BWV766 - Christ, der du bist der helle Tag - Organ Works - Partitas and Variations on Chorales - F Minor 1700 - ?
BWV767 - O Gott, du frommer Gott - Organ Works - Partitas and Variations on Chorales - C Minor -1700 - ?
BWV768 - Sei gegruesset, Jesu guetig - Organ Works - Partitas and Variations on Chorales - G Minor - 1700 - ? |
1701 |
1702 |
BWV715 - Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1703 - ?
BWV716 - Fuga super Allein Gott in der Hoeh sei Ehr - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1703 - ?
BWV718 - Christ lag in Todes banden - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1703 - ?
BWV721 - Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1703 - ?
BWV722 - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1703 - ?
BWV732 - Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1703 - ?
BWV735 - Valet will ich dir geben - Organ Works - Various Chorale Prelude - 1703 - ?s
BWV737 - Vater unser im Himmelreich - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes 1703 -
BWV992 - Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - 1703 |
BWV963 - Sonata - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - D Major -1704 |
BWV741 - Ach Gott, von Himmel sieh' darein - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor - 1705 - ?
BWV993 - Capriccio - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - E Major - 1705 |
BWV912 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - D Major - 1706
BWV913 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - D Minor - 1706
BWV914 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - E Minor - 1706
BWV915 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - G Minor - 1706
BWV916 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - G Major - 1706 |
BWV4 - Christ lag in Todesbanden - Cantatas - Church - 1707 - Martin Luther
BWV131 - Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir - Cantatas - Church 1707 - ?
BWV524 - Quodlibet - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Quodlibet -0 1707 - ?
BWV531 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Major - 1707
BWV570 - Fantasia - Organ Works - Fantasias - C Major - 1707
BWV578 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - G Minor - 1707 |
BWV71 - Gott ist mein Koenig - Cantatas - Church - 1708 - ?
BWV106 - Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit - Cantatas - Church - 1708 - Eilmar ?
BWV143 - Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele - Cantatas - Church - 1708 - ?
BWV150 - Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich - Cantatas - Church - 1708 - ?
BWV196 - Der Herr denket an uns (Psalm 115) - Cantatas - Church - 1708 - ?
BWV651 - Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - F Major - 1708 - ?
BWV651a - Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - 1708 - ?
BWV652 - Komm, Heiliger Geist - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - E Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV653 - An Waserfluessen Babylon - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV653a - An Waserfluessen Babylon - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV653b - An Waserfluessen Babylon - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV654 - Schmuecke dich, o liebe Seele - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - E Flat Major - 1708 - ?
BWV655 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV655a - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV655b - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV655c - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV656 - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - A Major - 1708 - ?
BWV656a - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - A Major - 1708 - ?
BWV657 - Nun danket alle Gott - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV658 - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - F Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV658a - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - F Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV659 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV659a - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV660 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV660a - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV660b - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV661 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV661a - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV662 - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - A Major - 1708 - ?
BWV663 - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV663a - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV664 - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - A Major - 1708 - ?
BWV664a - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - A Major - 1708 - ?
BWV665 - Jesu Christus unser Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - E Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV665a - Jesu Christus unser Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - E Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV666 - Jesus Christus unser Heiland - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - E Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV667 - Komm, Gott Scoepfer, heiliger Geist - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV668 - Vor deinen Thron tret' ich - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV668a - Vor deinen Thron tret' ich - Organ Works - Eighteen 'Leipzig' Chorale Preludes (Chorale Preludes III) - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV690 - Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV691 - Wer nun den lieben Gott lasst walten - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV691a - Wer nun den lieben Gott lasst walten - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV692 - Ach Gott und Herr - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - C Major - ? - ?
BWV692a - Ach Gott und Herr - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - C Major - ? -
BWV693 - Ach Gott und Herr - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - ? - J.G. Walter
BWV694 - Wo soll ich fliehen hin - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV695 - Christ lag in Todes Banden - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - D Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV695a - Christ lag in Todes Banden - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - D Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV696 - Christum wir sollen loben schon (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - D Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV697 - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - C Major- 1708 - ?
BWV698 - Herr Christ, der eineg Gottes Sohn (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Major- 1708 -?
BWV699 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV700 - Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - C Major- 1708 - ?
BWV701 - Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) C Major- 1708 - ?
BWV702 - Das Jesulein soll doch mein Trost (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV703 - Gottes Sohn ist kommen (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - F Major- 1708 - ?
BWV704 - Lob sei dem allmaechtigen Gott (Fughetta) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - F Major- 1708 - ?
BWV705 - Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - D Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV706 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV707 - Ich hab' mein' Sach' Gott heimgestellt - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV708 - Ich hab' mein' Sach' Gott heimgestellt - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV708a - Ich hab' mein' Sach' Gott heimgestellt - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV709 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Major- 1708 - ?
BWV710 - Wir Christenleut habn jetzund Freud - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV711 - Allein Gott in der Hoeh' sei Ehr - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - G Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV712 - In dich hab' ich gehoffet, Herr - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - A Major- 1708 - ?
BWV713 - Jesu meine Freude (Fantasia) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - D Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV713a - Jesu meine Freude (Fantasia) - Organ Works - Organ Chorales from the Kirnberger Collection (Chorale Preludes V) - E Minor- 1708 - ?
BWV714 - Ach Gott und Herr - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes- 1708 - ?
BWV717 - Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr' - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 ?
BWV719 - Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV723 - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV724 - Gott, durch dein Guete (Gottes Sohn ist kommen) - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV725 - Herr Gott, dich loben wir - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV726 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV727 - Herzlich tut mich verlangen - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV729 - In dulci jubilo - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV730 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV731 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV733 - Magnificat - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - D Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV734 - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen/Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV736 - Valet will ich dir geben - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV738 - Von Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV738a - Von Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - D Major - 1708 - ?
BWV739 - Wie schoen leuchter der Morgenstern - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1708 - ?
BWV742 - Ach Herr, mich armen Sunder - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - B Minor - 1708 - ?
BWV764 - Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgernstern - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major - 1708 - ?
BWV1090 - Wir Christenleut - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1091 - Das alte Jahr vergangen ist - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1092 - Herr Gott, nun schleuß den Himmel auf - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1093 - Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1094 - O Jesu, wie ist dein Gestalt - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1095 - O Lamm Gottes unschuldig - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1096 - Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht (oder: Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ) - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1097 - Ehre sei dir, Christe, der du leidest Not - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1098 - Wir glauben all an einen Gott - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1099 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1100 - Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1101 - Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt - Organ Works - Chorale Setting - 1708s
BWV1102 - Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1103 - Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1104 - Wenn dich Unglück tut greifen an - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1105 - Jesu, meine Freude - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1106 - Gott ist mein Heil, mein Hilf und Trost - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1107 - Jesu, meines Lebens Leben - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1108 - Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1109 - Ach Gott, tu dich erbarmen - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1110 - O Herre Gott, dein göttlich Wort - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1111 - Nun lasset uns den Leib begrab'n - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1112 - Christus, der ist mein Leben - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1113 - Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1114 - Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1115 - Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1116 - Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1117 - Alle Menschen müssen sterben - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1118 - Werde munter, mein Gemüte - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1119 - Wie nach einer Wasserquelle - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV1120 - Christ, der du bist der helle Tag - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - 1708
BWV532 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - D Major - 1708
BWV532a - Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - D Major - 1708
BWV533 - Prelude and Fugue "Little" - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - E Minor - 1708
BWV534 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - F Minor - 1708
BWV535 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - G Minor - 1708
BWV535a - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - G Minor - 1708
BWV536 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - A Major -1708
BWV536a - Prelude - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - A Major - 1708
BWV537 - Fantasia (Prelude) and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Minor - 1708
BWV538 - Toccata and Fugue "Dorian" - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - D Minor - 1708
BWV540 - Toccata and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - F Major - 1708
BWV541 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - G Major - 1708
BWV542 - Fantasia and Fugue "Grand" - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - G Minor - 1708
BWV542a - Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - G Minor - 1708
BWV543 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - A Minor - 1708
BWV545 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Major - 1708
BWV545a - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Major - 1708
BWV545b - Prelude, Trio and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - B Major - 1708
BWV549 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Minor - 1708
BWV550 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - G Major - 1708
BWV551 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - A Minor - 1708
BWV562 - Fantasia and Fugue - Organ Works - Fantasias and Fugues - C Minor - 1708
BWV563 - Fantasia - Organ Works - Fantasias and Fugues - B Minor - 1707
BWV564 - Toccata, Adagio and Fugue - Organ Works - Toccatas and Fugues - C Major - 1708
BWV565 - Toccata and Fugue - Organ Works - Toccatas and Fugues - D Minor - 1708
BWV566 - Toccata and Fugue - Organ Works - Toccatas and Fugues - E Major - 1708
BWV566a - Toccata - Organ Works - Toccatas and Fugues - E Major -1708
BWV568 - Prelude - Organ Works - Preludes - G Major - 1708
BWV569 - Prelude - Organ Works - Preludes - A Minor - 1708
BWV572 - Fantasia - Organ Works - Fantasias - G Major - 1708
BWV574 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - C Minor - 1708
BWV574a - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - C Minor - 1708
BWV575 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - C Minor - 1708
BWV579 - Fugue on theme by Corelli - Organ Works - Fugues - B Minor - 1708
BWV833 - Prelude and partita - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - F Major - 1708
BWV894 - Prelude and Fugue - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - A Minor - 1708
BWV944 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - A Minor - 1708
BWV996 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1708
BWV1051 - Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1708/10 |
BWV720 - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1709 - ?
