardne send mit altid grene hagvm omtvnad. Ik hav ther wiva sian, ther filtne tohnekna drogon as t skriffilt were. Lik to Stavere weron tha mangertne mith golden kronvm vppira holvm and mith hringvm om arma and fet siarad. Svdward fon Forana leid Alkmarvm. Alkmarvm is en mare iefta flit, therin leid en eland, vppa that eland moton tha swarte and brvna manniska hwila evin as to Lidahisbvrch. Thiv Bvrchfam fon Forana seide mi, that tha bvrchhera deistik to ‘ra gvngon vmb ra to lerande, hwat afte fridom si, and ho tha manniska an there minne agon to levane vmbe seien to winnande fon Wraldas gast. Was ther hwa ther hera wilde and bigripa machte, sa warth er halden, alont er fvl lerad were. That wrde den vmbe tha ferhemande folka wis to makane, and vmbe vral atha to winnande. Er hed ik anda Saxanamarka to ther bvrch Mannagarda forda9 west. Thach ther hed ik mar skamelhed sian, as ‘k hir rikdom sperde. Hiv andere: sa hwersa ther an da Saxanamarka en freiar kvmath en mangerte to bi freiande, alsa freiath tha mangertne ther, kanst thin hvs fri wera toienst tha bannane Twisklandar, hast nach nene falad, ho felo bvfle hast al fansen and ho felo bara and wolva hvda hast al vppa there mark brocht? Dana ist kvmen that tha Saxmanna thiv bvw anda wiva vrleten have. That fon hvndred to semine nen ene lesa mei ner skriwa ne kan. Dana is ‘t kvmen, that nimman nen sprek vppa sin skild neth, men blat en mislikande dante fon en diar, that er falad  [154] heth. And andlik, dana is ‘t kvmen, that hia ser wichandlik ewrden send, men to met evin dvm send as et kwik, that hia fansa, and evin erm as tha Twisklandar, hwer mith hia orloge. To fara Frias folk is irtha and se eskepen. Al vsa rinstrama rvnath vppa se to. That Lidas folk and that Findas folk skil ekkorvm vrdelgia, and wi moton tha lethoga landa bifolka. In ‘t fon and omme fara leid vs held. Wilst nw that tha boppalander del have an vsa rikdom and wisdom, sa skil ik thi en red ieva. Let et tha mangertne to wenhed wrde hiara freiar to freiande, er hia ia segsa: hwer hast al in wralda ommefaren, hwad kanst thin bern tella wra fera landa and wra ferhemanda folka? Dvath hia alsa, sa skilvn tha wichandlika knapa to vs kvma. Hia skilvn wiser wartha and rikkar and wi ne skilvn nen bihof longer navt nave an that wla thivd. Tha iongste ther famna fon thera ther bi mi weron, kem vta Saxsanamarka wei. As wi nw to hongk kemon, heth hiv orlovi freiad vmbe nei hira hvs to gane. Afternei is hiv ther Bvrchfam wrden, and dana is ‘t kvmen that er hivdega sa felo Saxmanna bi tha stivrar fare. Ende fon thet Apollonia bok. [156]

Tha skrifta fon Frethorik and Wiliow.

Min nom is Frethorik to nomath oera Linda, that wil segsa ovir tha Linda. To Livdwardia bin ik to Asga keren. Livdwardia is en ni thorp, binna thene ringdik fon ther bvrch Livdgarda, hwerfon tha noma an vner kvmen is. Vnder mina tida is er fvl bered. Fvl hed ik ther vr skreven, men afternei send mi ak felo thinga meld. Fon en and other wil ik en skednese after thit bok skriwa, tha goda manniska to ‘n ere tha arga to vnere. In min ivged herd ik gredwird alomme, arge tid kem, arge tid was kvmen, Fria hed vs leton, hira wakfamkes hede hiv abefta halden, hwand drochten likande bilda weron binna vsa landpala fvnden. Ik bronde fon nisgir vmbe thi bilda to bisian. In vsa bvrt strompele en old famke to tha hvsa vta in, immer to kethande vr arge tid. Ik girde hia ling side. Hiv strik mi omme kin to. Nw wrd ik drist and freie ief hiv mi arge tid and tha bilda reis wisa wilde. Hiv lakte godlik and brocht mi vpper bvrch. En greve man freie mi ief ik al lesa and skriwa kv. Ne seid ik. Than most erost to ga and lera, seid ‘er owers ne mei ‘t iow navt wisen wrde. Distik gvng ik bi tha skriwer lera. Acht ier letter herd ik, vsa bvrchfam hede hordom bidriven and svme bvrchhera hedon vrred plegad mith tha Magi, and felo manniska weron vp hiara side. Vral kem twispalt. Ther weron bern, ther vpstandon aien hiara eldrvm. Inna glvppa  [158] wrdon tha froda manniska morth. Thet alde famke, ther ella bar makade, warth dad fvnden in en grvpe. Min tat, ther rivchter were, wilde hia wreken ha. Nachtis warth er in sin hvs vrmorth. Thriv ier letter wer thene Magi bas svnder strid. Tha Saxmanna weron frome and frod biliwen. Nei tham flivchton alle gode manniska. Min mam bistvrv ‘et. Nw ded ik lik tha othera. Thi Magi bogade vppa sinra snodhed. Men Irtha skold im thana, that hia nen Magi ner afgoda to leta ne mochte to there helge sketa, hwervt hiv Fria berade. Evin sa thet wilde hors sina manna sked, nei that thet sina ridder gersfallich makad heth, evin sa skodde Irtha hira walda and berga. Rinstrama wrdon ovira fielda spred. Se kokade. Berga spidon nei tha wolkvm, and hwad hia spith hede, swikton tha wolka wither vp irtha. Bi ‘t anfang there Arnemonath nigade irtha northward, hiv seg del, ol legor and legor. Anna Wolfamonath leidon tha Denemarka fon Frias land vnder ‘ne se bidobben. Tha walda ther bilda in weron, wrdon vphivath and ther windvm spel. Thet ier after kem frost inna Herdemonath and leid old Frias land vnder en plonke skvl. In Sellamonath kem stornewind vt et northa wei, mith forande berga fon ise and stenvm. Tha spring kem, hif irtha hira selva vp. Ise smolt wei. Ebbe kem and tha walda mith bildvm drevon nei se. Inner Winna ieftha Minnamonath gvng aider thvrvar wither hem fara. Ik kem mith en fam to there bvrch Livdgarda. Ho drove sach et vt. Tha walda thera Lindawrda weron mest wei. Ther tha Livdgarde west hede, was se. Sin hef fetere thene hringdik. Ise hede tha tore wei brocht and tha hvsa leide in thrvch ekkorvm. Anna helde fonna dik fond ik en sten.  [160] vsa skriver hed er sin nom inwriten, that were mi en baken. Sa ‘t mith vsa bvrch gvngen was, was ‘t mith mitha ora gvngon. Inna haga landa weron hia thrvch irtha, inna dena landa thrvch weter vrden. Allena Friasbvrch to Texland warth vnederad fvnden. Men al et land thet northward leid hede, were vnder se. Noch nis ‘t navt boppa brocht. An thas kad fon ‘t Flimare weron nei meld wrde thrichtich salta mara kvmen, vnstonden thrvch tha walda, ther mith grvnd and al vrdreven weron. To Westfliland fiftich. Thi graft ther fon ‘t Alderga thweres to het land thrvchlapen hede, was vrsondath and vrden. Tha stivrar and or farande folk, ther to honk weron, hede hiara selva mith maga and sibba vppira skepvm hret. Men that swarte folk fon Lidasbvrch and Alikmarvm hede alen den. Thawil tha swarta svdward drivon, hedon hia felo mangertne hret, and neidam nimman ne kem to aska tham, hildon hia tham to hiara wiva. Tha manniska ther to bek kemon, gvngon alle binna tha hringdika thera bvrgvm hema, thrvchdam et ther bvta al slip and brokland were. Tha gamla hvsa wrde bien klvst. Fona boppalandvm kapade man ki and skep, and inna tha grate hvsa ther to fara tha famna seten hede, wrde nw leken and filt makad, vmbe thes levens willa. That sked 18881 ier nei that Atland svnken was. In 282 ier nedon wi nen Eremoder navt hat, and nw ella tomet vrleren skinde, gvng man ene kiasa. Thet hlot falde vp Gosa to nomath Makonta. Hiv were Bvrchfam et Friasbvrch to Texland. Hel fon hawed and klar fon sin, elle god, and thrvchdam hira bvrch allena sparad was, sach alrik thervt hira hropang. Tian ier lettere kemon tha stivrar fon Forana and fon Lidas bvrch. Hia wildon tha swarta manniska mith wif and bern to thet land vtdriva. Therwr wildon hia there Moder is red biwinna. Men Gosa  [162] freie, kanst en and or to bek fora nei hira landvm, than achste spod to makiande, owers ne skilvn hia hiara maga navt wither ne finda. Ne seide hia. Tha seide Gosa: Hia havon thin salt provad and thin brad eten. Hiara lif and leva havon hia vnder iow hod stalad. I moste iow aine hirta biseka. Men ik wil thi en red ieva. Hald hiam alond iow waldich biste vm ra wither honk to fora. Men hald hiam bi iow bvrgvm ther bvta. Wak ovir hiara sed and ler hiam as ief hia Frias svna were. Hira wiva send hir tha steriksta. As rek skil hiara blod vrflivchta, til er tha lesta navt owers as Frias blod in hiara afterkvmande skil biliwa. Sa send hia hir bilewen. Nw winst ik wel that mina afterkvmande ther vp letta, ho fer Gosa werhed sprek. Tha vsa landa wither to bigana wer, kemon ther banda erma Saxmanna and wiva nei tha vvrdvm fon Stavere and that Alderga, vmbe golden and ora siarhed to sekane fon vt tha wasige bodeme. Thach tha stivrar nildon hia navt to leta. Tha gvngon hia tha lethoga thorpa bihema to West Fliland, vmbe ra lif to bihaldane. Nw wil ik skriwa ho tha Gertmanna and felo Helenia folgar tobek kemon. Twa ier nei that Gosa Moder wrde, kem er en flate to thet Flimara in fala. Thet folk hropte ho.n.seen. Hia foron til Stavere, ther hropton hia ieta reis. Tha fona weron an top and thes nachtes skaton hia barnpila anda loft. Tha deired were roiadon svme mith en snake to there hava in. Hia hropton wither ho.n. seen. Tha hia landa hipte ‘n iong kerdel wal vp. In sina handa hedi ‘n skild, thervp was brad and salt leid. Afterdam kem en greva, hi seide wi kvmath fona  [164] fere Krekalandvm wei, vmb vsa sed to wariande, nw winstath wi i skolde alsa mild wesa vs alsa fvl land to ievane that wi thervp mvge hema. Hi telade ‘n ele skednese ther ik after betre skriva wil. Tha greva niston navt hwat to dvande, hia sandon bodon allerweikes, ak to mi. Ik gvng to and seide: nw wi ‘n Moder have agon wi hira red to freiande. Ik selva gvng mitha. Thiv Moder, ther ella wiste, seide, let hia kvme, sa mvgon hia vs land helpa bihalda: men let hiam navt vp ene sted ne biliva, til thiv hia navt waldich ne wrde ovir vs. Wi dedon as hiv seid hede. That were el nei hira hei. Friso reste mith sina livdvm to Stavere, that hia wither to ene sestede makade, sa god hia machte. Wichhirte gvng mith sinvm livdvm astward nei there Emvde. Svme thera Iohniar, ther mende that hia font Alderga folk sproten were, gvngen ther hinne. En lith del ther wande that hiara ethla fon tha sivgon elanda wei kemon, gvngon hinne and setton hiara selva binna tha hringdik fon there bvrch Walhallagara del. Livdgert thene skolte bi nachte fon Wichhirte warth min athe afternei min frivnd. Fon vt sin deibok hav ik thiv skednese ther hir after skil folgia. Nei that wi 12 mel 100 and twia 12 ier bi tha fif wetrvm seten hede, thahwila vsa sekampar alle sea bifaren hede ther to findane, kem Alexandre tham kening mith en weldich her fon boppa allingen ther stram vsa thorpa bifara. Nimman ne macht im wither worda. Thach wi stivrar ther bi tha se saton, wi skept vs mith al vsa tilbere hava in and brvda hinna. Tha Alexandre fornom that im sa ne grate flate vntfara was, warth er wodinlik, to swerande hi skolde alle thorpa an logha offeria ief wi navt to bek kvma nilde. Wichhirte leide siak to bedde. Tha Alexandre that fornom heth er wacht alont er beter were. Afternei kem er to him ser kindlik snakkande, thach hi thrivchde lik  [166] hi er den hede. Wichhirte andere ther after, o aldergrateste thera keningar. Wi stivrar kvmath allerweikes, wi haven fon iow grate dedvn hered. Thervmbe send wi fvl erbidenese to fara iowa wepne, tha iet mar vr thina witskip. Men wi othera wi send fribern Frias bern. Wi ne mvgon nene slafona navt ne wrde. Ief ik wilde, tha ora skolde reder sterva willa, hwand alsa ist thrvch vsa ewa bifolen. Alexandre seide: ik wil thin land navt ne makia to min bvt, ner thin folk to mina slafona. Ik wil blat that ste mi thiania skolste vmb lan. Thervr wil ik swera bi vs bedar godvm, that nimman vr mi wrogia skil. Tha Alexandre afternei brad and salt mith im delade, heth Wichhirte that wiste del kasen. Hi let tha skepa hala thrvch sin svne. Tha thi alle tobek weron, heth Alexandre thi alle hered. Ther mitha wilde hi sin folk nei tha helge Gonga fara, ther hi to land navt hede mvge naka. Nw gvng er to and kas altham vt sin folk and vt sina salt ‘atha ther wenath weron vvr ‘ne se to farane. Wichhirte was wither siak wrden, thervmbe gvng ik allena mitha and Nearchvs fon thes keningis wega. Thi tocht hlip svnder fardel to ‘n ‘ende, vthavede tha Iohniar immerthe an vnmin weron with tha Phonisiar, alsa Nearchvs ther selva nen bas ovir biliwe ne kv. Intwiska hede tham kening navt stile nest. Hi hede sina salt ‘atha bama kapia leta and to planka makia. Thrvch help vsar timberlivd heder ther of skepa makad. Nw wilder selva sekening wertha, and mith el sin her thiv Gonga vpfara. Thach tha salt ‘atha ther fon thet bergland kemon, weron ang to fara se. As hia heradon that hia mith moste, stakon hia tha timberhlotha ane brond. Ther thrvch wrde vs ele thorp anda aska leid. Thet forma wande wi that Alexandre that bifalen hede and iahweder stand red vmb se to kiasane. Men Alexander were wodin, hi wilde tha salt ‘atha thrvch sin ain folk ombrensa leta. Men Nearchvs  [168] tham navt allena sin eroste forst men ak sin frivnd were, rede him owers to dvande. Nw berad er as wen der lavade thet vnlvk et den hede. Tha hi ne thvrade sin tocht navt vrfata. Nw wild er to bek kera, thach er hi that dede, let hi thet forma biseka hwa ‘r skeldich weron. Dri ‘r that wiste let er altham svnder wepne biliwa, vmb en ni thorp to makiande. Fon sin ain folk let er wepned vmbe tha ora to tamma, and vmbe ene bvrch to bvwande. Wi moston wiv and bern mith nimma. Kemon wi anda mvda there Evphrat, sa machton wi ther en sted kiasa ieftha omkera, vs lan skold vs evin blid to delath wrde. An tha nia skepa, ther tha brond vntkvma weron, let ‘er Iohniar and Krekalandar ga. Hi selva gvng mith sin ora folk allingen there kad thrvch tha dorra wostena, that is thrvch et land that Irtha vpheid hede vta se, tha hiv thiv strete after vsa ethela vpheide as hia inna Rade se kemon. Tha wi to ni Gertmania kemon (ni Gertmania is en hava ther wi selva makad hede, vmbe ther to weteria) meton wi Alexandre mith sin her. Nearchvs gvng wal vp and beide thria dega. Tha gvng et wither forth. Tha wi bi there Evphrat kemon, gvng Nearchvs mith sina salt ‘atha and felo fon sin folk wal vp. Tha hi kem hring wither. Hi seide, thi kening let iow bidda, i skille iet en lithge tocht to sinra wille dvan, alont et ende fona Rade se. Thernei skil iawehder sa fvl gold kreia as er bera mei. Tha wi ther kemon, let er vs wisa hwer thiv strete er west hede. Ther nei wilader en and thritich dega, alan vt siande vvra wostene. Tho tha lesta kem er en hloth manniska mith forande twa hondred elephanta thvsend kemlvn toleden mith woden balkvm, rapvm and allerleia ark vmbe vsa flate nei tha Middelse to tiande. That bisawd ‘vs, and likt  [170] vs bal to, men Nearchvs teld vs, sin kening wilde tha othera keninggar tana that i weldiger were, sa tha keninggar fon Thiris er wesen hede. Wi skoldon men mith helpa, sekvr skolde vs that nen skada navt dva. Wi moston wel swika, and Nearchvs wiste ella sa pront to birivchte that wi inna Middelse leide er thria monatha forbi weron. Tha Alexandre fornom ho ‘t mith sinra onwerp ofkvmen was, warth er sa vrmeten that er tha drage strete vtdiapa wilde Irtha to ‘n spot. Men Wralda let sine sele las, thervmbe vrdronk er inna win and in sina ovirmodichhed, er that er biiinna kvste. After sin dad wrde thet rik delad thrvch sina forsta. Hia skolde alrek en del to fara sina svnvm waria, thach hia weron vnmenis. Elk wilde sin del bihalda and selva formara. Tha kem orloch and wi ne kvste navt omme kera. Nearchvs wilde nw, wi skolde vs del setta an Phonisi his kad, men that nilde nimman navt ne dva. Wi seide, reder willath wi waga nei Friasland to gana. Tha brocht ‘er vs nei there nia hava fon Athenia, hwer alle afte Frias bern formels hin tein weron. Forth gvngon wi salt ‘atha liftochta and wepne fara. Among tha felo forsta hede Nearchvs en frivnd mith nome Antigonvs. Thisse stredon bede vmb en dol, sa hia seidon as follistar to fara ‘t keninglike slachte and forth vmbe alle Krekalanda hiara alda fridom wither to ievane. Antigonvs hede among felo othervm ennen svn, thi hete Demetrivs, after tonomad thene steda winner. Thisse gvng enis vpper stede Salamis of. Nei that er ther en stvt mei streden hede most er mith there flate strida fon Ptholemevs. Ptholemevs, alsa hete thene forst ther welda ovir Egiptaland. Demetrivs wn there kese, tha navt thrvch sina salt ‘atha, men thrvch dam wi him helpen hede. Thit hede wi den thrvch athskip to fara Nearchvs, hwand wi him far basterd blod bikande thrvch sin friska hvd and blawa agon mith  [172] wit her. After nei gvng Demetrivs las vp Hrodvs4 ther hinne brochton wi sina salt ‘atha and liftochta wr. Tha wi tha leste reis to Hrodvs kemon, was orloch vrtian. Demetrivs was nei Athenia faren. Tha vs kening that vnderstande, led ‘er vs tobek. Tha wi anda have kemon, were el et thorp in row bidobben. Friso ther kening wer ovir ‘a flate, hede en svn and en toghater tvs, sa bivstre fres, as ief hia pas vt Friasland wei kvmen weren, and sa wondersken as nimman mocht hvgia. Thiv hrop thervr gvng vvr alle Krekalanda and kem in tha ara fon Demetrivs. Demetrivs were vvl and vnsedlik, and hi thogte that ‘im ella fri stvnde. Hi let thiv toghater avber skakia. Thiv moder ne thvrade hira ioi5 navt wachtia, ioi nomath tha stivrar wiva hira mana, that is blideskip, ak segsath hia swethirte. Tha stivrar heton hira wiva trast, and fro iefta frow that is frv ak frolik, that is elik an frv. Thrvchdam hiv hira man navt wachtia thvrade, gvng hiv mith hira svne nei Demetrivs and bad, hi skolde hia hira toghater wither ieva. Men as Demetrivs hira svn sa, let ‘er tham nei sinra hove fora, and dede alen mith him, as ‘er mith tham his svster den hede. Anda moder sand hi en bvda gold, thach hiv stirt ‘et in se. As hiv thvs kem, warth hiv wansinnich, allerweikes rvn hiv vvra strete: nast min kindar navt sian, o wach, let mi to iow skvl seka, wand min ioi wil mi deia for tha ‘k sina kindar wei brocht hav. Tha Demetrivs fornom, that Friso to honk were, sand ‘i en bodia to him segsande, that hi sina bern to him nomen hede wmbe ra to fora to ‘n hage stat vmbe to lania him to fara sina thianesta. Men Friso ther stolte and herdfochtich were, sand en bodia mith en breve nei sinvm bern tha, therin mande hi hiam, hia skolde Demetrivs to willa wesa, vrmithis tham hiara lvk ierde. Thach thene bodia hede ieta ‘n ora breve mith fenin, thermei bifal ‘er hia skolde that innimma, hwand  [174] seid ‘er ‘vnwillinglik is thin lif bivvllad, that ne skil iow navt to rekned ni wrde, thach sahwersa iow iowe sele bivvlath sa ne skil iow nimmerthe to Walhalla ne kvma, iow sele skil than ovir irtha ommewara, svnder a thet livcht sia to mvgande, lik tha flaramvsa and nachtvla skilstv alra distik in thina hola skvla, thes nachtis vtkvma, then vp vsa grava graia and hvla, thahwila Fria hira haved fon iow ofwenda mot. Tha bern dede lik ‘ra bifalen warth. Demetrivs let ra likka in se werpa and to tha manniska wrde seid, that hia flivcht weron. Nw wilde Friso mith alleman nei Friasland fara, ther ‘i er west hede, men tha mest nilde that navt ne dva. Nw gvng Friso to and skat thet thorp mith ‘a keninglika farredskvrvm anda brond. Hivd ne kv ni thvrade ninman ne biliwa, and alle weron blide, that hia bvta were, bihalva wif and bern hedon wi ella abefta leten, thach wi weron to leden mith liftochtvm and orlochtvch. Friso nede nach nen fretho. Tha wi bi tha alda have kemon gvnger mith sina drista livdvm to and skat vnwarlinga tha brond inna skepa, ther ‘i mith sina pilvm bigana kv. After sex degvm sagon wi tha orlochflate fon Demetrivs vp vs to kvma. Friso bifal vs, wi moston tha lithste skepa afterhade in ene brede line, tha stora mith wif and bern farvt. Forth bad er wi skoldon tha kranboga fon for nimma and anda aftestewen fastigia, hwand seid er, wi achon al ffivchtande to fivchtane. Nimman ne mei him formeta vmb en enkeldera fiand to forfolgiande, alsa seid ‘er is min bislvt. Tha hwila wi thermitha al dvande weron, kem wind vs vppa kop, to thera lafa and thera wiva skrik, thrvchdam wi nene slavona navt nede as thera ther vs bi ain willa folgan were. Wi ne machton hia thvs navt thrvch roia ni vntkvma. Men Wralda wiste wel, hwervmb ‘er  [176] sa dede, and Friso ther ‘et fata, let tha barnpila ring inna kranboga lidsa. To lik bad ‘er that nimman skiata ne machte, er hi skaten hede. Forth seid ‘er that wi alle nei that midloste skip skiata moste, is that dol god biracht seid ‘er, sa skilvn tha ora him to helpane kvma and than mot alrik skiata sa ‘r alderbesta mei. As wi nw arhalf ketting fon ‘ra of were, bigoston tha Phonisiar to skiata. Men Friso n ‘andere navt bi fara tha eroste pil del falde a sex fadema fon sin skip. Nw skat ‘er. Tha ora folgade, thet likte en fivrrein and thrvchdam vsa pila mith wind mei gvngon, bilevon hia alle an brond, and nakade selva tha thridde lage. Allera mannelik giradon and ivwgade. Men tha kreta vsar witherlagvm weron sa herde, thet ‘et vs thet hirte binepen warth. As Friso mende that et to koste, let ‘er ofhalde and wi spode hinne. Thach nei that wi twa dega forth pilath hede, kem ther en ore flate ant siocht, fon thrittich skepvn, ther vs stedis in wnne. Friso let vs wither red makia. Men tha othera sandon en lichte snaka fvl roiar forvt, tha bodon thera badon vt alera noma ief hia mith fara machte. Hia weron Iohniar, thrvch Demetrivs weron hia waldantlik nei there alda have skikad. Ther hedon hia fon there kese herad and nw hedon hia thet stolta swerd antian, and weron vs folgad. Friso ther fvl mitha Iohniar faren hede seide ia, men Wichhirte vsa kening seide ne. Tha Iohniar send afgoda thianiar seid ‘er, ik selva hav herad, ho hia thi an hropte. Friso seide thet kvmath thrvch tha wandel mith tha afta Krekalandar. That hav ik vaken selva den. Thach ben ik alsa herde Frias as tha finste fon iow. Friso were thene man ther vs to Friasland wisa moste. Thvs gvngon tha Iohniar mith. Ak likt ‘et nei Wraldas hei, hwand er thria monathe om hlapen weron, gvngon wi allingen Britannia, and thria dega leter machton wi ho.n seen hropa.  [178] Thit skrift is mii ower Nortland ieftha Skenland ieven. Vndera tida that vs land del seg, were ik to Skenland. Ther gvng et alsa to. Ther weron grate mara, ther fon tha bodeme lik en blese vt setta, then spliton hia vt ‘en. Vta reta kem stof as ‘t gliande iser were. Ther weron berga ther tha krvnna of swikte. Thesse trvldon nether and brochton walda and thorpa wei. Ik self sa that en berch fon tha ora of torent wrde. Linrivcht seg er del. As ik afternei sian gvng, was ther en mare kvmen. Tha irtha beterad was, kem er en hertoga fon Lindasbvrch wei, mit sin folk and en fam, thiv fam kethe allomme: Thene Magi is skeldich an al ‘eth let that wi leden have. Hia tagon immer forth en thet her warth al grater. Thene Magi flvchte hinne, man fand sin lik, hi hede sin self vrden. Tha wrdon tha Finna vrdreven nei enre sted, ther machton hia leva. Ther weron fon basterde blode. Thissa machton biliwa, thach felo gvngon mith tha Finna mei. Thi hertoga warth to kening keren. Tha karka ther el bileven weron wrde vrden. Sont komath tha gode Northlivd vaken to Texland vmb there Moder ‘is red. Tha wi ne mvgath hiam for nene rivchta Frias mar ne halde. Inna Denamarka ist sekvr as bi vs gvngon. Tha stivrar, tham hiara self ther stoltelika sekampar heton, send vppira skepa gvngon, and afternei sind hia to bek gvngon. Held! Hwersa thene Kroder en tid forth kroden heth, than skilvn tha afterkomanda wana that tha leka and breka, ther tha Brokmanna mith brocht have, aien were an hiara ethla. Ther vr wil ik waka and thvs sa fvl vr hiara plega skriva as ik sian ha. Vr tha  [180] Gertmanna kan ik red hinne stappa. Ik nav navt fvl mithra omme gvngen. Tha sa fer ik sian ha send hia that mast bi tal and sed bilewen. That ne mei ik navt segsa fon tha othera. Ther fon.a Krekalanda wei kvme, send kwad ther tal and vppira sed ne mei man el navt boga. Felo havath brvna agon and her. Hia send nidich and drist and ang thrvch overbilawichhed. Hwersa hia spreka, sa nomath hia the worda far vppa ther lerst kvma mosta. Aien ald segath hia ad, aien salt sad, ma fori man, sel fori skil, sode fori skolde, to fvl vmb to nomande. Ak forath hia mest vrdvaliske and bikirte noma, hweran man nen sin an hefta ne mei. Tha Iohniar sprekath betre, thach hia swigath thi h and hweri navt nesa mot, warth er vteketh. Hwersa imman en bild makath after ennen vrstvrven and thet likt, sa lawath hia, that thene gast thes vrstvrvene ther inne farath. Thervr havath hia alle bilda vrbvrgen fon Fria, Fasta, Medea, Thiania, Hellenia and felo othera. Hwerth ther en bern ebern, sa kvmath tha sibba et semne and biddath an Fria that hiv hiara famkes mei kvma leta that bern to seenande. Havon hia beden sa ne mei nimman him rora ni hera leta. Kvmt et bern to graiande and halt thit en stvnde an, alsa is that en kwad teken and man is an formoda, that thiv mam hordom den heth. Thervr hav ik al arge thinga sian. Kvmt et bern to slepande, sa is that en teken, that tha famkes vr ‘et kvmen send. Lakt et inna slep, sa havon tha famkes that bern lvk to seit. Olon lawath hia an bosa gasta, hexna, kolla, aldermankes and elfvn, as ief hia fon tha Finna wei kemen. Hirmitha wil ik enda and nw men ik tha ‘k mar skreven ha, as en minra ethla. Frethorik.