BWV589 - Alla Breve - Organ Works - Various - D Major - 1709
BWV896 - Prelude and Fugue - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - A Major - 1709
BWV910 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - F# minor - 1709
BWV911 - Toccata - Clavier Works - Toccatas - C Minor - 1709
BWV951 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - B Minor - 1709
BWV951a - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - B Minor - 1709 |
BWV590 - Pastorale - Organ Works - Various - F Major - 1710
BWV946 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - C Major - 1710 |
BWV950 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - A Major - 1711 |
1712 |
BWV18 - Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt - Cantatas - Church - 1713 - Erdmann Neumeister
BWV63 - Christen, aetzet diesen Tag - Cantatas - Church - 1713 - M. Heineccius ?
BWV199 - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut - Cantatas - Church - 1713 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV1073 - Canon a 4 perpetuus - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - 1713
BWV592 - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - G Major - 1713 - Johann Ernst von Sachsen Weimar
BWV592a - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - G Major - 1713 - Johann Ernst von Sachsen Weimar
BWV593 - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - A Minor - 1713 - Vivaldi
BWV594 - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - C Major -1713 - Vivaldi
BWV595 - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - C Major - 1713 - Johann Ernst von Sachsen Weimar
BWV596 - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - D Minor - 1713 - Vivaldi
BWV597 - Concerto - Organ Works - Arrangements of Works by Other Composers - E Flat Major - 1713 - Unknown
BWV972 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - D Major - 1713
BWV973 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - G Major - 1713
BWV974 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - D Minor - 1713
BWV975 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - G Minor - 1713
BWV976 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - C Major - 1713
BWV977 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - C Major - 1713
BWV978 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - F Major - 1713
BWV979 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - B Minor - 1713
BWV980 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - G Major - 1713
BWV981 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - C Minor - 1713
BWV982 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - B Flat Major - 1713
BWV983 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - G Minor - 1713
BWV984 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - C Major - 1713
BWV985 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - G Minor - 1713
BWV986 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - G Major - 1713
BWV987 - Arrangement of concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - D Minor - 1713
BWV1040 - Trio - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1713
BWV1046a - Sinfonia - Concertos and Orchestral Suites 1713 ?
BWV599 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor- 1714 - ?
BWV600 - Gott, durch deine Guete - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - F Major - 1714 - ?
BWV601 - Herr Christ, der ein'ge Gottes-Sohn - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV602 - Lob sei dem allmaechtigen Gott - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - F Major - 1713 - ?
BWV603 - Puer natus in Bethlehem - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV604 - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV605 - Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV606 - Vom Himmel hoch, da komm'ich her - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Major - 1713 - ?
BWV607 - Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schaar - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV608 - In dulci jubilo (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Major - 1713 - ?
BWV609 - Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV610 - Jesu, mein Freude (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - C Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV611 - Christum wir sollen loben schon (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV612 - Wir Christenleut' (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV613 - Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - B Minor - 1740 - ?
BWV614 - Das alte Jahre vergangen ist (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV615 - In dir ist Freude (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV616 - Mit Fried' und Freud'ich fahr dahin (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV617 - Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV618 - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - F Major - 1713 - ?
BWV619 - Christe, du Lamm Gottes (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - F Major - 1713 - ?
BWV620 - Christus, der uns selig macht (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV620a - Christus, der uns selig macht (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV621 - Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund' (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - E Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV622 - O Mensch, bewein' dein' Suende gross (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - E Flat Major - 1713 - ?
BWV623 - Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV624 - Hilf Gott, dass mir's gelinge (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV625 - Christ lag in Todesbanden (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV626 - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV627 - Christ ist erstanden (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV628 - Erstanden ist der heil'ge Christ (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Major - 1713 - ?
BWV629 - Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV630 - Heut' triumphiret Gottes Sohn (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV631 - Komm, Gott Schoepfer, heiliger Geist (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV632 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend' (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - F Major - 1713 - ?
BWV633 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Major - 1713 - ?
BWV634 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Major - 1713 - ?
BWV635 - Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot' (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV636 - Vater unser im Himmelreich (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV637 - Durch Adam's Fall ist ganz verderbt (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV638 - Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - D Major - 1713 - ?
BWV639 - Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - F Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV640 - In dich hab' ich gehoffet, Herr (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - E Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV641 - Wenn wir in hoechsten Nothen sein (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV642 - Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - A Minor - 1713 - ?
BWV643 - Alle Menschen mussen sterben (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Major - 1713 - ?
BWV644 - Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fluechtig (Orgel-Büchlein) - Organ Works - Das Orgelbüchlein (Chorale Preludes I) - G Minor - 1713 - ? |
1714 - Salomo Franck
BWV12 - Weinen, Klaen, Sorgen, Zagen - Cantatas - Church - 1714 - Salomo Franck
BWV21 - Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis - Cantatas - Church - 1714 Salomo Franck ?
BWV54 - Widerstehe doch der Suende - Cantatas - Church - 1714 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV61 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Cantatas - Church - 1714 - Erdmann Neumeister
BWV172 - Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten - Cantatas - Church - 1714 - Salomo Franck (?)
BWV182 - Himmelskönig, sei willkommen - Cantatas - Church - 1714 - Salomo Franck (?)
BWV989 - Aria variata - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - A Minor - 1714
BWV1023 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1714
BWV1024 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1714 |
1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV31 - Der Himmel lacht! die Erde jubilieret - Cantatas - Church- 1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV80a - Alles, was von Gott begoren - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV132 - Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn - Cantatas - Church -1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV152 - Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn - Cantatas - Church- 1715 - Salomo Franck(1714 - Salomo Franck)
BWV155 - Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck(1716 - Salomo Franck)
BWV161 - Komm, du suesse Todenstunde - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck (1716 - Salomo Franck)
BWV162 - Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck(1716 - Salomo Franck)
BWV163 - Nur jedem das Seine - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV164 - Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck (1725 - Salomo Franck)
BWV165 - O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV168 - Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck (1725 - Salomo Franck
BWV185 - Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe - Cantatas - Church - 1715 - Salomo Franck
BWV588 - Canzona - Organ Works - Various - D Minor - 1715
BWV806 - English Suite No. 1 - Clavier Works - English Suites - A Major - 1715
BWV807 - English Suite No. 2 - Clavier Works - English Suites - A Minor -1715
BWV808 - English Suite No. 3 - Clavier Works - English Suites - G Minor - 1715
BWV809 - English Suite No. 4 - Clavier Works - English Suites - F Major - 1715
BWV810 - English Suite No. 5 - Clavier Works - English Suites - E Minor - 1715
BWV811 - English Suite No. 6 - Clavier Works - English Suites - D Minor - 1715 |
1716 - Salomo Franck
BWV70a - Wachet! betet! betet! wachet! - Cantatas - Church - 1716 - Salomo Franck (1717 - Salomo Franck) |
1717 - Salomo Franck
BWV147 - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben - Cantatas - Church - 1717 - Salomo Franck (1716 - Salomo Franck)
BWV186a - Aergre dich, o Seele, nicht - Cantatas - Church - 1717 - Salomo Franc (1723 - Salomo Franck)
BWV208 - Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd! (Hunting Cantata) - Cantatas - Secular - 1717 - Salomo Franck (1713 - Salomo Franck)
BWV933 - Little Prelude - Clavier Works - Six Little Preludes - C Major - 1717
BWV934 - Little Prelude - Clavier Works - Six Little Preludes - C Minor - 1717
BWV935 - Little Prelude - Clavier Works - Six Little Preludes - D Minor - 1717
BWV936 - Little Prelude - Clavier Works - Six Little Preludes - D Majo - 1717r
BWV937 - Little Prelude - Clavier Works - Six Little Preludes - E Major - 1717
BWV938 - Little Prelude - Clavier Works - Six Little Preludes - E Minor - 1717
BWV939 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Five Preludes - C Major - 1717
BWV940 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Five Preludes - D Minor - 1717
BWV941 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Five Preludes - E Minor - 1717
BWV942 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Five Preludes - A Minor - 1717
BWV943 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Five Preludes - C Major - 1717
BWV1014 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1015 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1016 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1017 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1018 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1019 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1019a - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1030 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1030b - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1032 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1034 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1717
BWV1041 - Violin Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717
BWV1042 - Violin Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717
BWV1043 - Concerto for 2 violins - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717
BWV1046 - Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717 ?