Frethorik min gad is 63 ier wrden. Sont 100 and 8 ier is hi thene eroste fon sin folk, ther fredsvm  [182] stvrven is, alle othera send vndera slega swikt, thervr that alle kampade with ain and ferhemande vmb rivcht and plicht. Min nom is Wilio, ik bin tha fam ther mith him fona Saxanamarka to honk for. Thrvch tal and ommegang kem et vt, that wi alle bede fon Adela his folk weron, tha kem liafde and afternei send wi man and wif wrden. Hi heth mi fif bern leten, 2 svna and thriv toghatera. Konered alsa het min forma, Hachgana min othera, mine aldeste toghater heth Adela, thiv othera Frvlik and tha iongeste Nocht. Tha ‘k nei tha Saxanamarka for, hav ik thriv boka hret. Thet bok thera sanga, thera tellinga, and thet Helenia bok. Ik skrif thit til thiv man navt thanka ne mei that hia fon Apollania send; ik hav ther fvl let vr had and wil thvs ak thiv ere ha. Ak hav ik mar den, tha Gosa Makonta fallen is, hwames godhed and klarsianhed to en sprekword is wrden, tha ben ik allena nei Texland gvngen vmbe tha skrifta vr to skrivane, ther hiv after leten heth, and tha tha lerste wille fonden is fon Frana and tha neiletne skrifta fon Adela iefta Hellenia, hav ik that ietta reis den. Thit send tha skrifta Hellenias. Ik set hiam far vppa vmbe that hia tha aldesta send.


In era tida niston tha Slavona folkar nawet fon frihed. Lik oxa wrdon hia vnder et ivk brocht. In irthas wand wrdon hia iagath vmbe metal to delvane and vt ‘a herde bergvm moston hia hvsa hawa to forst and prestervms hem. Bi al hwat hia dedon, ther nas nawet to fara hiara selva, men ella moste thiania vmbe tha forsta and prestera ieta riker and weldiger to makiane hiara selva to sadene. Vnder thesse arbed wrdon hia  [184] grev and stram er hia ierich weron, and stvrvon svnder n ochta afsken irtha tham overflodlik fvl ief to bata al hiara bern. Men vsa britna kemon and vsa bannalinga thrvch tha Twisklanda vr in hiara marka fara and vsa stivrar kemon in hiara havna. Fon hiam heradon hia kalta vr elika fridom and rivcht and overa ewa, hwer bvta nimman omme ne mei. Altham wrde vpsvgon thrvch tha drova manniska lik dawa thrvch tha dorra fielde. As hiv fvl weron biionnon tha alderdrista manniska to klippane mith hiara kedne, alsa ‘t tha forsta we dede. Tha forste send stolte and wichandlik, thervmbe is ther ak noch dvged in hiara hirta, hia biredon et semine and iavon awet fon hiara overflodalikhed. Men tha lafa skin frana prestara ne machton that navt ne lida, emong hiara forsinde godvm hedon hia ak wrangwrada drochtne eskepen. Pest kem inovera landa. Nw seidon hia, tha drochtna send tornich overa overherichhed thera bosa. Tha wrdon tha alderdrista manniska mith hiara kedne wirgad. Irtha heth hiara blod dronken, mith that blod fode hiv frvchda and nochta, and alle tham ther of eton wrdon wis.


Jezus Christus


16 wara 100 ier leden is Atland svnken, and to thera tidvm berade ther awat hwer vppa nimman rekned nede. In ‘t hirte fon Findas land vppet berchta leid en del, ther is kethen Kasamir, thet is sieldsvm. Ther werth en bern ebern, sin mam were thiv toghater enis kening and sin tat were ‘n havedprester. Vmb skom to vnkvma mosten hia hiara aien blod vnkvma. Thervmbe warth er bvta there stede brocht bi arma manniska. In twiska was ‘t im navt forhelad ne wrden, ther vmbe ded er ella vmbe wisdom to getane and garane. Sin forstan were sa grat that er ella forstande hwat er sa and herade. That folk skowde him mit erbedenese and tha prestera wr don ang vr sina frega. Tha ‘r ierich wrde gvnger nei sinvm  [186] aldrvm. Hia moston herda thinga hera, vmb ‘im kwit to werthane iavon hia him vrflod fon kestlika stenvm; men hia ne thvradon him navt avber bikanna as hiara aine blod. Mith drovenese in vrdelven overa falxe skom sinra aldrvm gvng ‘er ommedwala. Al forth farande mete hi en Frias stivrar ther as slav thianade, fon tham lerd ‘i vsa sed and plegvm. Hi kapade him fri, and to ther dad send hia frivnda bilewen. Alomme hwer er forth hinne tach, lerd ‘i an tha livda that hia nene rika ner prestera toleta moston, that hia hiara selva hode moston aien falxe skom, ther allerweikes kvad dvat an tha liavde. Irtha seid ‘er skankath hiara ieva nei meta men hiara hvd klawat, that man therin ach to delvane to erane and to seiane, sa man therof skera wil. Thach seid ‘er nimman hovat thit to dvande fori ennen othera hit ne si, that et bi mene wille ief vt liavade sked. Hi lerde that nimman in hiara wand machte frota vmbe gold her silver ner kestlika stena, hwer nid an kliwath and liavde fon flivchth. Vmbe iow mangherta and wiva to siarane, seid ‘er, ievath hiara rin strama enoch. Nimman seid ‘er is weldich alle manniska metrik and elika lvk to ian. Tha that it alra manniska plicht vmbe tha manniska alsa metrik to makiane and sa felo nocht to ian, as to binaka is. Nene witskip seid ‘er ne mei man minachtia, thach elika dela is tha grateste witskip, ther tid vs lera mei. Thervmbe that hiv argenese fon irtha werath and liavde feth. Sin forme nom were Iesvs, thach tha prestera ther ‘im seralik haton heton him Fo that is falx, that folk hete him Krisen that is herder, and sin Friaske frivnd heta him Bvda, vmbe that hi in sin havad en skat fon wisdom hede and in sin hirt en skat fon liavde. To tha lersta most ‘er flvchta vr tha wreka thera prestera, men vral hwer er kem was sine lere him farvt gvngen  [188] and vral hwer ‘er gvng folgadon him sina letha lik sine skade nei. Tha Iesvs alsa twilif ier om faren hede, stvrv ‘er, men sina frivnda waradon sine lere and kethon hwer ‘et aron fvnde. Hwat menst nw that tha prestera dedon, that mot ik io melde, ak mot ‘i ther seralik acht vp ian, forth mot ‘i over hiara bidriv and renka waka mith alle kraftvm, ther Wralda in io leid heth. Thahwila Iesvs lere vr irtha for, gvngon tha falxe prestera nei ‘t land sinra berta sin dad avbera, hia seidon that hia fon sinvm frivndvm weron, hia beradon grate rowa, torennande hiara klathar to flardvm and to skerande hiara hola kal. Inna hola thera berga gvngon hia hema, thach therin hedon hia hiara skat brocht, ther binna makadon hia bildon after Iesvs, thessa bildon iavon hia antha vnarg thankanda livda, to longa lersta seidon hia that Iesvs en drochten were, that ‘i that selva an hiam bileden hede, and that alle ther an him and an sina lera lawa wilde, neimels in sin keningkrik kvme skolde, hwer frv is and nochta send. Vrmites hia wiston that Ies ‘vs aien tha rika to fielda tagen hede, sa kethon hia allerweikes, that armode ha and enfald sa thiv dvre were vmbe in sin rik to kvmane, that thera ther hir vp irtha that maste leden hede, neimels tha masta nochta hava skolde. Thahwila hia wiston that Iesvs lerad hede that man sina tochta welda and bistivra moste, sa lerdon hia that man alle sina tochta deia moste, and that tha fvlkvminhed thera manniska therin bistande that er evin vnforstoren wrde sa that kalde sten. Vmbe that folk nw wis to makiande that hia alsa dedon, alsa beradon hia armode overa streta and vmb forth to biwisane that hia al hiara tochta dad hede, namon hia nene wiwa. Thach sahwersa en toghater en misstap hede, sa warth hia that ring forian, tha wrakka seidon hia most man helpa and vmbe sin ain  [190] sele to bihaldane most man fvl anda cherke ian. Thvs todvande hede hia wiv and bern svnder hvshalden and wrdon hia rik svnder werka, men that folk warth fvl armer and mar elandich as a to fara. Thas lere hwerbi tha prestera nen ore witskip hova as drochtlik reda, frana skin and vnrivchta plega, bred hiri selva vt fon ‘t asta to ‘t westa and skil ak vr vsa landa kvma. Men astha prestera skilvn wana, that hia allet livcht fon Fria and fon Iesvs lere vtdavath hava, sa skilvm ther in alle vvrda manniska vpstonda, tham werhed in stilnise among ekkorvm warath and to fara tha prestera forborgen have. Thissa skilvn wesa vt forsta blod, fon prestervm blod, fon Slavonvm blod, and fon Frias blod. Tham skilvn hiara foddikvm and that livcht bvta bringa, sa that allera mannalik werhed mei sian; hia skilvn we hropa overa deda thera prestera and forsta. Tha forsta ther werhed minna and rivcht tham skilvn fon tha prestera wika, blod skil strama, men thervt skil ‘et folk nie krafta gara. Findas folk skil sina findingrikhed to mena nitha wenda, that Lidas folk sina krafta and wi vsa wisdom. Tha skilvn tha falxa prestera wei fagath wertha fon irtha. Wralda his gast skil alomme and allerweikes erath and bihropa wertha. Tha ewa ther Wralda bi ‘t anfang in vs mod leide, skilvn allena herad wertha, ther ne skilvn nene ora mastera, noch forsta, ner basa navt nesa, as thera ther bi mena wille keren send. Than skil Fria ivwgia and Irtha skil hira ieva allena skanka an tha werkande mannisk. Altham skil anfanga fivwer thvsand ier nei Atland svnken is and thvsand ier leter skil ther longer nen prester ner tvang vp irtha sa. Dela tonomath Hellenia, wak!  [192]


Sa lvda Franas vtroste wille. Alle welle Frias held. An tha nome Wraldas, fon Fria, and there frihed grete ik io, and bidde io, sahwersa ik falla machte er ik en folgster nomath hede, sa bifel ik io Tvntia ther Bvrchfam is to there bvrch Medeasblik, til hivd degvm is hia tha besta.
Thet heth Gosa nei leten. Alle manniska held. Ik nav nene eremoder binomad thrvchdam ik nene niste, and et is io beter nene Moder to havande as ene hwer vp ‘i io navt forleta ne mei. Arge tid is forbi faren, men ther kvmt en othere. Irtha heth hia navt ne barad and Wralda heth hia navt ne skeren. Hiv kvmt vt et asta vt ‘a bosma thera prestera wei. Sa felo led skil hiv broda, that Irtha ‘t blod algadvr navt drinka ne kan fon hira vrsleiana bernvm. Thivstrenesse skil hiv in overne gast thera manniska spreda, lik tongar ‘is wolka oviret svnnelivcht. Alom and allerweikes skil lest and drochten bidrif with frihed kampa and rivcht. Rivcht and frihed skilvn swika and wi mith tham. Men thesse winst skil hiara vrlias wrochta. Fon thriv worda skilvn vsa afterkvmande an hiara livda and slavona tha bithivtnesse lera. Hia send mena liavde, frihed and rivcht. That forma skilvn hia glora, afternei with thivstrenesse kampa al ont et hel and klar in hiawlikes hirt and holle warth. Than skil tvang fon irtha fagad wertha, lik tongarswolka thrvch stornewind, and alle drochten bidriv ne skil ther aien nawet navt ne formvga. Gosa.  [194]

Thet skrift fon Konered.


Min ethla havon in after thit bok skreven. Thit wil ik boppa ella dva, vmbe that er in min stat nen bvrch ovir is, hwerin tha bertnesa vp skreven wrde lik to fara. Min nome is Konered, min tat ‘his nome was Frethorik, min mem his nome Wiliow. After tat his dad ben ik to sina folgar keren, and tha ‘k fiftich ier talde kas men mii to vrste grevetman. Min tat heth skreven ho tha Linda ‘wrda and tha Livdgardne vrdilgen send. Lindahem is ieta wei, tha Linda ‘wrda far en del, tha northlikka Livdgardne send thrvch thene salta se bidelven. That brvwsende hef slikt an tha hringdik there bvrch. Lik tat melth heth, sa send tha havalasa manniska to gvngen and havon hvskes bvwad binna tha hringdik thera bvrch. Thervmbe is that ronddel nw Livdwerd heten. Tha stivrar segath Livwrd, men that is wanspreke. Bi mina ivged was ‘t ore land, that bvta tha hringdik leid, al pol and brok. Men Frias folk is diger and flitich, hia wrdon mod ner wirg, thrvchdam hiara dol to tha besta leide. Thrvch slata to delvane and kadika to makiane fon tha grvnd ther vt ‘a slata kem, alsa havon wi wither en gode hem bvta tha hringdik, ther thiv dante het fon en hof, thre pela astwarth, thre pela svdwarth and thre pela westwarth meten. Hivd degvm send wi to dvande a ‘pela to heiande, vmb ene have to winnande and mith en vmb ‘vsa hringdik to biskirmande. Ief et werk red si, sa skilvn wi stivrar vtlvka. Bi min ivged stand ‘et hir bivstre om ‘to, men hivd send tha hvskes  [196] al hvsa ther an reia stan. And lek and brek ther mith ermode hir in glvpt weron, send thrvch flit a ‘bvta dreven. Fon hir vt mei allera mannalik lera, that Wralda vsa Alfoder, al sina skepsela fot, mits that hia mod halde and manlik othervm helpa wille. Nv wil ik vr Friso skriva.




Friso ther al weldich were thrvch sin livd, warth ak to vrste greve keren thrvch Staverens ommelandar. Hi spot mith vsa wisa fon land ‘wer and sekampa, thervmbe heth ‘er en skol stift hwer in tha knapa fivchta lera nei Krekalandar wisa. Than ik lav that i that den heth vmb that iongk ‘folk an sin snor to bindane. Ik hav min brother ther ak hin skikt, tha ‘s nv thian ier leden. Hwand tocht ik nv wi nene Moder longer navt nave, vmbe tha enen aien tha ore to bi skirmande, ach ik dvbbel to wakane that hi vs nen master ne warth. Gosa neth vs nene folgstere nometh, ther vr nil ik nen ordel ne fella, men ther send ieta alda arg thenkande manniska, ther mene that hiv ‘t ther ‘vr mith Friso enis wrden is. Tha Gosa fallen was, tha wildon tha livd fon alle wrda ene othere Moder kiasa. Men Friso ther to dvande were vmb ‘en rik to fara him selva to makiane, Friso ne gerde nen red ner bodo fon Texland. As tha bodon thera Landsatvm to him kemon, sprek ‘i ande keth. Gosa seid ‘er was fersiande west and wiser as alle greva etsemne and thach nede hiv nen livcht ner klarhed in thivse seke ne fvnden, thervmbe nede hiv nene mod han vmb ene folgstere to kiasane, and vmb ene folgstere to kiasane ther tvivelik were, ther heth hiv bald in sian, thervmbe heth hiv in hiara vtroste wille skreven, that is iow betre nene Moder to havande as ene hwer vpp ‘i io selva navt forleta ne mei. Friso hede fvl sian, bi orloch was er vpbrocht, and fon  [198] tha hrenkvm and lestvm thera Golvm and forstvm heder krek sa fvl lered and geth, as ‘er nedich hede vmbe tha ora greva to weiande hwer hi hiam wilde. Sian hir ho ‘r thermith to gvngen is. Friso hede hir ‘ne other wif nimth, thiv toghater fon Wil ‘frethe, bi sin leve was ‘er vrste Greva to Staveren west. Ther bi heder twen svna wnnen and twa toghatera. Thrvch sin bileid is Kornelia sin iongste toghater mith min brother mant. Kornelia is wan Frias and mot Kornhelia skreven wrde. Wemod sin aldeste heth er an Kavch bonden. Kavch ther ak bi him to skole gvng is thi svnv fon Wichhirte thene Gertmanna kaning. Men Kavch is ak wan Frias and mot Kap wesa. Men kvade tale havon hia mar mithbrocht as gode seda. Nw mot ik mith mine skednese a ‘befta kera.

Aftre grate flod hwer vr min tat skreven heth, weron felo Ivttar and Letne mith ebbe vta Balda iefta kvade se fored. Bi Kat his gat drevon hia in hiara kana mith ise vppa tha Denemarka fast and ther vp send hia sitten bilewen. Ther neron narne nen manniska an ‘t siocht. Thervmbe havon hia that land int, nei hiara nome havon hia that land Ivttarland heten. Afternei kemon wel felo Denemarker to bek fon tha haga landvm, men thissa setton hiara selva svdliker del. And as tha stivrar to bek kemon ther navt vrgvngen navt neron, gvng thi ena mith tha othera nei tha se iefta elandvm. Thrvch thisse skikking mochton tha Ivttar that land halda, hwer ‘vppa Wralda ra weiad hede. Tha Selandar stivrar tham hiara selva mith blate fisk navt helpa ner nera nilde, and ther en arge grins hede an tha Gola, tham gvngon dana tha Phonisiar skepa birawa. An tha svdwester herne fon Skenland, ther leid Lindasbvrcht tonomath Lindasnose, thrvch vsa Apol stift, alsa in thit bok biskrewen stat. Alle kadhemar and  [200] ommelandar dana weron eft Frias bileven, men thrvch tha lvst there wreke aien tha Golvm and aien tha Kaltana folgar gvngon hia mitha Selandar sama dvan, men that sama dva neth nen stek navt ne halden. Hwand tha Selandar hede felo mislika plega and wenhede ovir nommen fon tha vvla Magiarvm, Frias folk to ‘n spot. Forth gvng ek to fara him selva rawa, thach ief et to pase kem than standon hia manlik othervm trvlik bi. Thach to tha lesta biiondon tha Selandar brek to kreiande an goda skepa. Hiara skipmakar weron omkvmen and hiara walda weron mith grvnd and al fon ‘t land of faged. Nw kemon ther vnwarlingen thri skepa bi tha ringdik fon vsa bvrch mera. Thrvch tha inbreka vsra landvm weron hia vrdvaled and tha Flimvda misfaren. Thi kapmon ther mith gvngen was, wilde fon vs nia skepa ha, therto hedon hia mithbrocht allerleia kestlika wera, ther hia rawed hedon fon tha Kaltanarlandvm and fon tha Phonisiar skepvm. Neidam wi selva nene skepa navt n ‘ede, ief ik hiam flingka horsa and fivwer wepende rinbodon mith nei Friso. Hwand to Staveren and allingen that Alderga ther wrdon tha besta werskepa maked fon herde eken wod ther nimmerthe nen rot an ne kvmth. Thahwila tha sekampar bi mi bide, weron svme Ivttar nei Texland faren and dana weron hia nei Friso wesen. Tha Selandar hedon felo fon hiara storeste knapvm rawed, thi moston vppa hiara benka roia, and fon hiara storeste toghtera vmb ther bi bern to teiande. Tha stora Ivttar ne mochton et navt to werane, thrvchdam hia nene gode wepne navt nede. Tha hia hiara leth telad hede and thervr felo wordon wixlad weron, freie Friso to tha lesta ief hia nene gode have in hiara ga navt n ‘ede. O ‘ies, anderon hia, ene besta en, ene thrvch Wralda skepen. Hiv is net krek lik iow biarkrvk ther, hira hals is eng, tha in hira balg kannath wel thvsanda grate kana lidsa, men wi navath nena bvrch ner bvrchwepne, vmbe tha rawskepa ther vt  [202] to haldane. Than mosten iow gvnst makia seide Friso. God reden anderon tha Ivttar, men wi n ‘avath nene ambachtislivd ner bvwark, wi alle send fiskar and ivttar. Tha ora send vrdrvnken iefta nei tha haga landvm flivcht. Midlar hwila hia thvs kalta, kemon mina bodon mitha Selandar hera et sina hove. Hir most nw letta ho Friso alle to bidobbe wiste to nocht fon bede partia and to bate fon sin ain dol. Tha Selandar seider to, hia skoldon ierlikes fiftech skepa have, nei fasta metvm and nei fasta ieldvm, to hred mith isere kedne and kranbogvm and mith fvlle tivch alsa far werskepa hof and nedlik si, men tha Ivttar skoldon hia than mith frethe leta, and all ‘et folk that to Friasbern hered. Ia hi wilde mar dva, hi wilde al vsa sekampar vtneda that hia skolde mith fivchta and rawa. Tha tha Selandar wei brit weron, tha let er fivwertich alda skepa to laia mith bvrchwepne, wod, hirbaken sten, timberlivd, mirtselera and smeda vmbe ther mith bvrga to bvwande. Witto, that is witte sin svn, sand hi mith vmb to to sianande. Hwat ther al far fallen is, n ‘is mi navt ni meld, men sa fvl is mi bar wrden, an bide sida there haves mvde is ene withbvrch bvwed, ther in is folk leid that Friso vta Saxanamarka tach. Witto heth Sivchthirte bifreiad and to sin wiv nomen. Wilhem alsa hete hira tat, hi was vreste Alderman thera Ivttar, that is vrste Grevetman iefta Greve. Wilhem is kirt after stvrven and Witto is in sin sted koren.