BWV1047 - Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 17117/18
BWV1048 - Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1711/13
BWV1066 - Orchestral Suite No. 1 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717
BWV1067 - Orchestral Suite No. 2 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717
BWV1068 - Orchestral Suite No. 3 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717
BWV1069 - Orchestral Suite No. 4 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1717 |
1718 - Salomo Franck
BWV202 - Weichet nur, betruebte Schatten - Cantatas - Secular - 1718 - Salomo Franck ?
BWV1013 - Partita - Solo Instrumental Works - 1718
BWV1033 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1718 C.P.E. Bach |
BWV134a - Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht - Cantatas - Secular - 1719 - Hunold
BWV1050a - Concerto in D Major - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1719 |
BWV230 - Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden (Psalm 117) - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - 1720-1730 - ?
BWV539 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - D Minor - 1720
BWV539a - Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - D Minor - 1720
BWV899 - Prelude and fughetta - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - D Minor - 1720
BWV900 - Prelude and fughetta - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - E Minor - 1720
BWV901 - Prelude and fughetta - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - F Major - 1720
BWV902 - Prelude and fughetta - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - G Major - 1720
BWV902a - Prelude and fughetta - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - G Major - 1720
BWV903 - Chromatic fantasia and fugue - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - D Minor - 1720
BWV903a - Chromatic fantasia - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - D Minor - 1720
BWV952 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - C Major - 1720
BWV999 - Prelude - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1001 - Sonata - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1002 - Partita - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1003 - Sonata - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1004 - Partita - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1005 - Sonata - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1006 - Partita - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1007 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1720
BWV1021 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1720
BWV1027 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1720
BWV1039 - Trio Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1720
BWV1049 - Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1720 ?
BWV1050 - Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1720/21 |
BWV1008 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1721
BWV1028 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1721
BWV1029 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1721 |
BWV173a - Durchlauchtster Leopold - Cantatas - Secular - 1722 - ?
BWV728 - Jesus, meine Zuversicht - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes - 1722 - ?
BWV546 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Minor - 1722
BWV573 - Fantasia - Organ Works - Fantasias - C Major - 1722
BWV812 - French Suite No. 1 - Clavier Works - French Suites - D Minor - 1722
BWV813 - French Suite No. 2 - Clavier Works - French Suites - C Minor - 1722
BWV813a - Minuet in C Minor - Clavier Works - French Suites - C Minor - 1722
BWV814 - French Suite No. 3 - Clavier Works - French Suites - B Minor - 1722
BWV815 - French Suite No. 4 - Clavier Works - French Suites - E Flat Major - 1722
BWV815a - Minuet in E-Flat Major - Clavier Works - French Suites - E Flat Major - 1722
BWV816 - French Suite No. 5 - Clavier Works - French Suites - G Major - 1722
BWV817 - French Suite No. 6 - Clavier Works - French Suites - E Major - 1722
BWV818 - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - A Minor - 1722
BWV818a - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - A Minor - 1722
BWV819 - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - E Flat Major - 1722
BWV819a - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - E Flat Major - 1722
BWV846 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 1 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C Major - 1722
BWV847 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 2 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C Minor - 1722
BWV848 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 3 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C# Major - 1722
BWV849 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 4 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C# Minor - 1722
BWV850 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 5 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - D Major - 1722
BWV851 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 6 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - D Minor - 1722
BWV852 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 7 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Flat Major - 1722
BWV853 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 8 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Flat/D# Minor - 1722
BWV854 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 9 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Major - 1722
BWV855 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 10 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Minor - 1722
BWV856 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 11 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F Major - 1722
BWV857 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 12 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F Minor - 1722
BWV858 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 13 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F# major - 1722
BWV859 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 14 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F# minor - 1722
BWV860 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 15 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - G Major - 1722
BWV861 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 16 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - G Minor - 1722
BWV862 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 17 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - A Flat Major- 1722
BWV863 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 18 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - G# Minor - 1722
BWV864 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 19 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - A Major - 1722
BWV865 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 20 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - A Minor - 1722
BWV866 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 21 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Flat Major - 1722
BWV867 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 22 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Flat Minor - 1722
BWV868 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 23 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Major - 1722
BWV869 - Well-Tempered Clavier 1: Prelude & Fugue No. 24 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Minor - 1722
BWV870 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 1 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C Major - 1722
BWV1009 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1722 |
BWV22 - Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwoelfe - Cantatas - Church 1723 - ?
BWV23 - Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV24 - Ein ungefärbt Gemüte - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - Erdmann Neumeister
BWV25 - Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV40 - Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV46 - Schauet doch und sehet, ob irgend ein Schmerz sei - Cantatas - Church -1723 - ?
BWV48 - Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erloesen - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV59 - Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - Erdmann Neumeister
BWV60 - O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV64 - Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget - Cantatas - Church 1723 - Knauer
BWV69a - Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele - Cantatas - Church - 1723
BWV70 - Wachet, betet, seid bereit allezeit - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - Salomo Franck
BWV75 - Die Elenden sollen essen - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV76 - Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV77 - Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben - Cantatas - Church -1723 - Knauer
BWV89 - Was soll ich aus dir machen, Ephraim? - Cantatas - Church - 1723 -?
BWV90 - Es reisset euch ein schrecklich Ende - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV95 - Christus, der ist mein Leben - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV105 - Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV109 - Ich glaube, lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV119 - Preise Jerusalem, den Herrn - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV136 - Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV138 - Warum betruebst du dich, mein Herz? - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV148 - Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - Picander (adapted)
BWV158 - Der Friede sei mit dir - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV167 - Ihr Menschen, ruehmet Gottes Liebe - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV179 - Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV186 - Aergre dich, o Seele, nicht - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - Salomo Franck
BWV194 - Hoechsterwunschtes Freudenfest - Cantatas - Church - 1723 - ?
BWV203 - Amore traditore - Cantatas - Secular - 1723 - Picander ?
BWV227 - Jesu, meine Freude - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - 1723 - ?
BWV237 - Sanctus in C Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1723
BWV238 - Sanctus in D Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1723
BWV243a - Magnificat in E flat - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1723
BWV547 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - C Major - 1723
BWV772 - Two-part invention No. 1 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - C Major - 1723
BWV772a - Two-part invention No. 1 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - C Major - 1723
BWV773 - Two-part invention No. 2 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - C Minor - 1723
BWV774 - Two-part invention No. 3 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - D Major - 1723
BWV775 - Two-part invention No. 4 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - D Minor - 1723
BWV776 - Two-part invention No. 5 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - E Flat Major - 1723
BWV777 - Two-part invention No. 6 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - E Major - 1723
BWV778 - Two-part invention No. 7 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - E Minor - 1723
BWV779 - Two-part invention No. 8 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - F Major - 1723
BWV780 - Two-part invention No. 9 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - F Minor - 1723
BWV781 - Two-part invention No. 10 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - G Major - 1723
BWV782 - Two-part invention No. 11 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - G Minor - 1723
BWV783 - Two-part invention No. 12 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - A Major - 1723
BWV784 - Two-part invention No. 13 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - A Minor - 1723
BWV785 - Two-part invention No. 14 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - B Flat Major - 1723
BWV786 - Two-part invention No. 15 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - B Minor - 1723
BWV787 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 1 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - C Major - 1723
BWV788 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 2 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - C Minor - 1723
BWV789 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 3 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - D Major - 1723
BWV790 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 4 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - D Minor - 1723
BWV791 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 5 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - E Flat Major - 1723
BWV792 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 6 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - E Major - 1723
BWV793 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 7 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - E Minor - 1723
BWV794 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 8 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - F Major - 1723
BWV795 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 9 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - F Minor - 1723
BWV796 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 10 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - G Major - 1723
BWV797 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 11 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - G Minor - 1723
BWV798 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 12 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - A Major - 1723
BWV799 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 13 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - A Minor - 1723
BWV800 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 14 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - B Flat Major - 1723
BWV801 - Three-part Sinfonia (Invention) No. 15 - Clavier Works - Inventions and Sinfonias - B Minor - 1723
BWV1010 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1723 |
BWV2 - Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein - Cantatas - Church -1724 - Martin Luther
BWV7 - Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV8 - Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben ? - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV10 - Meine Seel erhebt den Herren - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV20 - O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV26 - Ach wie fluechtig, ach wie nichtig - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV33 - Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV37 - Wer da glaeubet und getauft wird - Cantatas - Church - 1724 ?
BWV38 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV44 - Sie werden euch in den Bann tun - Cantatas - Church - 1724 ?
BWV62 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV65 - Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV66 - Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV67 - Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ - Cantatas - Church 1724 - ?
BWV73 - Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV78 - Jesu, der du meine Seele - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV81 - Jesus schlaeft, was soll ich hoffen? - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV83 - Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV86 - Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV91 - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - Cantatas - Church - 1724 -
BWV93 - Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV94 - Was frag ich nach der Welt - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV96 - Herr Chirst, der eing'e Gottessohn - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV99 - Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV101 - Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott - Cantatas - Church - 1724 -
BWV104 - Du Hirte Israel, hoere - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV107 - Was willst du dich betrueben - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV113 - Herr Jesu Christ, du hoechstes Gut - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV114 - Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV115 - Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV116 - Du Friedenfuerst, Herr Jesu Christ - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV121 - Christum wir sollen loben schon - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV122 - Das neugeborne Kindelein - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV130 - Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV133 - Ich freue mich in dir - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV134 - Ein Herz, das seinem Jesum lebend weiss - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV135 - Ach Herr, mich armen Suender - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV139 - Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott - Cantatas - Church -1724 - ?
BWV144 - Nimm was dein ist, und gehe hin - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV153 - Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind - Cantatas - Church- 1724 - ?
BWV154 - Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV166 - Wo gehest du hin? - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV173 - Erhoehtes Fleisch und Blut - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV178 - Wo Gott, der Herr, nicht bei uns haelt - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV180 - Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV181 - Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV184 - Erwuenschtes Freudenlicht - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV184a - Erwuenschtes Freudenlicht - Cantatas - Church - 1724 - ?
BWV190 - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - Cantatas - Church- 1724 - ? (Picander) (?)
BWV190a - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - Cantatas - Church -1724 - ?
BWV232 - Mass in B minor - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1724
BWV68 - Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV74 - Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV87 - Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV103 - Ihr werdet weinen und heulen - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV108 - Es ist euch gut, dass ich hingehe - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV128 - Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein - Cantatas - Churc - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV175 - Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV176 - Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV183 - Sie werden euch in den Bann tun - Cantatas - Church - 1724-1725 - Christiane Mariane von Ziegler
BWV245 - St John Passion - Passions and Oratorios - 1724
BWV245a - Aria aus der 2. Fassung der Johannespassion - Passions and Oratorios ? - 1724
BWV245b - Aria aus der 2. Fassung der Johannespassion - Passions and Oratorios ? - 1724
BWV245c - Aria aus der 2. Fassung der Johannespassion - Passions and Oratorios ? - 1724
BWV1011 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1724 |
1725 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV1 - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Philipp Nicolai
BWV3 - Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Martin Moller
BWV5 - Wo soll ich fliehen hin - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Johann Heerman
BWV6 - Bleib bei uns - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV28 - Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Erdmann Neumeister
BWV36c - Schwingt freudig euch empor - Cantatas - Secular - 1725 - Picander ?
BWV41 - Jesu, nun sei gepreiset - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV42 - Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV57 - Selig ist der Mann (Lehms) - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV79 - Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV85 - Ich bin ein guter Hirt - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV92 - Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV110 - Unser Mund sei voll Lachens - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV111 - Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV123 - Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV124 - Meinem Jesum lass ich nicht - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV125 - Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV126 - Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV127 - Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV137 - Lobe den Herren, den maechtigen Koenig der Ehren - Cantatas - Church -1725 - ?
BWV151 - Suesser Trost, mein Jesus koemmt - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV177 - Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Cantatas - Church - 1725 - ?
BWV205 - Zerreißet, zersprenget - Cantatas - Secular - 1725 - ?
BWV229 - Komm, Jesu, komm! - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - 1725-1749 - P. Thynich (unknown)
BWV249 - Easter Oratorio: Kommt, eilet und laufet - Passions and Oratorios - 1725 - Picander
BWV249a - Entfliehet, verschwindet, entweichet, ihr Sorgen - Passions and Oratorios - 1725 - Picander ?
BWV249b - Verjaget, zerstreuet, zerruttet, ihr Sterne - Passions and Oratorios - 1725 - Picander ?
BWV584 - Trio - Organ Works - Trios - G Minor - 1725
BWV904 - Fantasia and fugue - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - A Minor - 1725
BWV1000 - Fugue - Solo Instrumental Works - 1725
BWV1012 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1725
BWV509 - Gedenke doch, mein Geist, aria - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach- 1725 - ?
BWV510 - Gib dich zufrieden, chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - F Major - 1726 - ?
BWV511 - Gib dich zufrieden, chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - G Minor - 1727 - ?
BWV512 - Gib dich zufrieden, chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - E Minor - 1728 - ?
BWV513 - O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - 1729 - ?
BWV514 - Schaffs mit mir, Gott, chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - ? - ?
BWV515 - So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife, aria - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - G Minor - 1730 - ?
BWV515a - So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - D Minor -1731 - ?
BWV516 - Warum betruebst du dich, aria - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - 1732 - ?
BWV517 - Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - 1733 -?
BWV518 - Wilst du dein Herz mir schenken - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - 1734 - ? |
1726 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV13 - Meine Seufzer, meine Traenen - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV16 - Herr Gott, dich loben wir - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV17 - Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV27 - Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende! - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV32 - Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV34a - O ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung der Liebe - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV35 - Geist und Seele wird verwirret - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV36a - Steigt freudig in die Luft - Cantatas - Secular - 1726 - Picander
BWV39 - Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV43 - Gott faehret auf mit Jauchzen - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV45 - Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV47 - Wer sich selbst erhoehet, der soll erniedriget werden - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Johann Friedrich Helbig- Georg Philipp Teleman
BWV49 - Ich geh und suche mit Verlangen - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV52 - Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV55 - Ich armer mensch, ich Suendenknecht - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV56 - Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV72 - Alles nur nach Gottes Willen - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Salomo Franck(1715 - Salomo Franck ?)
BWV88 - Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV98 - Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV102 - Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV129 - Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV146 - Wir muessen durch viel Truebsal - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ? (1723 - Salomo Franck)
BWV169 - Gott soll allein mein Herze haben - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV170 - Vergnuegte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - Georg Christian Lehms
BWV187 - Es wartet alles auf dich - Cantatas - Church - 1726 - ?
BWV204 - Ich bin in mir vergnügt - Cantatas - Secular - 1726 - Christian Friedrich Hunold
BWV207 - Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten - Cantatas - Secular - 1726 - ?
BWV225 - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets -1726-1727 - ?
BWV228 - Fuerchte dich nicht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - 1726 - ?
BWV825 - Partita No. 1 - Clavier Works - Partitas - B Flat Major - 1726
BWV826 - Partita No. 2 - Clavier Works - Partitas - C Minor -1726
BWV827 - Partita No. 3 - Clavier Works - Partitas - A Minor - 1726
BWV828 - Partita No. 4 - Clavier Works - Partitas - D Major - 1726
BWV829 - Partita No. 5 - Clavier Works - Partitas - G Major - 1726
BWV830 - Partita No. 6 - Clavier Works - Partitas - E Minor - 1726 |
BWV58 - Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid - Cantatas - Church - 1727 - ?
BWV80 - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott - Cantatas - Church - 1727 - Salomo Franck
BWV82 - Ich habe genug - Cantatas - Church - 1727 - ?
BWV84 - Ich bin vergnuegt mit meinem Gluecke - Cantatas - Church - 1727 - Picander ?
BWV157 - Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn - Cantatas - Church - 1727 - Picander
BWV193 - Ihr Tore zu Zion (incomplete) - Cantatas - Church - 1727 - ?
BWV198 - Laß Füerstin, laß noch einen Strahl - Cantatas - Secular (?) - Funeral - 1727 - Johann Christoph Gottsched
BWV244 - St Matthew Passion - Passions and Oratorios - 1727 -Picander
BWV244a - Klagt Kinder, klagt es aller Welt - Passions and Oratorios -1727 - Picander
BWV244b - Jesum lass' ich nicht von mir - Passions and Oratorios -1727 - Picander
BWV1074 - Canon a 4 - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - 1727
BWV525 - Trio sonata - Organ Works - Sonatas - E Flat Major - 1727
BWV544 - Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - B Minor - 1727
BWV548 - Prelude and Fugue "Grand" - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - E Minor - 1727
BWV995 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1727 |
BWV117 - Sei Lob und Ehr dem hoechsten Gut - Cantatas - Church - 1728 - ?