Ho Friso forther dede.


Fon sin erosta wif heder twen sviaringa bihalda, ther ser klok weron. Hetto, that is hete, thene iongste skikt er as  [204] senda boda nei Kattabvrch that diap inna Saxanamarka leid. Hi hede fon Friso mith kreien sivgon horsa bvta sin ain, to leden mith kestlika sekvm, thrvch tha sekampar rawed. Bi iahweder hors weron twen ionga sekampar and twen ionga hrvtar mith rika kladarvm klath and ield in hiara bvdar. Evin as er Hetto nei Kattabvrch skikte, skikter Brvno, that is brvne, thene othera sviaring nei Mannagarda wrda, Mannagarda wrda is far in thit bok1 Mannagarda forda skreven, men that is misden. Alle rikdoma ther hia mith hede wrdon nei omstand wei skankt an tha forsta and forstene and an tha vtforkerne mangertne. Kemon tha sine knapa vppa there meid vmbe ther mith et iongkfolk to donsiane, sa leton hia kvra mith krvdkok kvma and bargvm ieftha tonnvm fon tha besta biar. After thissa bodon let ‘er immer iongkfolk over tha Saxanarmarka fara, ther alle ield inna bvdar hede and alle meida ieftha skankadia mith brochton, and vppa there meid teradon hia alon vnkvmmerlik wei. Ief ‘t nv berde that tha Saxana knapa ther nidich nei vtsagon, than lakton hia godlik and seidon, aste thvrath thene mena fiand to bikampane, sa kanst thin breid iet fvl riker meida ian and iet forstelik tera. Al beda sviaringa fon Friso send bostigiad mith toghatervm thera romriksta forstvm, and afkernei kemon tha Saxanar knapa and mangertne bi elle keddvm nei that Flimar del. Tha bvrchfamna and tha alda famna ther ieta fon hiar ere grathed wiste, nigadon navt vr nei Frisos bedriv, thervmbe ne kethon hia nen god fon him. Men Friso snoder as hia let ‘ra snaka. Men tha ionga famna spond ‘er mith goldne fingrvm an sina sek. Hia seidon alomme wi navath longer nen Moder mar, men that kvmth dana that wit ieroch send. Ivd past vs ne kaning, til thiv wi vsa landa wither winna, ther tha Modera vrleren have thrvch hiara  [206] vndigerhed. Forth kethon hia, alrek Friasbern is fridom ieven, sin stem hera to letane bi fara ther bisloten warth bi t kiasa enre forste, men ast alsa wid kvma machte that i io wither ne kaning kiasa, sa wil ik ak min mene segse. Nei al hwat ik skoia mei, sa is Friso ther to thrvch Wralda keren, hwand hi heth im wonderlik hir hinne weiad. Friso wet tha hrenka thera Golvm, hwam his tale hi sprekt, hi kan thvs aien hiara lestvm waka. Than is ther ieta awet to skoiande, hok Greva skolde man to kaning kiasa svnder that tha ora ther nidich vr weron. Aldvlkera talvm warth thrvch tha ionga famnn kethen, men tha alde famma afsken fe an tal, tapadon hiara redne vt en othera barg. Hia kethon allerweikes and to alla mannalik: Friso kethon hia dvath sa tha spinna dvan, thes nachtis sponth ‘i netta nei alle sidvm and thes deis vrskalkth ‘i ther sina vnaftertochtlika frivnda in. Friso seith that ‘er nene prestera ner poppa forsta lide ne mei, men ik seg, hi ne mei nimman lida as him selva. Thervmbe nil hi navt ne daia that thiv bvrch Stavia wither vp heiath warth. Thervmbe wil hi nene Moder wer ha. Ivd is Friso iow red ievar, men morne wil hi iow kaning wertha, til thiv hi over io alle rivchta mei. Inna bosm thes folk ‘is antstondon nw twa partiia. Tha alda and arma wildon wither ene Moder ha, men that iongkfolk, that fvl stredlvst were wilde ne tat ieftha kaning ha. Tha erosta heton hiara selva moder his svna and tha othera heton hiara selva tat his svna, men tha Moder his svna ne wrde wrde navt ni meld, hwand thrvchdam ther felo skepa maked wrde, was ther ovirflod to fara skipmakar, smeda, silmakar, repmakar and to fara alle ora ambachtislivd. Ther to boppa brochton tha sekampar allerleia sirheda mith. Ther fon hedon tha wiva nocht, tha famna nocht, tha mangertne nocht, and therof hedon al hiara megvm nocht and al hiara frivndvm and athvm.  [208] Tha Friso bi fivwertich ier et Staveren hvshalden hede stvrf ‘er.2 Thrvch sin biielda hede ‘r felo stata wither to manlik othervm brocht, thach ief wi ther thrvch beter wrde thvr ik navt biiechta. Fon alle Greva ther bifara him weron n ‘as ther nimman sa bifamed lik Friso west. Tha sa as ‘k er seide, tha ionge famna kethon sina love, thahwila tha alda famna ella dedon vmb ‘im to achtiane and hatlik to makiane bi alle manniska. Nw ne machton tha alda famna him ther mitha wel navt ne stora in sina biieldinga, men hia havon mith hiara bara thach alsa fvl vtrivcht that ‘er stvrven is svnder that er kaning were. Nw wil ik skriwa vr Adel sin svnv.




Friso ther vsa skidnese lered hede vt ‘et bok thera Adellinga, hede ella den vmbe hiara frivndskip to winnande. Sin eroste svnv ther hi hir won bi Swethirte sin wif, heth ‘er bi stonda Adel heten. And afsken hi kampade mith alle sin weld, vmbe nene bvrga to forstalane ner wither vp to bvwande, thach sand hi Adel nei there bvrch et Texland til thiv hi diger bi diger kvd wertha machta, mith ella hwat to vsa ewa, tale and sedvm hereth. Tha Adel twintich ier talde let Friso him to sin ain skol kvma, and as er ther vtlered was, let ‘er him thrvch ovir alle stata fara. Adel was ‘ne minlika skalk, bi sin fara heth ‘er felo atha wnnen. Dana is ‘t kvmen that et folk him Atharik heten heth, awet hwat him afternei sa wel to pase kem, hwand as sin tat fallen was, bilev er in sin sted svnder that er vr ‘et kiasa ener othera Greva spreka kem. Thahwila Adel to Texland inna lere were, was ther tefta en elle liawe fam in vpper bvrch. Hiv kem fon vt tha Saxanamarkvm wei, fon vt ‘ere statha ther is kethen Svobaland ther thrvch warth hiv to Texland Svobene heten, afsken  [210] hira nome Ifkia were. Adel hede hia liaf kreien and hiv hede Adel liaf, men sin tat bed ‘im hi skolde iet wachtia. Adel was herich, men alsa ring sin tat fallen was and hi seten, sand hi bistonda bodon nei Berth ‘holda hira tat hin, as ‘er sine toghter to wif hava machte. Bertholda wer ‘ne forste fon vnforbastere sed, hi hede Ifkia nei Texland inna lere svnden inner hape that hia enis to bvrchfam kere wrde skolde in sine ain land. Thach hi hede hiara beder gerte kanna lered, thervmbe gvng ‘er to and ief hiam sina seien. Ifkia wer ‘ne kante Frias. Far sa fere ik hia hav kanna lered, heth hiv alon wrocht and wrot til thiv Friasbern wither kvma machte vndera selva ewa and vnder enen bon. Vmbe tha manniska vppa hira sid to kreiande, was hiv mith hira frivdelf fon of hira tat thrvch alle Saxanamarka faren and forth nei Gertmannia. Gertmannia alsa hedon tha Gertmanna hiara stat heten, ther hia thrvch Gosa hira biieldinga kreien hede. Dana gvngen hia nei tha Denemarka. Fon tha Denemarka gvngon hia skip nei Texland. Fon Texland gvngon hia nei Westfliland en sa allingen tha se nei Walhallagara hin. Fon Walhallagara brvdon hia allingen thera svder Hrenvm al ont hia mith grata frese boppa there Rene bi tha Marsata kemon hwerfon vsa Apollania skreven heth. Tho hia ther en stvt west hede, gvngon hia wither nei tha delta. As hia nw en tid long nei tha delta offaren weron al ont hia inna strek fon there alda bvrch Aken4 kemon, sind ther vnwarlinga fivwer skalka morth and naked vteklat. Hia weron en lith after an kvmen. Min brother ther vral bi was hede hia often vrbeden, thach hia nede navt ne hered. Tha bonar ther that den hede weron Twisklandar ther ivddega drist wei ovira Hrena kvma to morda and to rawande. Tha Twislandar that sind bannane and wei britne Friasbern,  [212] men hiara wiva havath hia fon tha Tartarvm rawet. Tha Tartara is en brvn Findas folk, althvs heten thrvchdam hia alle folka to strida vttarta. Hia send al hrvtar and rawar. Ther fon send tha Twisklandar alsa blod thorstich wrden. Tha Twisklandar tham thiv argnise den hede, heton hiara selva Fria ieftha Franka. Ther weron seide min brother rada brvna and wita mong. There ther rad ieftha brvn weron biton hiara here mith sialkweter wit. Neidam hiara onthlita ther brvn bi wer, alsa wrdon hia thesto ledliker ther thrvch. Evin as Apollania biskoiadon hia afternei Lidasbvrch and et Alderga. Dana tagon hiv in over Staverens wrde bi hiara livda rond. Alsa minlik hedon hia hiara selva anstaled that tha manniska ra allerweikes halda wilde. Thre monatha forther sand Adel bodon nei alle athvm ther hi biwnnen hede and let tham bidda, hia skoldon inna Minna monath lichta livda to him senda.  [214] sin wif seid er ther fam west hede to Texland, hede dana en ovirskrift kreien. To Texland warthat ieta felo skrifta fvnden, ther navt in ‘t bok thera Adelinga vrskreven send. Fon thissa skriftvm hede Gosa en bi hira vtroste wille leid, ther thrvch tha aldeste fam Albethe avber makt wertha most, alsa ringen Friso fallen was.


Hir is that skrift mith Gosas red.


Tha Wralda bern ief an tha modera fon that manniskelik slachte, tha leid er ene tale in aller tonga and vp aller lippa. Thivs meide hede Wralda an tha manniska ieven, til thiv hia manlik othera thermith machte kanber makia, hwat man formide mot and hwat man biiagia mot vmbe selighed to findane and selighed to haldane in al evghed. Wralda is wis and god and al farsiande. Neidam er nw wist, that lvk and selighed fon irtha flia mot, ief boshed dvged bidroga mei, alsa heth er an thiv tal ene rivchtferdige aiendomlikhed fast bonden. Thivs aiendomlikhed is ther an legen, that man ther mith nen leien sege, ner bidroglika worda spreka ne mei svnder stem leth noch svnder skamrad, thrvch hvam man tha bosa fon hirte bistonda vrkanna mei. Neidam vsa tale thvs to lvk and to selighed weiath, and thvs mith wakt aien tha bosa nigonga, thervmbe is hiv mith alle rivcht godis tale heten, and alle tha iena hwam hia an ere halda havath ther gome fon. Tha hwat is berth. Alsa ring ther mong vsa halfsvstervm and halfbrotharvm bidrogar vpkemon, tham hiara selva fori godis skalkvm vtiavon, also ring is that owers wrden. Tha bidroglika prestera and tha wrangwreia forsta ther immer semin heladon, wildon nei wilker leva and bvta god ‘is ewa dvan. In hiara  [216] tsiodished send hia to gvngen and havon othera tala forsvnnen, til thiv hia hemlik machte spreka in aienwartha fon alrek othervm, vr alle bosa thinga and vr alle vnwerthlika thinga svnder that stemleth hiam vrreda mocht nach skamrad hiara gelat vrderva. Men hwat is thervt bern. Evin blid as ‘t sed thera goda krvdvm fon vnder ne grvnd vt vntkemth, that avber seied is thrvch goda livda bi helle dei, even blid brength tid tha skadlika krvda an ‘t livcht, ther seied send thrvch bosa livda in ‘t forborgne and bi thivstrenesse. Tha lodderiga mangertne and tha vnmanlika knapa ther mitha vvla prestervm and forstvm horadon vntlvkadon tha nia tala an hiara bola, therwisa send hia forth kvmen emong tha folkrvm, til thiv hia god ‘is tale glad vrietten have. Wilst nw weta hwat ther of wrden is? Nv stemleth ner gelat hiara bosa tochta navt longer mar vrredon, nv is dvged fon vt hiara midden weken, wisdom is folgth and fridom is mith gvngen, endracht is sok rakt and twispalt heth sin sted innommen, liafde is flivcht and hordom sith mith nid an tefel, and ther er rivchtferdichhed welde, welth nv that swerd. Alle send slavona wrden, tha livda fon hiara hera, fon nid, bosa lvsta and bigirlikhed. Hede hia nvmar ene tale forsvnnen, mvglik was ‘t than iet en lith god gvngen. Men hia havon alsa felo tala vtfonden as ther stata send. Therthrvch mei that ene folk that ore folk evin min forstan as thiv kv thene hvnd and thi wolf that skep. Thit mvgath tha stivrar bitivga. Thach dana is ‘t nv wei kvmen, that alle slavona folkar manlik othara lik ora manniska biskoia and that hia to straffe hiarar vndigerhed and fon hiara vrmetenhed, manlik othera alsa long biorloge and bikampa moton til thiv alle vrdilgad send.  [218]


Hir is nv min red.