BWV120 - Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille - Cantatas - Church - 1728 - ?
BWV149 - Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg - Cantatas - Church - 1728 - Picander
BWV188 - Ich habe meine Zuversicht - Cantatas - Church - 1728 - Picander
BWV216 - Vergnuegte Pleissenstadt (incomplete) - Cantatas - Secular - 1728 - Picander
BWV526 - Trio sonata - Organ Works - Sonatas - C Minor - 1728
BWV906 - Fantasia and fugue - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - C Minor - 1728 |
1729 - Picander
BWV120a - Herr Gott, Beherrscher aller Dinge - Cantatas - Church - 1729 - ?
BWV145 - Auf, mein Herz! Des Herren Tag (So du mit deinem Munde bekennest) - Cantatas - Church - 1729 - Picander
BWV156 - Ich steh mit einem Fuss im Grabe - Cantatas - Church-1729 - Picander
BWV159 - Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem - Cantatas - Church- 1729 - Picander
BWV171 - Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm - Cantatas - Church - 1729 - Picander
BWV174 - Ich liebe den Hoechsten von ganzem Gemuete - Cantatas - Church - 1729 - Picander
BWV197a - Ehre sei Gott in der Hoehe(incomplete) - Cantatas - Church - 1729 - Picander
BWV201 - Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde - Cantatas - Secular - 1729 - Picander
BWV226 - Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets -1729 - ?
BWV527 - Trio sonata - Organ Works - Sonatas - D Minor - 1729 |
BWV51 - Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen! - Cantatas - Church - 1730 - ?
BWV192 - Nun danket alle Gott (incomplete) - Cantatas - Church - 1730 - ?
BWV528 - Trio sonata - Organ Works - Sonatas - E Mino - 1730r
BWV528a - Andante - Organ Works - Sonatas - D Minor - 1730
BWV1031 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1730
BWV1044 - Concerto for flute, violin and harpsichord - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1730 |
BWV29 - Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir - Cantatas - Church - 1731 - ?
BWV36 - Schwingt freudig euch empor - Cantatas - Church - 1731 - Picander ?
BWV112 - Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt - Cantatas - Church - 1731 - ?
BWV140 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme - Cantatas - Church - 1731 - Philipp Nicolai
BWV529 - Trio sonata - Organ Works - Sonatas - C Majo - 1731r |
BWV9 - Es ist das Heil uns kommen her - Cantatas - Church - 1732 - ?
BWV243 - Magnificat in D Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1732
BWV530 - Trio sonata - Organ Works - Sonatas - G Major - 1732 |
BWV213 - Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen (Hercules auf dem Scheidewege) - Cantatas - Secular - 1733 - Picander
BWV214 - Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet Trompeten! - Cantatas - Secular - 1733 - ? |
BWV97 - In allen meinen Taten - Cantatas - Church - 1734 - ?
BWV211 - Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht (Coffee Cantata) - Cantatas - Secular- Picander - 1734 - Picander
BWV215 - Preise dein Glücke, gesegnetes Sachsen - Cantatas - Secular - 1734 - Johann Christian Clauder
BWV248 - Christmas Oratorio - Passions and Oratorios - 1734 - Picander ?
BWV1075 - Canon a 2 perpetuus - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - 1734 |
BWV11 - Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (Ascension Oratorio) - Passions and Oratorios - 1735 - ?
BWV14 - Waer Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit - Cantatas - Church - 1735 - ?
BWV36b - Die Freude reget sich - Cantatas - Secular - 1735 - Picander; J.F. Rivinus ?
BWV100 - Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Cantatas - Church - 1735 - ?
BWV207a - Auf, schmetternde Toene - Cantatas - Secular - 1735 - Picander ?
BWV233 - Missa in F Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1735
BWV233a - Kyrie in F Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1735
BWV234 - Missa in A Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1735
BWV235 - Missa in G minor - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1735
BWV236 - Missa in G Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1735
BWV831 - Overture in the French Style - Clavier Works - French Overture, Italian Concerto - B Minor - 1735
BWV971 - Italian Concerto - Clavier Works - Keyboard arrangements of concertos by other composers - F Major - 1735
BWV1060 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735
BWV1061 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735
BWV1061a - Concerto for Two Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735
BWV1062 - Concerto for Two Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735
BWV1063 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735
BWV1064 - Concerto for Three Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735
BWV1065 - Concerto for Four Harpsichords - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1735 |
BWV118 - O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - 1736-1737 - ?
BWV197 - Gott ist unsre Zuversicht - Cantatas - Church - 1736 - ?
BWV206 - Schleicht, spielende Wellen - Cantatas - Secular - 1736 - Picander ?
BWV439 - Ach, dass nicht die letzte Stunde - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book1736 - ?
BWV440 - Auf, auf! die rechte Zeit ist hier - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1737 - ?
BWV441 - Auf! auf! mein Herz, mit Freuden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1738 - ?
BWV442 - Beglueckter Stand getreuer Seelen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1739 - ?
BWV443 - Beschraenkt, ihr Weisen dieser Welt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1740 - ?
BWV444 - Brich entzwei, mein armes Herze - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1741 - ?
BWV445 - Brunnquell aller Gueter - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1742 - ?
BWV446 - Der lieben Sonnen Licht und Pracht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1743 - ?
BWV447 - Der Tag ist hin, die Sonne gehet nieder - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1744 - ?
BWV448 - Der Tag mit seinem Lichte - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book -1745 - ?
BWV449 - Dich bet'ich an, mein hoechster Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1746 - ?
BWV450 - Die bittre Leidenszeit beginnet abermal - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book -1747 - ?
BWV451 - Die goldne Sonne, voll Freud' und Wonne - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book -1748 - ?
BWV452 - Dir, dir Jehovah, will ich singen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1749 - ?
BWV453 - Eins ist Not! ach Herr, dies Eine - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - 1750 - ?
BWV454 - Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV455 - Erwuergtes Lamm, das die verwahrten Siegel - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV456 - Es glaenzet der Christen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV457 - Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV458 - Es ist vollbracht! vergiss ja nicht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV459 - Es kostet viel, ein Christ zu sein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV460 - Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV461 - Gott lebet noch; Seele, was verzagst du doch? - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV462 - Gott, wie gross ist deine Guete - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV463 - Herr, nicht schicke deine Rache - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV464 - Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV465 - Ich freue mich in dir - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV466 - Ich halte treulich still und liebe - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV467 - Ich lass' dich nicht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV468 - Ich liebe Jesum alle Stund' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV469 - Ich steh' an deiner Krippen hier - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV470 - Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV471 - Jesu, deine Liebeswunden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV472 - Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV473 - Jesu, meines Herzens Freud - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV474 - Jesus ist das schoenste Licht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV475 - Jesus, unser Trost und Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV476 - Ich Gestirn', ihr hohen Lufte - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV477 - Kein Stuendlein geht dahin - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV478 - Komm, suesser Tod, komm, sel'ge Ruh! - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV479 - Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV480 - Kommt wieder aus der finstern Gruft - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV481 - Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV482 - Liebes Herz, bedenke doch - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV483 - Liebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben? - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV484 - Liebster Herr Jesu! wo bleibest du so lange? - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV485 - Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV486 - Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV487 - Mein Jesu! was fuer Seelenweh - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV488 - Meines Lebens letzte Zeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV489 - Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV490 - Nur mein Jesus ist mein Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV491 - O du Liebe meiner Liebe - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV492 - O finstre Nacht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV493 - O Jesulein Suess, o Jesulein mild - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV494 - O liebe Selle, zieh' die Sinnen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV495 - O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV496 - Seelen-Braeutigam, Jesu, Gottes Lamm! - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV497 - Seelenweide, meine Freude - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV498 - Selig, wer an Jesum denkt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV499 - Sei gegruesset, Jesu guetig - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV500 - So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV501 - So giebst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV502 - So wuensch' ich mir zu guter Letzt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV503 - Steh' ich bei meinem Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV504 - Vergiss mein nicht, dass ich dein nicht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV505 - Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV506 - Was bist du doch, o Seele, so betruebet - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ?
BWV507 - Wo ist mein Schaeflein, das ich liebe - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns from Schemelli's Book - ? - ? |
BWV30a - Angenehmes Wiederau - Cantatas - Secular - 1737 - Picander
BWV997 - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - 1737 |
BWV30 - Freue dich, erloeste Schar - Cantatas - Church - 1738 - Picander ?
BWV870a - Prelude and Fughetta - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C Major - 1738
BWV871 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 2 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C Minor - 1738
BWV872 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 3 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C# Major - 1738
BWV872a - Prelude and Fughetta - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C Major - 1738
BWV873 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 4 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - C# Minor - 1738
BWV874 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 5 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - D Major - 1738
BWV875 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 6 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - D Minor - 1738
BWV875a - Prelude - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - D Minor - 1738
BWV876 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 7 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Flat Major - 1738
BWV877 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 8 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - D# Minor - 1738
BWV878 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 9 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Major - 1738
BWV879 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 10 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - E Minor - 1738
BWV880 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 11 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F Major - 1738
BWV881 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 12 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F Minor - 1738
BWV882 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 13 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F# major - 1738
BWV883 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 14 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - F# minor - 1738
BWV884 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 15 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - G Major - 1738
BWV885 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 16 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - G Minor - 1738
BWV886 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 17 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - A Flat Major - 1738
BWV887 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 18 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - G# Minor - 1738
BWV888 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 19 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - A Major - 1738
BWV889 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 20 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - A Minor - 1738
BWV890 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 21 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Flat Major - 1738
BWV891 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 22 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Flat Minor - 1738
BWV892 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 23 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Major - 1738
BWV893 - Well-Tempered Clavier 2: Prelude & Fugue No. 24 - Clavier Works - Well-Tempered Clavier - B Minor - 1738
BWV1052 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1738 |
BWV191 - Gloria in excelsis Deo - Cantatas - Church - 1739 - ?
BWV552 - Prelude and Fugue "St. Anne" - Organ Works - Preludes (Tocattas/Fantasias) and Fugues - E Flat Major - 1739
BWV1053 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1739
BWV669 - Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - C Minor - 1739 - ?
BWV670 - Christe, aller Welt Trost - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - C Minor - 1739 - ?
BWV671 - Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - C Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV672 - Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - G Major- 1739 - ?
BWV673 - Christe, aller Welt Trost - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - C Major- 1739 - ?
BWV674 - Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - A Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV675 - Allein Gott in der Hoeh' sei Ehr - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - F Major- 1739 - ?
BWV676 - Allein Gott in der Hoeh' sei Ehr - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - G Major- 1739 - ?
BWV677 - Allein Gott in der Hoeh' sei Ehr - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - F# minor- 1739 - ?
BWV678 - Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - G Major- 1739 - ?
BWV679 - Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - G Major- 1739 - ?
BWV680 - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - D Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV681 - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - E Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV682 - Vater unser Himmelreich - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - B Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV683 - Vater unser im Himmelreich - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - D Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV684 - Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - G Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV685 - Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - D Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV686 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - E Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV687 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - F# minor- 1739 - ?
BWV688 - Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der von uns den Zorn Gottes wandt - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - D Minor- 1739 - ?
BWV689 - Jesus Christus unser Heiland - Organ Works - Seventeen Chorale Preludes - 'German Organ Mass' (Choral Preludes IV) - F Minor- 1739 - ? |
BWV1081 - Credo in unum Deum in F-dur - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1740
BWV1083 - Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden - Masses and Magnificat Settings - 1740
BWV998 - Prelude, Fugue and Allegro - Solo Instrumental Works - 1740
BWV1054 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1740 |
BWV210 - O holder Tag, erwuenschte Zeit - Cantatas - Secular - 1741 - ?
BWV988 - Goldberg Variations - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - 1741
BWV1035 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - 1741
BWV1055 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1741 |
BWV34 - O ewiges Feuer, O Ursprung der Liebe - Cantatas - Church - 1742 - ?
BWV195 - Dem Gerechten muss das Licht - Cantatas - Church - 1742 - ?
BWV212 - Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet (Peasant Cantata) - Cantatas - Secular- Picander - 1742 - Picander
BWV1080 - Art of Fugue (Die Kunst der Fuge) - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - 1742
BWV1056 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1742 |
BWV69 - Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele - Cantatas - Church - 1743 - ?
BWV1057 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1743 |
BWV1058 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1744 |
BWV118b - O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht (2nd version) - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - 1745-1749 - ?
BWV1059 - Harpsichord Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - 1745 |
BWV1076 - Canon triplex a 6 - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - 1746 |
BWV1077 - Canone doppio sopr'il soggetto - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works -1747
BWV1079 - Musical Offering (Musikalisches Opfer) - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works 1747
BWV645 - Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme - Organ Works - Six Schübler Chorales (Chorale Preludes II) - E Flat Major - 1747 - ?
BWV646 - Woll soll ich fliehen hin - Organ Works - Six Schübler Chorales (Chorale Preludes II) - E Minor- 1747 - ?
BWV647 - Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten - Organ Works - Six Schübler Chorales (Chorale Preludes II) - C Minor- 1747 - ?
BWV648 - Meine Seele erhebt den Herren - Organ Works - Six Schübler Chorales (Chorale Preludes II) - D Minor- 1747 - ?
BWV649 - Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ - Organ Works - Six Schübler Chorales (Chorale Preludes II) - G Minor- 1747 - ?
BWV650 - Kommst du nun, Jesu, von Himmel herunter - Organ Works - Six Schübler Chorales (Chorale Preludes II) - G Major - 1747 - ? |
1748 |
BWV1078 - Canon super fa mi a 7 post tempus misicum - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - 1749 |
1750 |
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) naar een portret door Elias Gottlob Hausamann, olie, 1748. Bach toont de Canon triplex a 6 vocibus (BWV 1076).
Op muzikaal gebied is er veel bekend over de werken van Johann Sebastian Bach, maar lang niet altijd is bekend, welke dichters en libretto-schrijvers teksten voor zijn cantaten en koralen hebben geleverd c.q. welke teksten Bach zelf heeft aangepast of voor hem aangepast zijn. Deze website wil zo mogelijk in die lacune voorzien.
Alfabetisch op titel van de cantate
Teksten op BWV-nummer van de cantate
BWV15 - Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hoelle lassen (by J.L.Bach) - Cantatas - Church - ? - ?
BWV19 - Es erhub sich ein Streit - Cantatas - Church - ? - Picander
BWV50 - Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft - Cantatas - Church ? - ?
BWV53 - Schlage doch, gewuenschte Stunde - Cantatas - Church - ? - Georg Melchior Hofmann
BWV66a - Der Himmel dacht auf Anhalts Ruhm und Glueck, serenata - Cantatas - Secular - ? - C.F. Hunold
BWV80b - Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott - Cantatas - Church - ? - Salomo Franck
BWV120b - Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille - Cantatas - Church - ? - Picander
BWV131a - Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir - Cantatas - Church - ? - ?
BWV147a - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben - Cantatas - Church (?)
BWV141 - Das ist je gewisslich wahr - Cantatas - Church - Johann Friedrich Helbig - Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV142 - Uns ist ein Kind geboren - Cantatas - Church- ? - Kuhnau ?
BWV160 - Ich weiss, dass mein Erloeser lebt - Cantatas - Church - Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV189 - Meine Seele ruehmt und preist - Cantatas - Church - Georg Melchior Hoffmann
BWV200 - Bekennen will ich seinen Namen - Cantatas - Church - ? - ?
BWV208a - Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd! - Cantatas - Secular - ? - Salomo Franck (adapted)
BWV209 - Non sa che sia dolore - Cantatas - Secular - ? - Picander ?
BWV217 - Gedenke, Herr, wie es uns gehet - Cantatas - Spurious - ? - ?
BWV218 - Gott der Hoffnung erfuelle euch - Cantatas - Spurious - ? Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV219 - Siehe, es hat ueberwunden der Loewe - Cantatas - Spurious - Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV220 - Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde - Cantatas - Spurious - ? - unknown
BWV221 - Wer sucht die Pracht, wer wuenscht den Glanz - Cantatas - Spurious - ? - unknown
BWV222 - Mein Odem ist schwach - Cantatas - Spurious - ? - Johann Ernst Bach
BWV223 - Meine Seele soll Gott loben (lost) - Cantatas - Spurious - ? - Johann Ernst Bach
BWV224 - Reisst euch los, bedraengte Sinnen (small fragment) - Cantatas - Spurious- ? - Johann Ernst Bach
BWV231 - Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Motets - ? - Georg Philipp Telemann (part)
BWV239 - Sanctus in D Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - ?
BWV240 - Sanctus in G Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - ?
BWV241 - Sanctus in D Major - Masses and Magnificat Settings - ?
BWV242 - Christe Eleison - Masses and Magnificat Settings - ?
BWV246 - St Luke Passion (Spurious) - Passions and Oratorios - ?
BWV247 - St Mark Passion - Passio secundum Marcum - Passions and Oratorios -? -Picander
BWV250 - Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Wedding Chorales - ? - ?
BWV251 - Sei Lob und Ehr' Dem hoechsten Gut - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Wedding Chorales - ? - ?
BWV252 - Nun danket alle Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Wedding Chorales - ? - ?