Bist thv alsa girich that thv irtha allena erva wilste, alsa achst thv nimmer mare nen ore tale ovir thina wera ni kvma to letane as god ‘is tale, and than achst thv to niodane, til thiv thin ain tale fri fon vthemeda klinka biliweth. Wilst thv that er svme fon Lidas bern and fon Findas bern resta, sa dvath stv evin alsa. Thiv tale thera Ast Skenlandar is thrvch tha wla Magiara vrbrvd; thiv tale thera Kaltana folgar is thrvch tha smvgrige Gole vrderven. Nv send wi alsa mild west vmbe tha witherkvmande Hellena folgar wither in vs midden to nemande, men ik skrom and ben serelik ange, that hia vs mild ‘sa vrielda skilvn mith vrbrvding vsra rene tale. Fvl havon wi witherfaren, men fon alle bvrgvm, ther thrvch arge tid vrhomlath send and vrdiligad, heth Irtha Friasbvrch vnforleth bihalden; ak mei ik ther bi melda that Frias ieftha god ‘is tale hir evin vnforleth bihalden is. Hir to Texland most man thvs skola stifta, fon alle statvm ther et mitha alda sedvm halda, most ‘et iongk folk hir hinne senden wrde, afterdam mochton thera vtlered were tha ora helpa ther to honk vrbeide. Willath tha ora folkar isre weron fon thi sella end thervr mith thi spreka and thinga, sa moton hia to god ‘istale wither kera. Lerath hia god ‘is tale sa skilvn tha worda fri ‘sa and rivcht ‘ha to hiara inkvma, in hiara brein skilet than biiina to glimmande and to glorande til thiv ella to ‘ne logha warth. Thissa logha skil alle balda forsta vrtera and alle skinfrana and smvgriga prestera. Tha heinde and ferhemande sendabodon hedon nocht fon vr that skrift, thach ther ne kemon nene skola. Tha stifte Adel selva skola, after him dedon tha ora forsta lik hi. Ierlikis gvngon Adel and Ifkia tha skola skoia. Fandon hia than emong tha inhemar and vthemar seliga ther ekkorvm  [220] frivndskip baradon, sa leton bede grate blidskip blika. Hedon svme seliga ekkorvm frivndskip sworen, alsa leton hia alra mannalik to manlik orvm kvma, mith grate stat leton hia than hiara noma in en bok skriva, thrvch hiam that bok thera frivndskip heten, after dam warth ferst halden. Al thissa plega wrde den vmbe tha asvndergana twiga fon Frias stam wither et semene to snorane. Men tha famna ther Adel and Ifkia nidich weron, seidon that hia ‘t niwerth ore vr dedon as vmb en gode hrop, and vmb bi gradvm to weldana in ovir enis other man his stat.


Bi min tat sinra skriftvm hav ik enen bref fvnden, skrevin thrvch Livdgerth thene Gertman, bihalva svmlika seka ther min tat allena ielde, ief ik hir that othera to that besta. Pang ‘ab, that is fif watera and hwer neffen wi wech kvme, is ‘ne rvnstrame fon afsvnderlika skenhed, and fif watera heten vmb thet fivwer ora rvnstrama thrvch sine mvnd in se floia. El fere astwarth is noch ne grate rvnstrame ther helige ieftha frana Gong ‘ga heten. Twisk thisvm rvnstramne is ‘t lond thera Hindos. Beda rvnstrama rvnath fon tha haga bergvm nei tha delta del. Tha berga hwana se del strame sind alsa hach thet se to tha himel laia. Thervmbe warth ‘et berchta Himellaia berchta heten. Vnder tha Hindos and othera vt ‘a londvm sind welka livda mank ther an stilnise bi malkorvm kvma. Se gelavath thet se vnforbastere bern Findas sind. Se gelavath thet Finda fon vt ‘et Himmellaia berchta bern is, hvana se mith hiara bern nei tha delta ieftha legte togen is. Welke vnder tham gelavath thet se mith hira bern vppet skvm ther helige Gongga del gonggen is. Thervmbe skolde thi rvnstrame helige Gongga heta. Mar tha prestera ther vt en or lond wech kvma leton thi livda vpspera and vrbarna, thervmbe  [222] ne thvrvath se far hiara sek nit opentlik vt ni kvma. In thet lond sind olle prestera tiok and rik. In hiara charka werthat ollerleia drochtenlika bildon fvnden, ther vnder sind felo golden mank. Biwesta Pangab ther sind tha Ira ieftha wranga, tha Gedrostne ieftha britne, and tha Orietten ieftha vrietne. Ol thisa noma sind ‘ar thrvch tha nidige prestera ieven, thrvchdam hia fon ar flivchte, vmb seda and gelav. bi hiara kvmste hedon vsa ethla hiara selva ak an tha astlika ower fon Pangab del set, men vmb thera prestera wille sind se ak nei ther wester ower faren. Therthrvch havon wi tha Ira and tha othera kenna lerth. Tha Ira ne sind nene ira mar goda minska ther nena bildon to leta nach onbidda, ak willath se nena charka nach prestar doga, and evin als wi ‘t frana livcht fon Fasta vpholda, evin sa holdon se ollerwechs fivr in hiara hvsa vp. Kvmth mon efter el westlik, olsa kvmth mon bi tha Gedrostne. Fon tha Gedrostne. Thisa sind mith ora folkrvm bastered and sprekath olle afsvnderlika tala. Thisa minska sind werentlik ira bonar, ther ammer mith hiara horsa vp overa fielda dwala, ther ammer iagia and rawa and ther hiara selva als salt ‘atha forhera an tha omhemmande forsta, ther wille hwam se alles nither hawa hwat se bireka mvge. Thet lond twisk Pangab and ther Gongga is like flet as Friaslond an tha se, afwixlath mith fieldvm and waldvm, frvchtbar an alle delvm, mar thet mach nit vrletta that ther bi hwila thvsanda bi thvsanda thrvch honger biswike. Thisa hongernede mach thervmbe nit an Wralda nach an Irtha witen nit wertha, mar allena an tha forsta and prestera. Tha Hindos sind ivin blode and forfered from hiara forstvm, als tha hindne from tha wolva sind. Thervmbe havon tha Ira and ora ra Hindos heten, thet hindne bitioth. Mar fon hiara blodhed warth afgrislika misbrvk makth. Kvmat ther ferhemande kaplivd vmb keren to kapiande, alsa warth alles to ieldvm  [224] makth. Thrvch tha prestera ni warth et nit werth, hwand thisa noch snoder and iiriger als alle forsta to samene, witath el god, thet al ‘et ield endlik in hiara bvdar kvmth. Bvta and bihalva thet tha livda ther fvl fon hiara forsta lida, moton hia ak noch fvl fon thet feninige and wilde kwik lida. Ther send store elefante ther bi ele keddvm hlapa, ther bihwila ele fielda keren vrtrappe and ele thorpa. Ther sind bonte and swarte katta, tigrvm heten, ther sa grat als grate kalvar sind, ther minsk and diar vrslinne. Bvta felo ora wriggvm sind ther snaka fon af tha grate ener wirme al to tha grate ener bam. Tha grateste kennath en ele kv vrslinna, mar tha lithste sind noch fresliker als tham. Se holdon hiara selva twisk blom and frvchta skvl vmb tha minska to bigana tham ther of plokia wille. Is mon ther fon biten, sa mot mon starva, hwand aien hiara fenin heth Irtha nena krvda ieven, olsanaka tha minska hiara selva havon skildich makt an afgodie. Forth sind ther ollerleia slacht fon hachdiska nindiska and adiska, ol thisa diska sind ivin als tha snaka fon of ne wirme til ‘ne bamstame grat, nei that hia grat iof freslik sind, sind hiara noma, ther ik alle nit noma ni ken, tha aldergratesta adiska sind algattar heten, thrvchdam se ivin grvsich bitte an thet rotte kwik, that mith ‘a strama fon boppa nei tha delta driweth as an thet levande kwik, that se bigana mvge. An tha westside fon Pangab, wana wi wech kvme and hwer ik bern ben, ther bloiath and waxath tha selva frvchta and nochta as an tha astside. To fara wrdon er ak tha selva wrigga fonden, mar vsa ethla havon alle krilwalda vrbarnath and alsanaka after et wilde kwik iaged, that ther fe mar resta. Kvmth man el westlik fon Pangab, then finth man neffen fette etta ak  [226] dorra gestlanda ther vnendlik skina, bihwila ofwixlath mith liaflika streka, hweran thet ag forbonden biliwet. Vnder tha frvchta fon min land sind felo slachta mank, ther ik hir nit fvnden hav. Vnder allerleia keren is er ak golden mank, ak goldgele aple, hwerfon welke sa swet as hvning sind, and welka sa wrang as ek. Bi vs werthat nochta fonden lik bern ‘haveda sa grat, ther sit tsis and melok in, werthat se ald sa makt man ther olia fon, fon tha bastvm makt man taw and fon tha kernvm makt man chelka and or gerad. Hir inna walda hav ik krvp and stakbeia sian. Bi vs sind beibama als iow lindabama, hwerfon tha beia fvl sweter and threwara grater as stakbeia sind. Hwersa tha dega vppa sin olderlongste sind and thiv svnne fon top skinth, then skinth se linrivcht vppa iow hole del. Is man then mith sin skip el fer svdlik faren, and man thes middeis mith sin gelat nei ‘t asten kered, sa skinth svnne aien thine winstere side lik se owers aien thine fere side dvath. Hirmitha wil ik enda, mar after min skriwe skil ‘et thi licht nog falla, vmb tha leienaftiga teltias to mvge skiftane fon tha wara tellinga. Iow Livdgert.


Thet skrift fon Beden.


Mine nom is Beden, Hachgana his svn. Konered min em is nimmer bostigiath and alsa bernlas stvrven. Mi heth man in sin sted koren. Adel thene thredde kaning fon thivse nome heth thiv kese godkerth, mites ik him as mina mastre bikenna wilde. Bvta that fvlle erv minre em heth ‘er mi en ele plek grvnd ieven that an mina erva palade, vnder farwerde that ik thervp skolde manniska stalla ther sina livda nimmerthe skolde [228] thervmbe wil ik thet hir ‘ne sted forivne.

Bref fon Rika thiv aldfam, vpseid to Staveren bi ‘t iolferste.