BWV253 - Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV254 - Ach Gott, erhoer' mein Seufzen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV255 - Ach Gott und Herr - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV256 - Ach lieben Christen, seid getrost - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV257 - Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV258 - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns haelt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV259 - Ach, was soll ich Suender machen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV260 - Allein Gott in der Hoeh' sei Ehr' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV261 - Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV262 - Alle Menschen muessen sterben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV263 - Alles ist an Gottes Segen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV264 - Als der guetige Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV265 - Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV266 - Als vierzig Tag nach Ostern - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV267 - An Wasserfluessen Babylon - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV268 - Auf, auf, mein Herz, und du mein ganzer Sinn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV269 - Aus meinese Herzens Grunde - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV270 - Befiehl du deine Wege - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV271 - Befiehl du deine Wege - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV272 - Befiehl du deine Wege - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV273 - Christ, der du bist der helle Tag - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV274 - Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV275 - Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeinde - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV276 - Christ ist erstanden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV277 - Christ lag in Todesbanden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV278 - Christ lag in Todesbanden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV279 - Christ lag in Todesbanden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV280 - Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV281 - Christus, der is mein Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV282 - Christus, der is mein Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV283 - Christus, der uns selig macht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV284 - Christus, ist erstanden, hat ueberwunden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV285 - Da der Herr Christ zu Tische sass - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV286 - Danket dem Herren - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV287 - Dank sei Gott in der Hoehe - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV288 - Das alte Jahr vergangen ist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV289 - Das alte Jahr vergangen ist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV290 - Das walt' Gott Vater und Gott Sohn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV291 - Das walt' mein Gott, Vater, Sohn und heiliger Geist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV292 - Den Vater dort oben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV293 - Der du bist drei in Einigkeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV294 - Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV295 - Des heil'gen Geistes recihe Gnad' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV296 - Die Nacht ist kommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV297 - Die Sonn' hat sich mit ihrem Glanz - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV298 - Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV299 - Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV300 - Du grosser Schmerzensmann - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV301 - Du, o schoenes Weltgebaeude - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV302 - Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV303 - Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV304 - Eins ist Not! ach Herr, dies Eine - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV305 - Erbarm' dich mein, o Herre gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV306 - Erstanden ist der heil'ge Christ - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV307 - Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV308 - Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV309 - Es stehn vor Gottes Throne - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV310 - Es wird schier der letzte Tag herkommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV311 - Es woll' uns Gott genaedig sein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV312 - Es woll' uns Gott genaedig sein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV313 - Fuer Freuden lasst uns springen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV314 - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV315 - Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV316 - Gott, der du selber bist das Licht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV317 - Gott, der Vater, wohn' uns bei - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV318 - Gottes Sohn ist kommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV319 - Gott hat das Evangelium - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV320 - Gott lebet noch - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV321 - Gotlob, es geht nunmehr zu Ende - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV322 - Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet/Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV323 - Gott sei uns gnaedig - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV324 - Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV325 - Heilig, heilig - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV326 - Harmonised chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV326 - Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV327 - Fuer deinen Thron tret' ich hiermit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV328 - Herr, Gott, dich loben wir - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV329 - Herr, icj denk' an jene Zeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV330 - Herr, ich habe missgehandelt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV331 - Herr, ich habe missgehandelt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV332 - Herr Jesu Christe, dich zu uns wend - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV333 - Herr Jesu Christ, du hast bereit't - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV334 - Herr Jesu Christ, du hoechstes Gut - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV335 - Herr Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV336 - Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV337 - Herr, nun lass in Frieden - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV338 - Herr, straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV339 - Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV340 - Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV341 - Heut'ist, o Mensch, ein grosser Trauertag - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV342 - Heut' triumphieret Gottes Sohn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV343 - Hilf, Gott, dass mir's gelinge - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV344 - Hilf, Herr Jesu, lass gelingen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV345 - Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV346 - Ich dank' dir Gott fur all' Wohltat - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV347 - Ich dank' dir, lieber Herre - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV348 - Ich dank' dir, lieber Herre - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV349 - Ich dank' dir schon durch deinen Sohn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV350 - Ich danke dir, o Gott, in deinem Throne - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV351 - Ich hab' mein' Sach' Gott heimgestellt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV352 - Jesu, der du meine Seele - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV353 - Jesu, der du meine Seele - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV354 - Jesu, der du meine Seele - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV355 - Jesu, der du selbsten wohl - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV356 - Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV357 - Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV358 - Jesu, meine Freude - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV359 - esu meiner Seelen Wonne - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV360 - Jesu, meiner Freuden Freude - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV361 - Jesu, meines Herzens Freud' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV362 - Jesu, nun sei gepreiset - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV363 - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV364 - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV365 - Jesus, meine Zuversicht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV366 - Ihr Gestirn', ihr hohlen Luefte - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV367 - In allen meinen Taten - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV368 - In dulci jubilo - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV369 - Keinen hat Gott verlassen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV370 - Komm, Gott Schoepfer, heiliger Geist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV371 - Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV372 - Lass, o Herr, dein Ohr sich neigen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV373 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV374 - Lobet den Herren, denn er ist freundlich - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV375 - Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV376 - Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV377 - Mach's mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Guet' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV378 - Meine Augen schliess' ich jetzt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV379 - Meinen Jesum lass'ich nicht, Jesus - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV380 - Meinen Jesum lass'ich nicht, weil - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV381 - Meines Lebens letzte Zeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV382 - Harmonised chorale - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV383 - Mitten wir im Leben sind - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV384 - Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV385 - Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV386 - Nun danket alle Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV387 - Nun freut euch, Gottes Kinder all' - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV388 - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV389 - Nun lob', mein' Seel', den Herren - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV390 - Nun lob', mein Seel', den Herren - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV391 - Nun preiset alle Gottes Barmherzigkeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV392 - Nun ruhen alle Waelder - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV393 - O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV394 - O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV395 - O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV396 - Nun sich der Tag geendet hat - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV397 - O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV398 - O Gott, du frommer Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV399 - O Gott, du frommer Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV400 - O Herzensangst, o Bangigkeit - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV401 - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV402 - O Mensch, bewein' dein' Suende gross - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV403 - O Mensch, schaue Jesum Christum an - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV404 - O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV405 - O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV406 - O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV407 - O wir armen Suender - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV408 - Schaut, ihr Suender - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV409 - Seelen-Braeutigam - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV410 - Sie gergruesset, Jesu guetig - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV411 - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV412 - So gibst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV413 - Sollt' ich meinem Gott nicht singen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV414 - Uns ist ein Kindlein heut' gebor'n - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV415 - Valet will ich dir geben - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV416 - Vater unser im Himmelreich - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV417 - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV418 - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV419 - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV420 - Warum betruebst du dich, mein Herz - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV421 - Warum betruebst du dich, mein Herz - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV422 - Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV423 - Was betruebst du dich, mein Herze - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV424 - Was bist du doch, o Seele, so betruebet - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV425 - Was willst du dich, o meine Seele - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV426 - Weltlich Ehr' und zeitlich Gut - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV427 - Wenn ich in Angst und Not - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV428 - Wenn mein Stuendlein vorhanden ist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV429 - Wenn mein Stuendlein vorhanden ist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV430 - Wenn men Stuendlein vorhanden ist - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV431 - Wenn wir in hoechsten Noeten sein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV432 - Wenn wir hoechsten Noeten sein - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV433 - Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV434 - Wer nur den liebe Gott laesst walten - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV435 - Wie bist du, Seele, in mir so gar betruebt - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV436 - Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV437 - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV438 - Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein' Gunst - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ? - ?
BWV508 - Bist du bei mir - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Pieces from Notebook 2, for Anna Magdalena Bach - ? - Gottfried Heinrich Stoelzel
BWV519 - Hier lieg' ich nun - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns ? - ?
BWV520 - Das walt' mein Gott - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns - ? - ?
BWV521 - Gott mein Herz dir Dank - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns - ? - ?
BWV522 - Meine Seele, lass es gehen - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns ? - ?
BWV523 - Ich gnuege mich an meinem Stande - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Hymns - ? - ?
BWV740 - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, Vater - Organ Works - Various Chorale Preludes ? - ?
BWV743 - Ach, was ist doch unser Leben - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - A Minor - ? - ?
BWV744 - Auf meinen lieben Gott - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - A Minor - ? - ?
BWV745 - Aus der Tiefe rufe ich - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - E Minor - ? - ?
BWV746 - Christ ist erstanden - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor ? - Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer
BWV747 - Christus, der uns selig macht - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Mino - ? - ?
BWV748 - Gott der Vater wohn' uns bei - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Major - ? - Johann Gottfried Walther
BWV748a - Gott der Vater wohn' uns bei - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Major- ? - ?
BWV749 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend' - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV750 - Herr Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV751 - In dulci jubilo - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV752 - Jesu, der du meine Seele - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV753 - Jesu, meine Freude - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor- ? - ?