Ii alle hwam his ethla mith Friso hir kemon, min erbidnesse to io. Alsa ii mene, send ii vnskeldich an afgodie. Ther nil ik ivd navt vr spreka, men ivd wil ik io vppen brek wisa, that fe betre si. Ii wetath ieftha ii netath navt, ho Wralda thvsand glornoma heth, thach that wetath ii alle that hi warth Alfeder heten, vt erseke that alles in vt him warth and waxth to feding sinra skepsela. T ‘is wer, that Irtha warth bihwila ak Alfedstre heten, thrvchdam hiv alle frvchd and nochta berth, hwermitha mannisk and diar hiara selva fede. Thach ne skolde hiv nene frvchd ner nocht navt ne bera, bidam Wralda hia nene krefta ne ief. Ak wiva ther hiara bern mama leta an hiara brosta, werthat fedstra heten. Tha ne ief Wralda ther nen melok in, sa ne skoldon tha bern ther nene bate bi finda. Sa that bi slot fon reknong Wralda allena feder biliwet. That Irtha bihwila warth Alfedstre heten, and ene mam fedstre, kan ieta thrvch ‘ne wende, men that ‘ne man him let feder hete vmbe that er tat si, that strid with ‘aien alle rednvm. Tha ik wet wanat thivs dweshed wei kvmth. Hark hir, se kvmth fon vsa letha, and sahwersa thi folgath werthe, sa skilvn ii therthrvch slavona wertha to smert fon Fria and iowe hagmod to.ne straf. Ik skil io melda ho ‘t bi tha slavona folkar to gvngen is, ther after mei ii lera. Tha poppa kaningar tham nei wilker leva, stekath Wralda nei there krone, vt nid that Wralda Alfeder het, sa wildon hia fedrvm thera folkar heta. Nw wet allera mannalik that ‘ne kening navt ovir ‘ne waxdom  [230] ne welth, and that im sin feding thrvch that folk brocht warth, men thach wildon hia fvlherdia bi hiara formetenhed. Til thiv hia to ‘ra dol kvma machte, alsa havon hia thet forma navt fvlden west mith tha fria iefta, men havon hia that folk ene tins vpleid. Fori thene skat, tham therof kem, heradon hia vrlandiska salt ‘atha, tham hia in ‘om hiara hova leidon. Forth namon hia alsa felo wiva, as ‘ra lvste, and tha lithiga forsta and hera dedon al ‘en. As twist and tvispalt afternei inna hvshaldne glvpte and ther ‘vr klachta kemon, tha havon hia seid, ia ‘hweder man is thene feder fon sin hvshalden, thervmbe skil ‘er ther ak bas and rivchter ovir wesa. Tha kem wilker and evin as tham mitha mannvm in ovir tha hvshaldne welde, gvng er mit tha kaningar in ovir hiara stat and folkar dvan. Tha tha kaningar et alsa wid brocht hedon, that hia federvm thera folkar hete, tha gvngon hia to and leton bildon after hiara dantne makia, thissa bildon leton hia inna tha cherka stalla nest tha bildon thera drochtne and thi iena tham ther navt far bvgia nilde, warth ombrocht ieftha an kedne den. Iow ethla and tha Twisklandar havon mitha poppa forsta ommegvngen, dana havon hia thivse dweshed lered. Tha navt allena that svme iower man hiara selva skeldich makia an glornoma raw, ak mot ik mi vr felo iower wiva biklagia. Werthat bi io man fvnden, tham mith Wralda an en lin wille, ther werthat bi io wiva fvnden, ther et mei Fria wille. Vmbe that hia bern bered have, letath hia hiara selva modar heta. Tha hia vriettath, that Fria bern berde svnder iengong enis man. Ia navt allena that hia Fria and tha eremodar fon hiara glor ‘rika noma birawa wille, hweran hia navt naka ne mvge, hia dvath alen mitha glornoma fon hiara nesta. Ther send wiva ther hiara selva letath frovva heta,  [232] afsken hia wete that thivse nome allena to forsta wiva hereth. Ak letath hia hiara toghatera famna heta, vntankes hia wete, that nene mangert alsa heta ne mei, wara hiv to ene bvrch herth. Ii alle wanath that ii thrvch that nom rawa betre werthe, thach ii vriettath that nid ther an kliwet and that elk kwad sine tvchtrode seiath. Kerath ii navt ne wither, sa skil tid ther waxdom an ieva, alsa sterik that man et ende ther of navt bisia ne mei. Iow afterkvmanda skilvn ther mith feterath wertha, hia ne skilvn navt ne bigripa hwanat thi slaga wei kvme. Men afsken ii tha famna nene bvrch bvwe and an lot vrlete, thach skilvn ther biliwa, hia skilvn fon vt wald and holvm kvma, hia skilvn iow afterkvmande biwisa that ii ther willens skildech an send. Than skil man io vrdema, iow skina skilvn vrferth fon vt ‘a grevvm risa, hia skilvn Wralda, hia skilvn Fria and hiara famna anhropa, tha nimman skil ‘er awet an betra ne mvge, bifare that Iol in op en ore hlaphring treth, men that skil erist bera as thre thvsand ier vrhlapen send after thisse ew. Ende fon Rikas bref.  [234]

thervmbe wil ik that forma vr swarte Adel skriva. Swarte Adel were thene fivrde kening after Friso. Bi sin ivged heth ‘er to Texland lered, afternei heth ‘er to Staveren lered, and forth heth ‘er thrvch ovir alle stata faren. Tha that er fivwer and tvintich ier were, heth sin tat maked that ‘er to Asega ‘askar keren is. Tha ‘er enmel askar were, askte hi altid in ‘t fardel thera arma. Tha rika, sed ‘er, plegath enoch vnrivchta thinga thrvch middel fon hiara ield, thervmbe agon wi to nivdane that tha arma nei vs omme sian. Thrvch tha ‘s and ora redne wer ‘i thene frivnd thera arma and thera rika skrik. Alsa arg is ‘t kvmen that sin tat him nei tha agvm sach. Tha sin tat fallen was, and hi vppa tham ‘his setel kliwed, tha wild ‘er evin god sin ambt bihalda, lik as tha keningar fon ‘t asta plegath. Tha rika nildon that navt ne daia, men nw hlip allet ora folk to hape, and tha rika weron blide that hia hel ‘hvd ‘is fon there acht ofkemon. Fon to ne herade man nimmar mara ovir elika rivcht petaria. Hi dvmde tha rika and hi strikte tha arma, mith hwam his helpe hi alle sekvm askte, ther ‘er bistek vp hede. Kening Askar lik ‘er immer heten warth, were bi sivgvn irthfet longe, sa grat sin tol wer, weron ak sina krefta. Hi hede ‘n hel forstan, sa that ‘er alles forstande, hwerwr that spreken warth, thach in sin dvan ne macht man nene wisdom spera. Bi ‘n sken onhlite hed ‘er ene glade tonge, men ieta swarter as sin her is sine sele fvnden. Tha that ‘er en ier kening were, nedsekte hi alle knapa fon sin stat, hia skoldon ierlikis vppet kamp kvma and ther skin ‘orloch makia. In ‘t erost hede ‘r ther spvl mith, men to tha lersta warth ‘et sa menerlik, that ald and iong vt alle wrdvm wei kemon to freiande ief hia machte mith dva. Tha hi ‘t alsa fere brocht hede, let ‘er werskola stifta. Tha rika kemon to barane and seidon, that  [236] hiara bern nw nen lesa nach skriva navt ne lerade. Askar ne melde ‘t navt, men as ther kirt after wither skin ‘orloch halden warth, gvng ‘er vppen vpstal stonda, and ketha hlvd. Tha rika sind to mi kvmen to barana, that hiara knapa nen lesa nach skriva noch lera, ik n.av ther nawet vp seith, thach hir wil ik mine menong sedsa, and an tha mena acht bithinga leta. Tha alrek nw neisgirich nei him vpsach, seid ‘er forther, nei min bigrip mot man hivd that lesa and skriva tha famna and alda lichta vrleta. Ik n ‘il nen kwad spreka vr vsa ethla, ik wil allena sega, vndera tida hwervp thrvch svme sa herde bogath warth, havon tha bvrchfamna twispalt inovir vsa landa brocht, and tha Modera fvr and nei ne kvndon twispalt navt wither to ‘t land vt ne driva. Ieta arger, thahwila hia kalta and petarade vr nadelasa plega, send tha Gola kvmen and havon al vsa skena svdarlanda raweth. Hemisdega send hia mith vsa vrbrvda brotharvm and hiara salt ‘athvm al overa Skelda kvmen, vs rest thvs to kiasane twisk ‘et bera fon ivk ief swerd. Willath wi fri biliwa, alsa agon tha knapa that lesa and skriva farhondis afterwei ‘n to letane and in stede that hia invppa meide hwip and swik spele, moton hia mith swerd and sper spela. Send wi in alle dela ofned and tha knapa stor enoch vmb helmet and skild to berane and tha wepne to honterane, then skil ik mi mith iower helpa vppa thene fiand werpa. Tha Gola meieath then tha nitherlega fon hiara helpar and salt ‘athvm vppa vsa fieldvm skriva mith ‘et blod, that vt hiara wndvm drivpth. Havon wi thene fiand en mel far vs vt dreven, alsa moton wi thermith forth gvnga, alhwenne ther nen Gola ner Slavona nach Tartara mara fon Frias erv to vrdrivane send. Tha ‘s rivcht, hripon tha masta and tha rika ne thvradon hiara mvla navt epen ne dva. Thivs tospreke hed  [238] er sekvr to fara forsonnen and vrskriva leten, hwand s ‘ewendis fon there selvare dei weron tha ofskriftvm thera hwel in twintich honda and thi alle weron enishlvdende. Afternei bifel ‘er tha skipmanna, hia skoldon dvbbele farstewene makia leta, hweran man ene stelen kranboga macht fastigia. Thera ther afterwei bilev warth bibot, kvn imman swera that ‘er nene midle navt nede, alsa moston tha rika fon sin ga ‘t bitalia. Hivd skil man sian hwer vppa al that ba hei vthlapen is. An ‘t north ‘ende fon Britania that fvl mith haga bergvm is, ther sit en Skots folk, vr ‘et maradel vt Frias blod sproten, vr ‘a ene helte send hia vt Kaltanafolgar, vr ‘et ora del vt Britne and bannane, ther bi gradvm mith tid fon ‘vt ‘a tinlonvm ther hinna flivchte. Ther vt ‘a tinlona kemon, havath algadvr vrlandiska wiva ieftha fon vrlandis tvk. Thi alle send vnder ‘et weld thera Golvm, hiara wepne send woden boga and sprita mith pintvm fon herthis ‘hornvm ak fon flintvm. Hiara hvsa send fon sadvm and stre and svme hemath inna hola thera bergvm. Skepon ther hia rawed have, is hiara enge skat. Mong tha afterkvmanda thera Kaltanafolgar havath svme ieta isera wepne, ther hia fon hiara ethlvm vrven have. Vmbe nw god forstan to werthande, mot ik min telling vr that Skotse folk resta leta, and ewet fon tha heinda Krekalanda skriva. Tha heinda Krekalanda havon vs to fara allena to herath, men svnt vnhvglika tidvm havon ra ther ak afterkvmanda fon Lida and fon Finda nitherset, fon tha lersta kemon to tha lersta en ele hape fon Troie. Troie alsa heth ene stede heten, ther et folk fon tha fere Krekalanda innomth and vrhomelt heth. Tha tha Troiana to tha heinda Krekalandvm nestled weron, tha havon hia ther mith tid and flit ene sterke sted mith walla and bvrgvm bvwed, Rome, that is  [240] Rvm, heten. Tha that den was, heth that folk him selva thrvch lest and weld fon that ele land master maked. That folk that anda svdside there Middelse hemth, is far ‘et mara del fon Fhonisia wei kvmen. Tha Fhonisiar send en bastred folk, hia send fon Frias blod and fon Findas blod and fon Lida his blod. That folk fon Lida send ther as slavona, men thrvch tha vntvcht ther wiva havon thissa swarte manniska al ‘et ora folk bastered and brvn vrfarvet. Thit folk and tham fon Rome kampath olan vmb ‘et masterskip fon tha Middelse. Forth levath tham fon Roma an fiandskip with tha Fonisiar, and hiara prestera ther ‘et rik allena welda wille wr irtha, ne mvgon tha Gola navt ne sian. That forma havon hia tha Fphonisiar Mis ‘selia ofnomen, dana alle landa, ther svdward, westward and northward lidsa, ak et svdardel fon Britania, and allerweikes havon hia tha Fonisiar prestera, that heth tha Gola vriageth, dana sind thvsanda Gola nei north Brittania brit. Kirt vrleden was ther tha vreste thera Golvm seten vppa there bvrch, ther is kethen Kerenak that is herne, hwanath hi sin bifela ief an alle ora Gola. Ak was ther al hiara gold togadvr brocht. Keren herne ieftha Kerenak is ene stenen bvrch, ther er an Kalta herde. Thervmbe wildon tha famna fon tha afterkvmande thera Kaltana ‘folgar tha bvrch wither ha. Alsa was thrvch tha fianskip thera famna and thera Golvm faithe and twist in ovir that Berchland kvmen mith morth and brond. Vsa stivrar kemon ther faken wol halia, that hia sellade fori tobirede hvdvm and linne. Askar was often mith west, an stilnesse hed ‘er mith tha famna and mith svme forstvm atskip sloten, and him selva forbonden vmbe tha Gola to vriagane vt Kerenak. As ‘er thernei wither kem ief hi tha forsta and wigandliksta manna isere helma and stela boga. Orloch was mith kvmen and kirt after floiadon strama blod bi  [242] tha hellinga thera bergvm del. Tha Askar mende that kans him tolakte, gvng ‘er mith fivwertich skepvm hin and nam Kerenak and thene vreste thera Golvm mith al sine gold. That folk wermith hi with tha salt ‘athvm thera Golvm kamped hede, hed ‘er vt ‘a Saxanamarkvm lvkt mith lofte fon grate hera ‘rave and bvt. Thvs warth tha Gola newet leten. Afternei nam ‘er twa elanda to berch far sinvm skepvm, and hwanath hi leter vtgvng vmb alle Fonisiar skepa and steda to birawane ther hi bigana kv. Tha er tobek kem brocht ‘i tomet sexhvndred thera storeste knapvm fon that Skotse berchfolk mith. Hi seide that hia him to borgvm ieven weren, til thiv hi sekvr wesa machte that tha eldra him skolde trow biliwa, men ‘t was iok, hi hild ra as lifwere et sina hova, ther hia allera distik les kreion in ‘t rida and in ‘t hondtera fon allerleia wepne. Tha Denamarkar tham hiara selva svnt long boppa alle ora stivrar stoltlike sekampar hete, hedon sa ringe navt fon Askar sina glorrika dedvm navt ne hered, ief hia wrdon nidich ther vr, thermete, that hia wilde orloch brensa over ‘ne se and over sina landa. Sian hir, ho hi orloch formitha machte. Twisk tha bvwfala there vrhomelde bvrch Stavia was ieta ene snode bvrchfam mith svme famna seten. Hira nome was Reintia and ther gvng en grate hrop fon hira wished vt. Thivs fam bad an Askar hira helpe vnder bithing, that Askar skolde tha bvrch Stavia wither vpbvwa lete. As ‘er him ther to forbonden hede, gvng Reintia mith thrim famna nei Hals, nachtis gvng hiv reisa and thes deis kethe hiv vppa alle markvm and binna alle meidvm. Wralda seide hiv hede hia thrvch thongar tohropa leta that allet Frias folk moston frivnda wertha, lik svstar and brothar tamed, owers skolde Findas folk kvma and ra alle fon irtha vrdilligia. Nei thongar weron Frias sivgvn wakfamkes hia anda drame forskinnen, sivgvn nachta after ekko ‘rvm.  [244] Hia hede seith boppa Frias landvm swabbert ramp mith ivk and kedne omme. Thervmbe moton alle folkar ther vt Fria sproten send hiara tonoma wei werpa and hiara selva allena Frias bern ieftha folk heta. Forth moton alle vpstonda and et Findas folk fon Frias erv driva. Nillath hia that navt ne dva, alsa skilvn hia slavona benda vmbe hiara halsa kreia, alsa skilvn tha vrlandaska hera hiara bern misbrvka and fritra leta, til thiv that blod sigath inna iowre greva. Than skilvn tha skinna iowre ethla io kvma wekia and io bikivia vr io lefhed and vndigerhed. That dvme folk, that thrvch todvan thera Magiara al an sa fvl dweshed wenth was, lavadon alles hwat hiv seide and tha mamma klimdon hiara bern aien hiara brosta an. Tha Reintia thene kening fon Hals and alle othera manniska to endracht vrwrocht hede, sand hiv bodon nei Askar and tag selva alingen thene Balda se. Dana gvng hiv bi tha Hlith ‘hawar, althvs heten vmbe that hia hiara fianda immer nei thet onhlite hawe. Tha Hlithhawar send britne and bannene fon vs ain folk that inna tha Twisklanda sit and omme dwarelt. Hiara wiva havon hia mest algadvr fon tha Tartara rawed. Tha Tartara send en del fon Findas slachte and althvs thrvch tha Twisklandar heten vmbe that hia nimmerthe nen fretho wille, men tha manniska alti vt tarta to stridande. Forth gvng hiv aftera Saxnamarka tweres thrvch tha ora Twisklanda hin, allerweikes that selva vtketha. Nei twam ier om weron, kem hiv allingen there Rene to honk. Bi tha Twisklandar hede hiv hiara selva as Moder vtian and seid that hia mochton as fri and franka manniska wither kvma, men than mosten hia ovir tha Rene gvngga and tha Gola folgar vt Frias svdarlandvm iagia. As hia that dede, sa skolde hira kening Askar overa Skelda gvngga and ther that land ofwinna. Bi tha Twisklandar send felo tioda plega fon tha Tartarvm and Magiara binna glvpt, men ak fvl send  [246] ther fon vsa sedvm bilewen. Ther thrvch havath hia ieta famna ther tha bern lera and tha alda red ieva. Bit ‘anfang weron hia Reintia nidich, men to tha lesta warth hiv thrvch hiam folgath and thianiath and allerweikes bogath, hwer ‘et nette and nedlik were. Alsa ringen Askar fon Reintia hira bodon fornom ho tha Ivttar nigath weron, sand hi bistonda bodon fon sinant wegvm nei tha kaning fon Hals. That skip, wermith tha bodon gvngon, was fvl leden mith famna sirhedvm and ther bi wer en golden skild, hwervppa Askar his dante kvnstalik was vtebild. Thissa bodon mosten freia ief Askar thes kaning his toghter Frethogvnsta to sin wif have machte. Frethogvnsta kem en ier leter to Staveren, bi hiara folgar were ak enen Magi, hwand tha Ivttar weron svnt long vrbrvd. Kirt after that Askar mith Frethogvnsta bostigiath was, warth ther to Staveren ene scherke bvwad, inna thiv scherke wrdon tioda drochten likanda bildon stalth mith gold trvch wrochtne klathar. Ak is er biwerath that Askar ther nachtis and vntidis mith Frethogvnsta far nitherbvwgade. Men sa fvl is sekvr, thiv bvrch Stavia ne warth navt wither vpebvwed. Reintia was al to bek kvmen, and gvng nidich nei Prontlik thiv Moder et Texland baria. Prontlik gvng to and sand allerweikes bodon ther vtkethon, Askar is vrieven an afgodie. Askar dede as mvrk ‘i ‘t navt, men vnwarlingen kem ther ene flate vt Hals. Nachtis wrdon tha famna vt ‘ere bvrch driwen, and ogtins kvn man fon there bvrch allena ene glandere hape sian. Prontlik and Reintia kemon to mi vmb skvl. Tha ik ther afternei vr nei tochte, lek it mi to, that it kwadlik far min stat bideia kvste. Thervmbe havon wi to semne ene lest forsonnen, ther vs alle bata most. Sian hir ho wi to gvngen send. Middel in ‘t Krilwald biasten Livwerde leith vsa fli ieftha wera, ther man allena thrvch dwarlpada mei naka. In vppa thivs bvrch hed ik svnt longe  [248] ionga wakar stald, ther alle ene grins an Askar hede, and alle ora manniska danath halden. Nv wast bi vs ak al sa wid kvmen, that felo wiva and ak manna al paterade vr spoka, witte wiva and vldermankes, lik tha Denamarkar. Askar hede al thissa dwashede to sin bata anwenth and that wildon wi nv ak to vsa bata dva. Bi ‘ne thivstre nacht brocht ik tha famna nei there bvrch and dana gongen hia mith hiara famna in thrvch tha dwarl ‘pada spokka in wttta klathar hvled, sa that ther afternei nen mannisk mara kvma ne thvrade. Tha Askar mende that ‘er thv honda rvm hede, let ‘i tha Magiara vnder allerleia noma thrvch ovir sina stata fara and bvta Grenega and bvta mina stat ne wrdon hia narne navt ne werath. Nei that Askar alsa mith tha Ivttar and tha ora Denamarkar forbonden was, gvngon hia alsemina rawa; thach that neth nene gode frvchda bared. Hia brochton allerleia vrlandiska skata to honk. Men ivst ther thrvch nildon that iong folk nen ambacht lera, nach vppa tha fieldvm navt ne werka, sa that hi to tha lersta wel slavona nimma moste. Men thit was el al aien Wralda his wille and aien Frias red. Thervmbe kv straf navt afterwega ne biliwa. Sian hir ho straffe kvmen is. Enis hedon hia to semine ene ele flate wnnen, hiv kem fon vta Middelse. Thivs flate was toleden mith pvrpera klathar and ora kostelikhed, ther alle fon of Phonisia kemon. That wraka folk there flate warth bisvda there Seiene an wal set, men that stora folk warth halden. That most ra as slavona thiania. Tha skeneste wrdon halden vmbe vppet land to biliwane and tha ledliksta and swartste wrdon an bord halden vmbe vppa tha benka to roiande. An ‘t Fli warth tha bodel delath, men svnder hiara weta warth ak hiara straf delath. Fon tha manniska ther vppa tha vrlandiska skepvm stalt weron, weron sex thrvch bvkpin felth. Man tochte that et eta and drinka vrieven were,  [250] thervmbe warth alles ovir bord iompth. Men bvkpin reste and allerweikes, hwer slavona ieftha god kem, kem ak bvkpin binna. Tha Saxmanna brochten hiv ovir hiara marka, mith tha Ivttar for hiv nei Skenland and alingen there kad fon tha Balda ‘se, mith Askar his stivrar for hiv nei Britania. Wi and tham fon Grenega ne leton nen god ner minniska ovir vsa pala navt ne kvma, and thervmbe bilewon wi fon tha bvkpin fri. Ho felo manniska bvkpin weirapth heth, net ik navt to skriwane, men Prontlik ther et afternei fon tha ora famna herde, heth mi meld, that Askar thvsandmel mara fria manniska vt sina statvm hvlpen heth, as er vvla slavona inbrochte. Tha pest far god wiken was, tha kemon tha fri wrden Twisklandar nei there Rene, men Askar nilde mith tha forstvm fon that vvla vrbasterde folk navt an ene line navt ne stonda. Hi nilde navt ne daia, that hia skoldon hiara selva Frias bern heta, lik Reintia biboden hede, men hi vriet therbi that ‘i selva swarte hera hede. Emong tha Twisklandar weron ther twa folkar, ther hiara selva nene Twisklandar heton. That ene folk kem el fer vt ‘et svd ‘asten wei, hia heton hiara selva Allemanna. Thissa noma hedon hia hiara selva ieven, tha hia ieta svnder wiva inna tha walda as bannane ommedwarelde. Letar havon hia fon ‘et slavona folk wiva ravath, evin sa tha Hlithawar, men hia havon hiara nome bihalden. That ora folk, that mara heinde ommedwarelde, heton hiara selva Franka, navt vmbe that hia fri weron, men Frank alsa hede thene eroste kaning heten, tham him selva mith hvlpe fon tha vrbrvda famna to ervlik kaning ovir sin folk makad hede. Tha folkar tham an him paladon, heton hiara selva Thioth ‘his svna, that is folk ‘his svna, hia weron fria manniska bilewen, neidam hia nimmer enen kaning ner forste nach master bikannna nilde, as thene ienge tham bi mena willa was keren vppa there mena acht. Askar hede  [252] al fon Reintia fornommen, that tha Twisklandar forsta mest alti in fiandskip and faitha weron. Nw stald ‘i hiam to fara, hia skolde enen hertoga fon sin folk kiasa vmbe that ‘er ang were seid ‘er that hia skolde mit manlik othervm skoldon twista ovir ‘et masterskip. Ak seid ‘er kvndon sina forsta mith ‘a Golvm spreka. That seid ‘er were ak Moder his mene. Tha kemon tha forsta thera Twislandar to ekkorvm and nei thriia sivgvn etmelde keron hia Alrik to ‘ra hertoga vt. Alrik were Askar his neva, hi ief him twen hvndred skotse anda hvndred thera storosta Saxmanna mith to lifwera. Tha forsta moston thriia sivgvn fon hiara svnvm nei Staveren senda to borg hiarar trow. To nv was alles nei winsk gvngen, men tha man ovire Rene fara skolde, nildon thene kaning thera Franka navt vnder Alrikis bifela navt ne stonda. Therthrvch lip alles an tha tis. Askar ther mende that alles god gvng, lande mith sina skepa anna tha ore side there Skelda, men ther was was man long fon sin kvmste to livcht and vppa sin hod. Hia moston alsa ring flivchta as hia kvmen weron, and Askar wrde selva fath. Tha Gola niston navt hwa hia fensen hede, and alsa warth hi afternei vtwixlath fori ennen hage Gol, ther Askar his folk mith forath hede. Thawila that ‘et alles berade, hlipon tha Magiara ieta drister as to fara ovir vsa bvra ra landa hinna. Bi Egmvda hwer to fara tha bvrch Forana stan hede, leton hia ene cherka bvwa ieta grater and rikar as Askar to Staveren den hede. Afternei seidon hia that Askar thiv kase vrleren hede with tha Gola, thrvchdam et folk navt lawa navt nilde, that Wodin hiam helpa kvste, and that hia him thervmbe navt anbidda nilde. Forth gvngon hia to and skakton ionga bern tham hia bi ra hildon and vpbrochten in tha hemnissa fon hiara vrbrvda lere. Weron ther manniska tham...




De transcriptie van de tekst volgt die van het DRW (Deutsches Rechtswoerterbuch).