BWV754 - Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - B Flat Minor- ? - ?
BWV755 - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV756 - Nun ruhen alle Waelder - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV757 - O herre Gott, din goettlich's Wort - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV758 - O vater, allmaechtiger Gott - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - G Major- ? - ?
BWV759 - Schmuecke dich, o liebe Seele - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - F Major- ? - ?
BWV760 - Vater unser im Himmelreich - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor - ? - ?
BWV761 - Vater unser im Himmelreich - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor- ? - ?
BWV762 - Vater unser im Himmelreich - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor- ? - ?
BWV763 - Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Major- ? - ?
BWV765 - Wur glauben all' an einen Gott - Organ Works - Other Chorale Preludes - D Minor- ? - ?
BWV769 - Von Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her (Canonic Variations) - Organ Works - Partitas and Variations on Chorales - C Major- ? - ?
BWV770 - Ach, was soll ich Sunder machine - Organ Works - Partitas and Variations on Chorales - E Minor- ? - ?
BWV771 - Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr - Organ Works - Partitas and Variations on Chorales - G Major - ? - Andreas Nicolaus Vetter ?
BWV1072 - Canon trias harmonica - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - ?
BWV1082 - Suscepit Israel puerum suum - Masses and Magnificat Settings - ?
BWV1084 - O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ?
BWV1085 - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig - Organ Works - Chorale Settings - ?
BWV1086 - Canon concordia discors - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - ?
BWV1087 - Verschiedene Canones [14] - Canons and Late Contrapuntal Works - ?
BWV1088 - So heb ich denn mein Auge sehnlich auf - Passions and Oratorios - ?
BWV1089 - Da Jesus an dem Kreutze stund - Vocal Works (other than Cantatas) - Chorales - ?
BWV1121 - Fantasie - Organ Works - ?
BWV1122 - Denket doch, Ihr Menschenkinder - Chorales Sacred Songs and Arias - Chorales - Johann Huebner (?)
BWV1123 - Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gun - Chorales Sacred Songs and Arias - Chorales - Johann Kolrose (1525)
BWV1124 - Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Chorales Sacred Songs and Arias - Chorales - Johann Agricola (1529/1631)
BWV1125 - O Gott, du frommer Gott - Chorales Sacred Songs and Arias - Chorales - Johann Heerman (1630)
BWV1126 - Lobet Gott, unsern Herrn - Chorales Sacred Songs and Arias - Chorales - ?
BWV1127 - Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn for Soprano, two Violins, Viola and Continuo - Chorales Sacred Songs and Arias - Chorales - ?
BWV553 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - C Major -?
BWV554 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - D Minor - ?
BWV555 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - E Minor - ?
BWV556 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - F Major - ?
BWV557 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - G Major - ?
BWV558 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - G Minor - ?
BWV559 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - A Minor - ?
BWV560 - Short Prelude and Fugue - Organ Works - Short Preludes and Fugues - B Flat Major - ? - J.T. Krebs
BWV561 - Fantasia and Fugue - Organ Works - Fantasias and Fugues - A Minor - ?
BWV567 - Prelude - Organ Works - Preludes - C Major - ? - J.T. Krebs
BWV571 - Fantasia (Concerto) - Organ Works - Fantasias - G Major ?
BWV576 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - G Major - ?
BWV577 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - G Major - ?
BWV580 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - D Major - ?
BWV581 - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - G Major - ?
BWV581a - Fugue - Organ Works - Fugues - G Major - ?
BWV582 - Passacaglia - Organ Works - Passacaglia - C Minor - ?
BWV583 - Trio - Organ Works - Trios - D Minor - ?
BWV585 - Trio - Organ Works - Trios - C Minor - ? - J. Fasch
BWV586 - Trio - Organ Works - Trios - G Major - ? - Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV587 - Aria - Organ Works - Various - F Major - ? - Couperin
BWV591 - Kleines Harmonisches Labyrinth (Little Harmonic Labyrinth) - Organ Works - Various - C Major - ? - J.D. Heinichen ?
BWV598 - Pedal-Exercitium - Organ Works - Other - G Minor - ? - Improvisation
BWV802 - Duet - Organ Works - Duets - E Minor - ?
BWV803 - Duet - Organ Works - Duets - F Major - ?
BWV804 - Duet - Organ Works - Duets - G Major - ?
BWV805 - Duet - Organ Works - Duets - A Minor - ?
BWV820 - Overture (Suite) - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - F Major - ?
BWV821 - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - B Flat Major - ?
BWV822 - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - G Minor - ?
BWV823 - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - F Minor - ?
BWV824 - Suite - Clavier Works - Miscellaneous Suites - A Major - ? - Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV832 - Partita - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - A Major ?
BWV834 - Allemande - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - C Minor - Spurious - ?
BWV835 - Allemande - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - A Minor - ?
BWV836 - Allemande - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Minor - ?
BWV837 - Allemande - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Minor - ?
BWV838 - Allemande and courante - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - A Major - ?
BWV839 - Sarabande - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Minor - ?
BWV840 - Courante - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Major - ? Georg Philipp Telemann
BWV841 - Minuet - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Major - ?
BWV842 - Minuet - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Minor - ?
BWV843 - Minuet - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - G Major - ?
BWV844 - Scherzo - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - D Minor Spurious
BWV844a - Scherzo - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - D Minor - W.F. Bach
BWV845 - Gigue - Clavier Works - Suites and Suite Movements - F Minor Spurious
BWV895 - Prelude and Fugue - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - A Minor - ?
BWV897 - Prelude and Fugue - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - A Minor - ?
BWV898 - Prelude and Fugue - Clavier Works - Preludes and Fugues/Fughettas - B Flat Major - ?
BWV905 - Fantasia and fugue - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - D Minor - ?
BWV907 - Fantasia and fughetta - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - B Flat Major - ?
BWV908 - Fantasia and fughetta - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - D Major - ?
BWV909 - Concerto and Fugue - Clavier Works - Fantasias and Fugues/Fughettas - C MinorSpurious
BWV917 - Fantasia - Clavier Works - Fantasias - G Minor - ?
BWV918 - Fantasia - Clavier Works - Fantasias - C Minor - ?
BWV919 - Fantasia - Clavier Works - Fantasias - C Minor - ?
BWV920 - Fantasia - Clavier Works - Fantasias - G Minor - ?
BWV921 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Preludes - C Minor- ?
BWV922 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Preludes - A Minor - ?
BWV923 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Preludes - B Minor - ? - W.H. Pachelbel
BWV924 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - C Major - ?
BWV924a - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - C Major - ?
BWV925 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - D Major - ?
BWV926 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - D Minor - ?
BWV927 - Praeambulum - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - F Major - ?
BWV928 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - F Major - ?
BWV929 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - G Minor - ?
BWV930 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - G Minor - ?
BWV931 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - A Minor - ?
BWV932 - Prelude - Clavier Works - Little Preludes - E Minor - ?
BWV945 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - E Minor- ?
BWV947 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - A Minor - ?
BWV948 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - D Minor - ?
BWV949 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - A Major - ?
BWV953 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - C Major - ?
BWV954 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - B Flat Major - ?
BWV955 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - B Flat Majo - ?r
BWV956 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - E Minor - ?
BWV957 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - G Major - ?
BWV958 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - A Minor - ?
BWV959 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - A Minor - ?
BWV960 - Fugue - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - E Minor - ?
BWV961 - Fughetta - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - C Mino - ?r
BWV962 - Fughetta - Clavier Works - Fugues and Fughettas - E Minor - ?
BWV964 - Sonata - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - D Minor - ?
BWV965 - Sonata - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - A Minor - ?
BWV966 - Sonata - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - C Major - ?
BWV967 - Sonata - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - A Minor - ?
BWV968 - Adagio - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - G Major - ?
BWV969 - Andante - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - G Minor - ?
BWV970 - Presto - Clavier Works - Sonatas and Sonata Movements - D Minor - ?
BWV990 - Sarabande con partite - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - C Minor - ?
BWV991 - Air with variations - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - C Minor - ?
BWV994 - Applicatio - Clavier Works - Variations, Capriccios, and Miscellaneous - C Major - ?
BWV1006a - Suite - Solo Instrumental Works - ?
BWV1020 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1022 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1025 - Suite - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1026 - Fugue - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1027a - Trio - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios (?)
BWV1036 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1037 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1038 - Sonata - Chamber Works for Duos and Trios - ?
BWV1045 - Violin Concerto - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - ?
BWV1070 - Orchestral Suite (spurious) - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - ?
BWV1071 - Sinfonia - Concertos and Orchestral Suites - ? |